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November 2024

Welcome Our New

Deputy Chief of Chaplains

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Van Don Williams 


National Character Development Instructor

Colonel Larry Trick

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After a lengthy application and vetting process, the Chief of Chaplains is pleased to announce the appointment of the remaining two members of the Chaplain Corps leadership triad. Ch. (Lt. Col.) Van Don Williams has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief of Chaplains, and Col. Larry Trick has been appointed as the new National Character Development Instructor. Ch. (Col.) John Reutemann, the 22nd Chief of Chaplains, was quoted as saying, “I am excited to welcome Ch. Williams and Col.Trick to the leadership team and can’t wait to see how they bring their years of experience to the service of our beloved Corps. I’ve worked with both of them for many years and know firsthand their abilities and servant hearts. There were many qualified applicants so this was a difficult decision to make, but I firmly believe it was the right decision.”

Ch. Williams joined CAP in 1984 as a Finance Officer, later being appointed a chaplain in 1999 and becoming the New York Wing Chaplain in 2001. He completed Level V and earned the Wilson Award in 2002, also achieving a master rating in both Chaplain and Administration. He has served as a region chaplain twice (NER from 2005 to 2011, and SWR from 2020 to 2024), as well as the acting Deputy Chief of Chaplains from 2011 to 2013. His mother, sister, and nephew have also all served as CAP chaplains!

Col.Trick has been involved in Character Development for over 50 years; first as a cadet, then as a senior member. He has previously served as the Maryland Wing Commander, National Cadet Programs Senior Advisor, and most recently as the Mid-Atlantic Region Character Development Instructor. He has achieved the Spaatz, Falcon, and Wilson Awards, and has been awarded the Distinguished Service, Exceptional Service, and Meritorious Service medals. Col. Trick has been an activity director for three NCSAs including E-Tech at MTSU.

Chaplain Reutemann also thanked the outgoing National Character Development Instructor, Lt. Col. Shirely Rodriguez. “I can’t thank Lt. Col. Rodriguez enough for paving the way for CDIs to serve at all echelons as our Corps’ very first National CDI. Her attention to detail in processing CDI applications has ensured that the entire organization is served by thoroughly vetted applicants, and her living of the CST [Chapel Support Team] model is an example to all of us of the ideal relationship that should exist between chaplain and CDI,” Reutemann said. Lt. Col. Rodriguez will now transition to the Chaplain Corps Emeritus Council where she will continue to serve in an advisory capacity alongside our previous Chiefs of Chaplains, to include Chaplains Linda Pugsley, John Murdoch, and Charlie Sattgast.

The remaining national-level Chaplain Corps positions will be announced in the near future.


DECEMBER 6 - 8, 2024

The Chief of Chaplains for the Civil Air Patrol, Ch. (Colonel) John Reutemann and the entire corps invites all members of the Civil Air Patrol to celebrate the founding of CAP at their personal places of worship and spiritual celebration this December. Since 1972 with the first declaration of "CAP Sunday" by the Board of Governors, Civil Air Patrol has celebrated the importance of spiritual resilience and hope as a critical part of the CAP experience. This year, during the weekend of December 6 to 8, 2024, every adult and cadet member is authorized to wear the Air Force-style service or blue shirt combination, or corporate equivalent, to their personal celebration.

As always, the entire corps is grateful for each and every member who has committed themselves to a life of integrity, volunteer service, excellence, and respect through their CAP activities. Thank you for supporting CAP's missions in your community.

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The CAP Chaplain College is Three Years Old

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Timothy Miner, CAP

The Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corp College was created in 2021. It is a blended education center providing standardized career education and academic material
for the entire Chaplain Corps.

With the support and assistance of our Total Force partners, including the Air Force Chaplain Corps College, the Air University, and the Office of the Air Force Chief of Chaplains, the CAPCCC was created
as a seamless augmentation of the Department of Defense assets by the CAP Chaplain Corps.

Through the association with the U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps College, the CAPCCC delivers education and professional career education development for the chaplain corps in the areas of chaplaincy, resiliency, ethics, excellence in leadership, character development, moral leadership curriculum development, advanced chaplain corps training for command assistance and staff development at the Wing and Region.

From these humble beginnings, the college has expanded its offerings to include courses to support the specialty tracks from the newest member to the most senior member of the corps. The college program currently offers five courses to do that. These include the following courses:

  1. First is a newly created “Squadron Chaplain/CDI Course” for Technician ratings. The first offering of the course just concluded in September 2024. This course is not yet codified in the training plan, but it will be thoroughly evaluated as a future requirement soon.
  2. The “Wing Chaplain Course” is now required for Senior ratings and is currently supporting its seventh cohort during the month of November.
  3. A new “Region Chaplain Course” was first offered this past summer and will also be evaluated as a possible future requirement.
  4. The “Advanced Character Development Course” which is required for Master ratings has just concluded its sixth offering since the first in the Spring of 2022.
  5. A future “Flight Chaplain Course” is preparing to launch in the Spring of 2025.

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Pictured above: Making history around the world! … The Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corps College hosted its first class of the inaugural Squadron Chaplain/CDI Course via Zoom.

The new Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Colonel) John Reutemann took part from his active duty military station in Korea by thanking over 75 students for participating. He emphasized that the mission of the corps was to own and promote the domain of spiritual fitness for every member of CAP the public it serves.

Full Article Available Here

Chaplain Corps Education and Training Opportunities

This information is updated regularly.

Can you provide support to another unit?

Supporting other units that don't have a CDI or Chaplain is a great way to embody the core value of Volunteer Service and help units meet their SUI requirements.

Instructions on how to complete the CAPF 2a here

The Transmitter needs your Articles!

You may have noticed this issue is a little thin on content from members. Your stories, articles and photos show not just CDI's and Chaplains what we are doing in the field, but also the Commanders who get this newsletter each month also. 

Please send articles and pictures to [email protected].

Past issues can be viewed on the the Chaplain Corps website.

Find the information you need on the 

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for current event information

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The Dispatch is a newsletter published monthly for

 Health Services, Safety and Chaplain Corps.

The Transmitter is published monthly by the Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corps

Please send inquires to [email protected]

November 2024

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