This week I was delighted to see our primary students present in assembly and it was wonderful for parents, family members and homestay hosts to join us and hear all about their learning and to see them perform two songs each on a space theme. We had an audience of over a hundred with approximately 20 guests and just under a hundred students. The primary students all spoke with such confidence and clarity in front of our largest audience ever and you could have heard a pin drop as our senior students silently willed them through the difficult words and then clapped enthusiastically at the end.
Earlier in assembly, I had spoken on the importance of us celebrating one another’s’ talents as we journey into adult hood. If we take each other for who we are and recognise effort, application and perseverance with positive comment and enthusiasm we can inspire confidence, purpose and this assists us all to succeed and realise our goals in life.
We look forward to many more assembly presentations, but in the future also success in music, theatre, art and sport.
Finally, I should also pay tribute to our Headstart classes who have been learning dance this term. They have started to master quite a few steps of the Salsa dance and are now able to perform the basic forward, sidestep, right turns and backsteps. Dancing with a partner has caused much excitement and despite some initial nervousness most students engage with laughter and embrace the sense of fun as well as learning a different skill.