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Fortnightly Newsletter - 20th November 2023

Volume 7, Issue 17

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

Message From the Principal

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This week I was delighted to see our primary students present in assembly and it was wonderful for parents, family members and homestay hosts to join us and hear all about their learning and to see them perform two songs each on a space theme.  We had an audience of over a hundred with approximately 20 guests and just under a hundred students.  The primary students all spoke with such confidence and clarity in front of our largest audience ever and you could have heard a pin drop as our senior students silently willed them through the difficult words and then clapped enthusiastically at the end. 


Earlier in assembly, I had spoken on the importance of us celebrating one another’s’ talents as we journey into adult hood.  If we take each other for who we are and recognise effort, application and perseverance with positive comment and enthusiasm we can inspire confidence, purpose and this assists us all to succeed and realise our goals in life.   


We look forward to many more assembly presentations, but in the future also success in music, theatre, art and sport. 


Finally, I should also pay tribute to our Headstart classes who have been learning dance this term.  They have started to master quite a few steps of the Salsa dance and are now able to perform the basic forward, sidestep, right turns and backsteps.  Dancing with a partner has caused much excitement and despite some initial nervousness most students engage with laughter and embrace the sense of fun as well as learning a different skill. 

Best wishes

Shaun Oakey


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Some important Notices For 2024

 We are currently planning for next year and forming our new timetable.   

The structure of the school day will change.  Students will arrive at 9am as usual but we will finish at 3:30pm each and the primary students will finish at 3:15pm to allow time to exit with their parents using the lifts. 

The day will be divided into 6x50 minute lessons with a slightly longer lunch break.  We believe that shorter lessons will allow students to focus more easily but 50 minutes is a good length to allow subject teachers to get through some interesting activity.  Of course, Science practicals and physical education will have some double lessons.  

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Second all of the AIS students in Headstart and Year 11 who are returning will need to purchase their books and stationery for the start of next year.  We shall be issuing students with booklists and have engaged Campion Books to manage the book orders together with delivery of all equipment for each child.  Shortly, we will assist your son or daughter in completing the books they need for the subject options made in Year 11 or Year 12 and they will complete the order form online and will need to pay Campion direct by credit card.  We will send out some further correspondence on this in a few days. 

The book lists will be sent out by our admissions teams to all new students in the next few weeks. 


Finally the uniform list below details the Summer and Winter Uniform from 2024 that your son or daughter must purchase in time for the start of the year.  The Summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4 and the Winter uniform is worn in Terms Two and Three.  Each student receives a free AIS Summer Polo in their welcome pack and our existing students have already received theirs.  It is likely that all students will need 2-3 polo shirts for the summer term.  Please do see the list below.  Please note that the Winter uniform items will not be available to purchase until early next year and are not required until April when we resume Term 2.

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Our New 2024 Prospectus

Adelaide International School is proud to announce that from 2024 we shall be offering the Cambridge International pathway.  This means that students who come to us at 15/16 can take IGCSE’s and they in Year 11 and 12 they can begin a course in A-levels.  Three good A-level grades are accepted by the world’s top universities including those in Australia.  The A-level system is the gold standard of education in the UK and it is globally recognised.  Our 2024 prospectus includes more details and also includes the new details for 2024 SACE and EAP courses. 


AIS Calendar 2024

Click to view


Last week the Primary Class went on a class excursion to the Mortlock Wing. We went for a long walk around the city visiting lots of old and new buildings in Adelaide. We visited Adelaide Arcade, Beehive Corner, Adelaide Train Station, Parliament House, the River Torrens and finally the Mortlock Wing. It was wonderful to see the buildings in person as we have been learning about some of them in class! We are looking forward to delivering our assembly this week in school and sharing our learning this term.

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The Adelaide International School 5 Pillars Infographic

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    The School places great emphasis on virtue ethics, this originates from classical Greece and the work of Plato and Aristotle. The idea is that through good habituation and virtue practice, young people can make wise decisions and wise choices, choices that benefit the self but importantly choices that help others. With practice an individual always makes the best choice for any given situation. Since being a global citizen lies at the heart of what we do at AIS, we want all of our students to master the five virtues (or inner strengths) of integrity, gratitude, aspiration, resilience and inclusion.

    The AIS infographic

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      The AIS infographic shows the five pillars (core virtues) in blue. These are the inner strengths that AIS nurtures in every student. Good virtue knowledge and good virtue practice equips our students with the ability to project the external skills of forming positive relationships, making ethical decisions and developing a learning culture. In this way each AIS student can flourish, and they have become the best version of themselves. They are true global citizens and fully embrace what that means.


      Best wishes


      List of our Staff




      Oakey, Shaun



      Phillips, Zara

      Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator


      Rosie, Broderick

      AISA Business Development Manager


      Huang, Maliza

      EAP&EPET Teacher


      Liu, Jing

      EAP&SACE Teacher


      Nayagam, Sarah

      EAP Middle Years Teacher


      Xu, Sally

      SACE Teacher


      Hermann, Vincent

      Humanities Teacher


      Rufino, Joel

      EAP / SACE Teacher


      Wheaton, Angus

      EAP / SACE Teacher


      Yeates, Clare

      Primary Teacher


      Wu, Mia

      Primary Teacher


      Chan, Tom

      ICT Support (Intern)


      Gao, Grace

      Education Support officer


      Huang, Chris

      ICT Support


      Karem, Sam

      ICT Developer & Analyst


      Rhothjirathanin, Grin

      Digital Marketing & Communication


      Sha, Lola

      ICT Support


      Du, Meijia

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily


      So, Catherine

      Student Support Officer-Level 5
      – admissions


      Sun, Leo

      IT and Facility Manager-Level 5


      Zhang, Jessica

      Student Recruitment Manager


      Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact Shaun Oakey on shaun.oakey@ais.edu.au if you need our support.


      Yours sincerely

      Shaun Oakey, Principal AIS

      Adelaide International School
      Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
      Adelaide, South Australia, 5000


      Mail: P.O. Box 3332
      Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
      Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
      Email: info@ais.edu.au


      Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
      CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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