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December 2024




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Dear fellow members of the CAP Chaplain Corps,

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice is not just the longest night of the year but also a lived analogy of the darkness that needs to be overcome. Many of the religions with feast days during this time celebrate such themes as light, perseverance, and victory. To those of you who celebrate such feast days, I wish you not just a “Happy Holiday!” but indeed a “Happy Holyday!” And to everyone – including those of no faith – my wish is that you will be able to find something “holy” in this holiday season, be it family connections, life-giving friendships, or dreams for a better world. As practitioners of spiritual fitness, we need to be able to identify our own “why” if we are to help others identify theirs. Why do you get out of bed each morning? Why do you press ahead in midst of obstacles? Why do you pay money to volunteer in an organization that makes seemingly-endless demands on your time and effort? Hopefully the answer to those questions can be found or found anew during this holiday season.

As your Chief of the Chaplains, I want to thank you for your service during this calendar year and assure you of my prayers and best wishes for your continued service in the year to come. My team and I are excited to move the needle forward during this new command term, better equipping you to do your job as dealers of hope!

Finally, as CAP is part of the Total Force, I recommend to you the following short video from the Air & Space Force Chief of Chaplains, Ch. (Maj. Gen.) Trent Davis, and his ministry partner, CMSgt. Sadie Chambers. Their message to the members of the Chaplain Corps includes us in the Air Force Auxiliary, so please heed their words to make the most of this holiday season.


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A Message from Capt. Jared Brown

Character Development Instructor – Texas Wing

In this season of change, we must give thanks. Be thankful for the joy, the tears, the challenges overcome, and most importantly, the hearts and minds touched. As Chaplains and CDIs, we provide essential services to those dedicated to serving others. Our ministry of presence and focus on self-growth can be a balm to those in need.

The end of the year provides us with an optimal time to reflect on our successes and challenges, allowing us to be grateful for our blessings and continued opportunities to grow. This season is an excellent time to express our gratitude for the delights experienced and to make our thanks known to those who deserve them. The start of the new calendar provides a ‘clean slate’ for creating new goals and evaluating goals not yet accomplished. A restart in motivation might be what someone needs to make positive strides this upcoming year. Resolutions for the new year are a perfect opportunity to make positive changes in one's life, especially to embody the values we teach in our character development lessons.

Share the idea that the new year provides a ‘clean slate’ for self-growth and a reevaluation of one’s goals with members in your unit. Allow members the opportunity to reflect and to decide if they are satisfied with their choices this past year. Personal growth is a long-term project that takes many hours of self-reflection to bear fruit. While you are working on your resolutions and goals for the upcoming year, keep this motivational quote in mind: “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started; and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”.



Chief of Chaplains (Col.) John Reuteman formally welcomed his 2024-2027 Command Team this month.

Last month you were introduced to the new Deputy Chief of Chaplains Ch. (Lt Col) Van Don Williams and the new National CDI Col Larry Trick.

The rest of the staff is as follows:

     • Executive Officer: Lt. Col. Shirley Rodriguez
     • Chief of Personnel: Ch. (Col.) Ken Parris

       • Deputy Chief of Personnel: Ch. (Lt. Col.) Matthew Wissel

     • Chief of Technology: Ch. (Maj) Linda Berez

       • Deputy Chief of Technology: Ch. (Lt, Col.) Jeff Williams

     • Chief of Plans and Programs: Ch. (Lt. Col.) Mike Morison

        • Deputy Chief of Plans and Programs: Ch. (Maj.) Dovid Grossman.

The team looks forward to serving the Civil Air Patrol and supporting the Chaplain Corps members.

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Chaplain Corps Education and Training Opportunities

This information is updated regularly.

Can you provide support to another unit?

Supporting other units that don't have a CDI or Chaplain is a great way to embody the core value of Volunteer Service and help units meet their SUI requirements.

Instructions on how to complete the CAPF 2a here

The Transmitter needs your Articles!

You may have noticed this issue is a little thin on content from members. Your stories, articles and photos show not just CDI's and Chaplains what we are doing in the field, but also the Commanders who get this newsletter each month also. 

Please send articles and pictures to [email protected].

Past issues can be viewed on the the Chaplain Corps website.

Find the information you need on the 

Chaplain Corps Website

Main PageResourcesEducation and TrainingValues for Living 2.0

Subscribe to the Chaplain Corps Facebook Page

for current event information

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The Dispatch is a newsletter published monthly for

 Health Services, Safety and Chaplain Corps.

DThe Transmitter is published monthly by the Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corps

Please send inquires to [email protected]

December 2024

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