In a groundbreaking initiative, XR4Heritage is set to host a unique metaverse event titled "A NOUS L'HISTOIRE" from December 4 to 6, 2023, in Brussels and online. The focal point of this immersive experience is the inauguration of a virtual exhibition dedicated to Pan-Africanism and Afrofuturism, aiming to foster a virtual dialogue between historical avatars from the 1921 Pan-African Congress and contemporary cultural actors and activists. This innovative project delves into issues of discrimination and racism in real and virtual public spaces, culminating in a live media show on December 6, broadcasted on platforms like YouTube and Twitch.
The heart of the event lies in the virtual exhibition hosted on the SPATIAL+ platform. On the 5th of December, participants can embark from 14:30 AM on virtual guided tours via Zoom, exploring three distinct exhibition zones (click here to join). Zone 1 houses archives and documentation on the pertinent topics, while Zone 2 serves as a Hall of Fame for the avatars catalogue. Zone 3, an exhibitor area, showcases the works of MANIFEST artists, inviting attendees to engage with impactful creations. Some of the participants from the MANIFEST project are Gombo,
Unity collective, Daniela Jakrlova' Riva, Luanda Carneiro and Bianca Turner and the On a Slamé Sur la Lune collective.
The objectives of "A NOUS L'HISTOIRE" are ambitious and profound. Firstly, the event seeks to promote the rich heritage of African cultures and those of African ancestry. Additionally, it aims to highlight the significant scientific, economic, political, and cultural contributions made by individuals of African descent to the development of Belgian society. Perhaps most crucially, the event aims to contribute to the ongoing work of memory surrounding Belgium's colonial past, addressing and challenging racism towards people of African descent in Belgian society.