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December 2024

Welcome to the latest Youth & Children Update! 

Christmas 2024 Newsletter

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We are delighted to share that our Christmas 2024 Youth & Children's Newsletter is now available! There is lots of inspiring news plus ideas you may wish to try. Click here or on the image to have a read!

Our next Newsletter will be in June 2025, and we would love to hear from you! Let us know what you get up to in the next 6 months and we will share it will everyone else.

For Children and Young People

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We have a whole list of dates for 2025, both Diocesan and Provincial. For more information about our "Church Bagging" initiative, please see the fliers below. 

If you would like some of these fliers to share with your families and young people, please contact Fee.

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Ring Out is a youth-initiated event for all aged 11-16 concerned about the impact of the climate crisis.

On the 4th Saturday of each month, between 11:30am and 2pm, there is the chance to come together for discussion and creative action, with the bells being rung between 12noon and 12:20pm.

Future dates25 Jan; 22 Feb; 22 Mar; 26 Apr; 24 May; 28 Jun 26 Jul; 23 Aug; 27 Sep; 25 Oct; 22 Nov.

If you'd like to find out more:

please contact A+E or phone 07954123543.   

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The next Be a Chorister Afternoon at St Mary's Cathedral is being held on Friday 28th February for interested singers in P3-5.

Places are free but limited, so please do book online.

For Young Adults

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The Young Adult Retreat to Alnmouth Friary, originally planned for 3-5 January 2025 and organised by SEC young adults for young adults (18-25ish), has been postponed. If you know someone interested who could not previously manage, get them to contact Fee or Claire Benton-Evans for more details. Suggested cost is £120.

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We are looking to plan a trip to Taize in 2025, likely late June or early July. It would be good to get notes of interest now to aid with planning. So, if you (or someone you know) is aged 18-35 and would like to join a trip to Taize, please email your name and congregation to Fee. This will not commit you, but will help with initial plans.  Thank you.

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Prophetic Activist Bootcamp (18-30yo): Edinburgh Saturday 1 February 

Intrigued by what it means to be a prophetic activist? Maybe you’re a seasoned campaigner or completely new to politics or activism. Either way, this bootcamp is for you! Join Christian Aid and friends from Just Love, the Student Christian Movement and local church groups for a day of worship, connection, theology of justice, and getting to grips with the tools to put faith into action. Tickets are free. Register online.

For Leaders and Volunteers

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Rachel Cooney warmly invites you to a Children’s Ministry Away Day @ Ps & Gs Church on Saturday 25 January from 9.00am to 1.00pm. The Children's Director says, “We will have tea/coffee and pastries to start, followed by training on topics such as Play, Creative Prayer, Storytelling, Trauma-Informed Practice and Neurodiversity. The training will be interactive and run by guest speakers.” Register here!

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Godly Play Scotland have scheduled the following, which will take place in the Godly Play Room at Duddingston Kirk, Edinburgh. Further details will be on Diocese events calendar shortly.

Circles: Sat 18 Jan.

Training: Fri 21-Sun 23 Mar.

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Rachel Cooney, Children's Director at Ps&Gs has kindly opened her Safeguarding Training out to those in the Diocese working with Children and Young People. The next session is on Monday 24 February in the Ground Floor Hall of Ps&Gs Church. Please sign-up in advance. Tea/coffee from 7.15 pm; training will start at 7:30pm and finish at 9pm.

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To support those offering ministry to children each Sunday, we have started to compile Lectionary-based resources via Google Drive. It is hoped that these will prompt planning or provide sheets just to print and have available. We are using the Revised Common Lectionary readings to enable continuity with what adults are engaging, thereby engendering discussion between generations and within families.

If you, and/or members of your congregation, would like to have access to this Google Drive folder, please email Fee with name(s), email(s), and congregation. 

Adventures in Faith

We are consolidating our various resources and webpages, with a view to removing duplication of effort and making things easier for you to find. You can find lots of information under the Adventures in Faith headline, including a list of Awareness Days that used to be included in this Update. Links to the main pages can be found via the menu items below.


Keep up-to-date with Diocesan news & events 

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Rev Fiona (Fee) Reynolds, Advisor for Christian Life
0131 346 9089, [email protected]

Joanna Appleby, Administrative Assistant (M&M)
0131 346 9085, [email protected]

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