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Monthly e-Bulletin


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Topic 1 -

Your Invitation to THE International Conference of 2025: Location, the Netherlands

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For a booking and/or more information
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Topic 2 –

The NSW Drug Prevention Summit:

The  Summit was held at Parliament House, Sydney on 23 October.

Feedback from politicians, community leaders and schools was most positive and the message was so important that we need to spread the word further.

In response to this, we now offer a YouTube summary of the Keynote Address:


Topic 3-

Cannabis and Driving: Victorian Law Change for ‘Medicinal’ Cannabis Users – But is Road Safety Seriously Compromised?

The change comes after Legalise Cannabis Victoria secured an amendment in the Upper House on Thursday night.

Legalise Cannabis MP David Ettershank congratulated the government for supporting the change, which comes into effect on March 1.

'Under the old law the mere presence of this remnant chemical meant a compulsory loss of licence for six months and a steep fine, but the driver had only taken their medicine as directed by their doctor.

He said the change meant a user who has taken their medication as directed, can appear before a magistrate, explain their circumstance and the magistrate can allow them to keep their licence.

Despite the change, it's still an offence to drive with THC in your system - the only change is that magistrates have been given discretionary power.”   (Source MSNNEWSNovember2024)

Other sources:

Cannabis (THC) messes with your Executive Functions – Can disrupt and impede good decision making and add to dysregulation.

Dalgarno Institute Website - 'Medicinal’ Cannabis & Driving – Is it an Issue? (DRR)

For more information and/or a copy of this enlightening book

Topic 4 –

Legalisation of Marijuana Increases Use Amongst Youth

A major new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry shows that state legalization of recreational marijuana significantly increases past-month marijuana use among youth (13%) and young adults (22%). Past-month use is a key indicator of frequent use.

This comprehensive review contradicts industry claims that legalization doesn’t increase youth usage. Systematic reviews like this are highly credible because they analyze all available data and reduce bias. The findings highlight real, negative impacts of marijuana legalization on public health, especially for young people. The marijuana industry’s push for legalization fuels youth use, marketing high-potency THC products that are far stronger than the marijuana of previous decades. Opposing legalization is essential to protect youth, families, and public health nationwide.

The booklet can be downloaded here:

Topic 5 – 

Youth Prevention Influencers – for schools, tertiary education and sports groups

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 Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention (https://www.rag-ap.org) that was developed in collaboration with:


This provides an alternative to the rapid obsolescence factor of current prevention programs, which not only become out of date quickly, but also lose their evidence-based status, in the longer term, due to lack of re-evaluation.

The project also closely aligns with mental health issues, as addiction prevention is part of the field of Mental Health.

How does the PYI’s program Work?

The Youth Prevention Influencers project invests in young people. They should be between the ages of 18-25 can be selected by Rotary clubs in collaboration with professional prevention organizations. They must be committed to sharing their knowledge of addiction harms and to learning about possible routes of prevention. The ability to communicate and related to their peer group and local community should be demonstrated. Then they are:

  • trained in the principles of addiction and prevention by trained professional prevention workers.
  • Following their training, the candidate Youth Prevention Influencers are supported by the Rotary Club which selected them to develop and implement their own actions in their own (youth) environment and in their own way.

The program provides for scientific follow-up by Hogent's research centre Substance use and Psychosocial Risk Behaviors (SUPRB (https://www.hogent.be/onderzoekscentra/substance-use-and-psychosocial-risk-behaviours/) research centre, enabling young people to learn quickly and adjust their project, even in full action.

Following successful training they may be invited to attend the United Nations meeting of the Youth Prevention Influencers in Vienna, where the young people brainstorm among themselves, learn from each other, evaluate and adjust in order to continue working on new ideas. For more go to: https://www.rag-ap.org/en

How are candidates nominated in Oceania?

for more on the nomination process and form to complete

Topic 6 – 

Family and School Resources, Websites and Books

Drug Free Australia recommends the following resources that prioritise prevention of drug use:

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Check it out at: www.saveyourbrain.com.au

Also …..Checkout this BLOG

Check out our BLOG
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Visit the NoBrainer Website
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The Podcast is operated in conjunction with the Dalgarno Institute, a leading organisation committed to promoting health and wellness. 

About Us – Unnecessary Harm Podcast
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#NotEvenOnce® TeenChallenge Tasmania

#NotEvenOnce® TeenChallenge Tasmania – school WEBINARS

Visit Teen Challenge Website
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Drug and Alcohol Program Supporting Youth

Presenter - Kerryn Redpath, has lived experience with drug use and works with class groups and assemblies, sharing the devastation it caused her and her family. Her story resonates with young people whose feedback clearly indicates they would never use drugs after experiencing Kerryn’s presentation.

Email Kerryn
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For WCTU Primary and Secondary programs

Contact Dawn Stark: email: [email protected]

Books available on the website:

Available at DFA Website


Save Your Brain Website

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For more information on any of the above, contact [email protected]

Topic 7 - 

Follow us on DFA’s new look Social Media

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Topic 8 - 

Be part of the Solution - Can you donate?


Visit Drug Free Australia Website
Go Fund Me
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