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Dear {$firstname},

This Saturday, April 27 is our First Day of Action for our campaign! Our team of dedicated volunteers and supporters will be out in full force - knocking on doors, making phone calls, and reaching out to voters across the district.

Every conversation, every hand shaken, every voter engaged could make the difference on Election Day on Tuesday, November 5th 2024.

If you've been looking for a way to get involved, now is the time! Any amount of time you can give to amplify our message will be invaluable.

The energy and enthusiasm from voters has been inspiring. Together, we can bring real positive change to our community. But we need all hands on deck on Saturday, April 27th from 10am to 2pm.

Who's in? Share this newsletter with 5 friends!

Let's get out the vote and win this!

Respond - "I'm In" and we will send you the meet up location and numinar walk-list.


Team Tosi

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Upcoming Event: Fundraiser Event

Join us for an evening of camaraderie and support as we gather at the beautiful home of Rhonda and Mark Dehn. Your presence and contributions will play a vital role in our campaign's success. Together, we can make a real difference.

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Upcoming Event: Day of Action

On Saturday, April 27th, we're holding a critical day of action to connect with voters in our community and build momentum for our campaign. We're looking for dedicated volunteers to join us as we go door-to-door, talk to residents, and spread the word about our vision and priorities.

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Upcoming Event: Meet & Greet at Jelly Café Palatine

Start your day with us at Jelly Café Palatine for a casual meet and greet over coffee. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, share your thoughts, and learn more about my vision for our district.

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Yard Signs

We greatly appreciate everyone's enthusiasm for our campaign and we've seen quite a few yard signs pop up throughout the district.

If you are interested in displaying Tosi For Rep yard sign at your residential or business address or in your neighborhood, please complete the short link below with your address. Our team will deliver signs right to your door!

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Contribute Today!

Help Team Tosi spread our message across the district by contributing. Click the link below to donate today!


Social Media

In addition, if you are not already, make sure you are following Tosi on social media! You can stay up to date with important information and events on Facebook, Instagram, and X and share posts with friends and family. You can use #tosiforrep to share your posts as well.

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A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

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