| During the SEFI 2022 Annual Conference, SEFI awarded four different awards in four different papers categories: - Best Research Paper Award – Doulouger, Karolina; D.Vermunt, Jan; Bombaerts, Gunter and Bots, Michael (TU Eindhoven) “Analysing student-teacher interactions in a challenge-based learning course”
- Best Concept Paper Award – Knowles, Nicola; Andrews, Jane; Knowles, Graeme and Clark, Robin (University of Warwick, UK). ’’The Positive Start Project: A Proactive Approach to Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Newer Engineering Academic Community’’
- Best Student Paper Award – Forbrig, Christian; Rullmann, Edward and Rappsilber, Juri (Technische Universität Berlin). “From student to expert in a week”
- Susanne Ihsen Award on Diversity and Inclusiveness – Marinelli, Melissa Jane; Male, Sally Amanda (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Lord, Linley Anne (Curtin University, Singapore). “Early career patterns, experiences, and influences: reflections from women engineers in senior roles’’
The conference will be published soon and circulated to all conference attendees as well as posted on SEFI website.
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