Dear fellow members of the CAP Chaplain Corps,
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice is not just the longest night of the year but also a lived analogy of the darkness that needs to be overcome. Many of the religions with feast days during this time celebrate such themes as light, perseverance, and victory. To those of you who celebrate such feast days, I wish you not just a “Happy Holiday!” but indeed a “Happy Holyday!” And to everyone – including those of no faith – my wish is that you will be able to find something “holy” in this holiday season, be it family connections, life-giving friendships, or dreams for a better world. As practitioners of spiritual fitness, we need to be able to identify our own “why” if we are to help others identify theirs. Why do you get out of bed each morning? Why do you press ahead in midst of obstacles? Why do you pay money to volunteer in an organization that makes seemingly-endless demands on your time and effort? Hopefully the answer to those questions can be found or found anew during this holiday season.
As your Chief of the Chaplains, I want to thank you for your service during this calendar year and assure you of my prayers and best wishes for your continued service in the year to come. My team and I are excited to move the needle forward during this new command term, better equipping you to do your job as dealers of hope!
Finally, as CAP is part of the Total Force, I recommend to you the following short video from the Air & Space Force Chief of Chaplains, Ch. (Maj. Gen.) Trent Davis, and his ministry partner, CMSgt. Sadie Chambers. Their message to the members of the Chaplain Corps includes us in the Air Force Auxiliary, so please heed their words to make the most of this holiday season.