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IIS News Aug-Sep

IIS is one of the winners of the “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenario Modelling Challenge”

IIS was one of the five winning organizations in the “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenario Modelling Challenge,” organized by the Swiss Re Foundation to financially support research on the subject. The Institute’s proposal aims to develop a framework to guide the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), specifically the restoration of degraded lands, with the goal of preventing natural disasters.


    Research priorities for applied soil science

    Research priorities for applied soil science

    Schematic representation of soil changes in a conventional agriculture model. Source: Latawiec et al., 2023.

    This paper reviews recent literature on research priorities for sustainable soil use and involves interdisciplinary teams to set pathways for research needs. We show the urgent need to restore soil health and promote the independence on foreign agricultural inputs in Brazil, potential for soil carbon to be included in voluntary carbon market and potential of biochar to sequester carbon in soil in the long term.


    IIS was an observing organization at the 10th Plenary of IPBES

    In addition to its participation as an observing organization, IIS also made direct contributions to the agenda of the 10th General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-10).

    Through dialogue with other scientists, representatives of civil society organizations, and governments, the Executive Director Rafael Loyola and researcher Bruna Pavani collaborated on discussions related to sustainability, business, public policies, and science.

    The institute also presented the decision-support platform PLANGEA Web through a poster.

    IIS leads session at the WTO Public Forum

    IIS lidera sessão no Fórum Público da OMC

    : Susan de Oliveira, IIS researcher, during the forum

    In partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Brazilian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA), IIS led a session at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum, held on 15th September.


    Under the theme 'It's Time to Act,' the event explored how trade can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. In this regard, the session, conducted within the TRADE Hub context, addressed policies and initiatives to ensure the participation of family farmers in international trade. The moderator was Susan de Oliveira, a researcher at IIS and a professor at the University of Brasília (UnB).


    In addition to IIS and UNEP, panelists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Brazil), from the Tropical Forest Alliance of the World Economic Forum (Switzerland), and from the Social and Political Sciences University of the Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia) also participated in the session.

    IIS visits Bioflora Seedling Nursery

    IIS visita Viveiro Bioflora

    Researchers from IIS at Bioflora Seedling Nursery

    On 4th September, researchers from IIS visited Bioflora Seedling Nursery, owned by re.green in Piracicaba, São Paulo. The role of IIS in this partnership is to support re.green in the development of innovative solutions that contribute to a better understanding of the benefits of restoration in tropical forests, both in social and environmental aspects. With a focus on Atlantic Forest ecological restoration, the nursery encompasses everything from project development, seed and seedlings production, to reforestation implementation and maintenance.

    IIS participates in the IV Rio de Janeiro Ecological Restoration Symposium

    IIS participa do IV Simpósio de Restauração Ecológica do Rio de Janeiro

    Aline Rodrigues, IIS researcher, during the symposium

    Organized by PUC-Rio, the event took place from July 11 to 14 and had the central theme of 'Society, Ecology, and Economy: From the Functioning to the Financing of Ecological Restoration.' Aline Rodrigues, a researcher from IIS, participated in the 'Ecological Restoration Beyond Trees' panel, where she presented the main research findings of IIS in the restoration-soil interface."

    TRADE Hub Impact Report 2022

    With contributions from various publications and products developed by researchers from IIS, this document is a follow-up to the previous years’ impact report. It summarizes the progress made towards delivering outcomes and impact from the TRADE Hub in 2022. To achieve this, material from the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) system of the Hub, contributions from researchers around the world, and material collected during workshops and results delivered throughout the year were utilized.


      IIS in the media

      Bernardo Strassburg, president of IIS, has been elected as the “Sustainability Leader of the Year for 2023”

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