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Saint Joseph Church

~ April 30th eBulletin ~

Visit our Website

Saturday, April 29th

9:00am - Daily Mass in the Church

4:30pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Joan Tax

Sunday, April 30

9:00am - in the church and online

for the people

10:30am Rosary in the church

11:00am - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Helen Connolly

7:00pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the people

Celebrate Sunday with your children

Monday May 1st

8:00am - Daily Mass in the church

Tuesday May 2nd

6:15pm to 6:45pm - Confessions

6:30pm - Devotions

7:00pm - Daily Mass in the church and online

for the intentions of the St.Vincent de Paul members

Wednesday, May 3rd

8:00am - Daily Mass in the church

Thursday, May 4th

8:00am - Mass in the church 

Friday, May 5th

8:00am - Mass and Holy Hour in the church and online

Saturday, May 6th

9:00am - Daily Mass in the Church

4:30pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Nick Arts

Sunday, May 7th

9:00am - in the church and online

for the people

10:30am Rosary in the church

11:00am - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Greta Marie Luxton

7:00pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Paul Ahlonsou & all the souls in purgatory

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The Sanctuary Candle 

At the request of Rina Viloria-Cabildo

the Sanctuary candle burning in our Church for the month of May is

for Johanna Cabildo and all wonderful Mothers.

Lent Bible Trivia

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Grechen who won Cineplex tickets through the Lent Bible Trivia! Despite some fierce conpetition, she correctly answered 11 of the 46 questions!

Welcome to the Table of the Lord!

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We congratulate Sawyer
who receive his First Holy Communion this Sunday!

He worked hard to prepare for this Sacrament and we are very happy to welcome him to the Table of Our Lord!

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Please keep in your thoughts and prayers...

Those who have died, especially...
Aurelia Rubejes, Nicolas Rubejes, Eyral Rubejes, Arturo Segunla, Melanie Rubejes, Mary Joy Segunla, Dionescio Japinit & Emarl Mascardo, Bob Gibson,
Isabelle Cox, Jean King, June Luna & Rose Crane

and those who are sick and those who love and minister to them especially...

Father Claire Hickson, Ann Atkinson, Annie Maas,
Carlton Clarke, Lynn Wainman, Pauline Schumacher & Stu Downs

Jesus, Our Lord, we ask you to have mercy on all who are sick. Give them your strength and love and help them carry this cross with faith. May their sufferings be one with yours, overcome the power of evil and lead others to our Father in Heaven.

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer, for you are Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Request prayers
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Thank you for your generosity

As our Share Lent campaign ends, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your trust, support and solidarity. Your generous donations allow us to continue our work for justice and peace with our sisters and brothers in the Global South.

We hope you were able to participate in our Lenten activities, such as campaign workshops, webinars and events with our solidarity visitors. Relive the highlights of Lent with this article and this photo album.

Seeking mining justice in mining’s stronghold

Toronto is the cradle of mining. It is where the mining industry raises billions in capital; erects monuments to itself; and pats itself on the back during an annual convention that attracts thousands of powerful executives, government officials and dignitaries. Over the past year, a plucky little ecumenical band of Torontonians have been confronting the mining industry on its home turf, forcing its cheerleaders to face its ugliness!

Learn more

2021-2022 Annual report

The year 2021-20222 saw a gradual return to normality in most of our activities. We more than doubled the financial resources allocated to our international development programs, going from 69 projects in 29 countries to 80 projects in 43 countries. But the year was also blighted by armed conflicts and climate crises. Discover how we and our partners fared in our latest annual report.

There is still time to give...

One time DonationMonthly Donation

Easter Mission at St. Mary Church in Campbellford

To gleam all the graces this Easter Season, you're welcome to join us and Fr. Tom Rosica at an Easter Mission – April 29th to May 2nd with the theme “Encounters with the Risen Christ”: Jesus invites us to touch the text of his word.

Fr. Tom, a Basilian Father, is a biblical scholar, lecturer, author, and retreat director.

Fr. Tom will preach at 3 Masses on April 29th - 30th.

Session One: April 30th at 6:30pm.

Session Two: 

Monday, May 1st at noon and 6:30pm.  

Session Three:

Tuesday, May 2nd at noon and 6:30pm.

For more information, please call Fr. Bill Moloney at 705-768-0844.

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Please Support our 

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Parish Office Hours:

Tuesday 1:00-7:00pm & Thursday 8:30am-2:30pm

Contact: 905-623-3233 or office@stjoeschurch.ca

See more ways to support our parish at give.stjoeschurch.ca!

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