Black people are special and anointed. Honestly, that’s it, that’s the tweet, but still - let me explain. They have been trying to KILL us for centuries, and guess who is still alive??!! We have survived and, to an extent, thrived, under oppression and constant threat (and execution) of murder, rape, torture, theft, micro-aggressions, red-lining, discrimination, segregation, forced separation, kidnapping, and a host of other crimes that generations of White Americans committed against us. And we are still here. Not everyone can say that! So before you get to down on Black folks for the issues we have as community (yes we can do better in many areas, from crime to generational wealth), just remember that we are fighting for our literal lives with every breath we take on this land, and we have an immeasurable strength as evidenced by the fact that we continue to live. We are not all the way free, but we are getting there. After celebrating Juneteenth and then...observing...July 4th, I see we're still fighting after all this time. Also, disregard that the June newsletter is coming in July....I'm free, remember!