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Fortnightly Newsletter - 24th March 2023

Volume 7, Issue 4

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

From the Principal & Deputy Principal

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Life lessons from people older and wiser than you

I’ve recently started reading this inspiring book which was the brainwave idea of two young women - Dominique Afacan & Helen Cathcart, encouraging fellow friends worldwide to live life “Bolder” regardless of what life throws their way. Over the next few weeks I’d like to share the wisdom of some of these people selected by these engaging young authors. Again - I’m constantly reminded of the caring, innovative ideas that come to fruition from our young people. Take the opportunity with your families to discuss these lessons, reflecting on how boldly you live your life each day.

Jimmy Wickers, grew up in Sri Lanka. He moved to the UK once he’d qualified as a doctor. He worked as a Cancer Surgeon in the UK for over 50 years in the public health system. He goes on to say….. “The most important lesson I’ve learnt is to act with honesty, integrity and fairness with everyone you meet in life. Being a doctor has taught me that you never know what people are going through behind closed doors. Always be kind. I also think family is key. I always encourage big get-togethers. My life motto? Health is wealth.”

I wish to affirm this lesson. It is a privilege in schools working with students. We don’t just teach SACE Year 11 and 12 subjects and English for Academic purposes at Adelaide International School. We teach students from courageous families who have bold dreams to improve the life of their family and make the world a better place. Have a wonderful weekend connecting as a family - either in person or by social media apps widely used in your country of origin. Importantly live boldly. Each day.

Warmest wishes
Gina Kadis

AIS Discovering Adelaide Tour

Adelaide is a beautiful and vibrant city and we are fortunate to be located in the very heart of it at AIS.  Our location allows us to make use of world class facilities such as our wonderful universities, art gallery, museum and the fabulous Mortlock library pictured below.

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AIS Students at the Mortlock library

This week we took all the secondary students out on a discovery tour and were able to show them these facilities paying particular attention to the School of Business and School of Law at Adelaide University and to show them around the cartoon exhibition and walk through the wonderful Mortlock library.  The students learned a bit of local history, understanding that people who have done a great service to our city are each remembered and celebrated by a brass plaque placed on the walkway of North Terrace.  The students were also able to see Parliament House and the Governor of South Australia’s residence.

We completed the tour with a visit to the Central Markets where the students were able to practice their English and order some food and some drinks.  Many students sampled some of the vegetarian pancakes from the Korean Sushi stall while others simply bought some of the sweet red and very delicious apples.

It was also a wonderful opportunity for our students to wear their AIS polo shirts and celebrate new friendships made over the first eight weeks of the year.

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From the Director of Teaching and Learning

Poem from Iran

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Our student contribution this week is from Mohammad Parsa Salari who is from Iran. Parsa speaks the Persian language and has shared a poem with us. The poem is from the well-known poet, Rumi. As with many of this Sufi’s poems, he writes of love. With love, we don’t need anything else. Do not worry about the universe, it is not worried about you. Just live with love.

This poem gives us pause for thought. (and yes, the setting out is on the right hand side of the page!) 

Levelling Week

This week all students completed a writing task. The writing task will be levelled next week by a team of teachers who are especially trained for diagnostics.


Please expect to receive your child’s written report in Week 11 of this term. The reports will show a writing level result on page 2 of the English for Academic Purpose reports and in the English as an Additional Language subject for years 11 and 12 students. Please have your child compare this writing level with their first level taken when they first arrived.

Destination Schools

Soon, our first 2023 students here for English language support, will move to their destination schools.

Some students will move on the date we first planned. Other students will go to their school later, staying longer than first planned. Occasionally, a student will progress very quickly or not need much help with their English. These students may move to their destination schools sooner.

What do we use to make a decision about a student’s readiness for transferring to their destination school?

We use many pieces of information to make a decision about a student moving to a destination school.

  • Is the student likely to be successful and work at a similar speed to the students in the class they are going into?
  • The student’s writing level – is the student within 3 levels of their year level?
  • The student’s ability to follow classroom instructions.
  • The student’s ability to show what they have learned in different text types.
  • The student’s wellbeing, confidence and attitude.
  • The ability of the destination school to take the student.

I realise some of you will have meetings with us over the next few weeks.

Please know, that whatever the outcome, all decisions are made with the best interest of the child in mind. After talking with the destination school, if both we and the destination school think your child may not be successful yet, the destination school will extend their stay. We always talk with parents and schools about these decisions.

We work closely with the destination schools to make decisions about when a student is ready to move. Please contact Ms. Rosie Broaderick who manages AISA for questions about moving to destination schools. [email protected]


This week our students explored the CBD of Adelaide. Our students saw the Art Gallery, Adelaide University and the Central Markets. Walking in the warm dry Adelaide heat, the students appreciated the more gentle autumn weather and the many different backgrounds of local Adelaide people.

This week, a group is visiting us from Japan. The students and their teachers have explored in and around Adelaide. They have stayed in homestays and joined classes with us during the school day. We love students visiting us from all over the world. The Study Tour program is often busy at this time of year.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Zara Phillips

Director of Teaching and Learning.

Congratulations to our student SRC Representatives

Year 12     (Yosep) Yosep Monier Nababan

Year 11     (Tessa) Ngoc Huyen Tram

Headstart SACE (Parsa) Mohammadparsa Salari

SACE Connect (Aisen) Song Liu

Middle Years (Cici) Xiaoxi Wang

Primary Years (Tianyi) Niantianyi Xie

Up and Coming Events

Week 8 Friday 24th March   Farewell to Kogakuin High School, Japan Tour Group                                                                Levelling Results on All Students

Week 9                                                 Wellbeing Assembly and SRC Meetings

Week 10                                               Monday  April 3rd Careers Expo Excursion

                                                                 Friday Public Holiday

List of our Staff




Kadis, Gina


[email protected]

Oakey, Shaun

Deputy Principal

[email protected]

Phillips, Zara

Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator

[email protected]

Rosie, Broderick

AISA Business Development Manager

[email protected]

Gong, Gary

SACE Teacher

[email protected]

Huang, Maliza

EAP&EPET Teacher

[email protected]

Liu, Jing

EAP&SACE Teacher

[email protected]

Nayagam, Sarah

EAP Middle Years Teacher

[email protected]

Xu, Sally

SACE Teacher

[email protected]

Ye, Gloria

EAP Primary Years Teacher

[email protected]

Chan, Tom

ICT Support (Intern)

[email protected]

Gao, Grace

Education Support officer

[email protected]

Zhou, Joel

Education Support officer

[email protected]

Huang, Chris

ICT Support

[email protected]

Karem, Sam

ICT Developer & Analyst

[email protected]

Rhothjirathanin, Grin

Digital Marketing & Communication

[email protected]

Sha, Lola

ICT Support

[email protected]

Shao, Kitty

Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
reception; absentees daily;
first-aid officer;

[email protected]

So, Catherine

Student Support Officer-Level 5
– admissions

[email protected]

Sun, Leo

IT and Facility Manager-Level 5

[email protected]

Zhang, Jessica

Student Recruitment Manager

[email protected]

Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact me on [email protected] or Shaun Oakey on [email protected] if you need our support.

Yours sincerely

Gina Kadis, Principal AIS

Shaun Oakey, Deputy Principal AIS


Adelaide International School
Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
Adelaide, South Australia, 5000

Mail: P.O. Box 3332
Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
Email: [email protected]

Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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