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- May 2023

News for Action  
A monthly newsletter to spread the seeds and connect the dots. 

Welcome to our May issue, with plenty of news to ignite change by facing the facts and getting inspired via collaborative learning!

London is a capital city with a vast population: these two facts raise the question of how Londoners’ needs are to be met, when so much strategic thinking faces outwards. An ACEs strategy is long overdue, one that overcomes the challenges of local borough constraints, and responds to the realities of our communities.

This issue features the shocking report by London Councils on funding for services responding to Violence Against Women and Girls: it demonstrates the shortfalls and inconsistencies which highlight the strategic failure of London to address a key ACE. It’s time for everyone to speak out on behalf of all the children who deserve a much better deal from London’s policymakers.

To advance the Hub's awareness-raising commitments, we welcome members who can speak with knowledge and passion. At our recent Network meeting, we learned from Dr Jonathon Tomlinson, an outstanding GP and teacher on trauma-informed care, who emphasised the value of an ACE-aware approach and consistent relationships as foundations of effective care. Check out our membership offer and, after you have joined the Hub, we hope to see you at future network meetings!

In addition to welcoming new members, we are inviting people to work with us in a range of roles, especially in fundraising and social media initiatives. You can also get in touch if you would like to become our Newsletter Editor. Lots of opportunities to help making London a truly ACE-aware metropolis!

Once again, we do appreciate your contributions. Enjoy the array of stimulating items and send us a hello - let’s connect more dots!

Time for News for Action!

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Join our Network!

The London ACEs Hub Membership Scheme is running! Our Network is a beacon of mutual learning and sharing, bringing together professionals from various fields, survivors of ACEs and trauma, and community advocates. Get inspired and add your voice - join in!

Help the LAH grow!

The London ACEs Hub is recruiting volunteers! If you have passion, skills, and time to lead on the below roles, do get in touch!

  • News for Action Editor
    Responsible for assembling our monthly newsletter and ensuring timely distribution.
  • Social Media Coordinator
    Responsible for setting up and managing the LAH social media platforms.
  • Fundraising Coordinator
    Leading sponsorship and fundraising for LAH activities and projects.


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Beyond the Hub 

A six-day summit with inspiring facilitators focused on healing, resilience and post-traumatic growth. 

Location: Online

Date: 30 May to 4 June 2023

Cost: Free

Webinar by Dr. Heather Abernethy with information on the self-pace course: Polyvagal Theory for Healthcare Providers.

Location: Online

Date: 8 June 2023

Cost: Free

An online seminar by Pat Ogden, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Founder, and Bessel van der Kolk  on the profound sense of the wisdom of the body. Participants will learn how to draw upon this body wisdom to resolve trauma and integrate parts of the self, not only verbally but somatically.

Location: Online

Date:  8 June 2023

Cost: $149.00

A joint webinar between the Faculty of Public Health and the Glasgow Centre for Population Health.

Location: Online

Date: 12 June 2023

Cost: Free

The Trauma Super Conference will bring together in-depth interviews with 60+ of the world’s top experts in trauma. It will explore the impacts of trauma, and will share tools and strategies to help support healing.

Location: Online

Date:  12 to 18 June 2023

Cost: Free

This webinar will offer an overview of attachment theory, including a critique of the theory, particularly from a wider social perspective, and practical examples from a culturally-sensitive perspective.

Location: Online

Date: 15 June 2023

Cost: Free

A two-day summit with internationally recognized leaders in somatic-based approaches to trauma healing and recovery.

Location: Online

Date: 24 and 25 June 2023

Cost: Free

This event will describe evidence-based principles that can guide the response to a critical incident. The voices of children and young people who have experienced critical incidents will be highlighted as they provide their own ideas about what helped them recover.

Location: Resource for London

Date:  29 June 2023

Cost: Standard fee £180.00 / Student fee £90.00

A conference bringing together lead figures in the fields of trauma and mental health, including Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, and Peter Levine.

Location: Oxford University - In person / Online

Date:  31 August to 3 September 2023

Cost: Early bird until 1st July - Approx.: In person £484 + VAT / Online £282 + VAT. 

Join trauma expert Dr. Janina Fisher for two exclusive webinar trainings.

Location: Online

Date:  On-demand

Cost: Free


A worth-revisiting webinar on self-care and, more importantly, collective care. 22 December 2022.


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This report investigates the funding landscape for support services for victims and survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG),  and makes eight recommendations to improve outcomes. By AVA (Against Violence and Abuse), in partnership with Chayn and Dot Project, published by London Councils, 23 May 2023.

Links to, and summaries of, important new reports and studies related to ACEs. With thanks to ACAMH for their support!

Action & Tools
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A member-led campaigning union taking action to transform the housing system and win homes for people, not private profit. 

A people powered alliance dedicated to challenging injustice and building stronger communities, made up of hundreds of member organisations who are committed to taking action together for social justice and the common good.

Statement by a group of UN and regional human rights experts, 16 May 2023.

Racial Justice
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Race Equality Foundation has begun a new evidence into practice project funded by Barnardo’s, focusing on racism, trauma, and inter-generational trauma, to highlight the experience of Black, Asian and minority ethnic children and young people. 15 May 2023.

Child Q isn't an isolated incident. It is an incident much the same as millions of other abuses of nature, and a commitment to the systematic dehumanisation of the body, mind and spirit. By StoryAID, 19 April 2023.

A report by Spark Inside with support from the Barrow Cadbury Trust, presenting a consolidation of the research, policy and practice concerned with the wellbeing of young men in custody, as well as insight from expert organisations and, most importantly, young men themselves. February 2023

Lived Experience

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BBC Sport, last updated on 11 May 2023.

For more on Ronnie's journey, you can also listen to his insightful sharings, and fab accompanying songs, on Desert Island Discs, 28 May 2023.

Doctor and activist Annabel Sowemimo was deep into the research for her first book, an exploration of race and health, when her beloved nana had a stroke. Have a taste of her reflections and learnings, in this extract of her book, Divided. Wellcome Collection, 27 April 2023.

News & Initiatives
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We are thrilled to share Londoner filmmaker Ton Mazzone's groundbreaking documentary project centred around the profound impact of trauma on mental and physical well-being in adulthood. 

Ton has embarked on a mission to create a film that resonates deeply, sparking meaningful conversations and driving tangible change, through raising awareness about the effects of trauma and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences).

Support the project via the Kickstarter campaign, and become an integral part of this movement for positive change!

Level 2 Qualification for anyone seeking to improve their understanding and awareness of suicide and self-harm. The lessons are on-demand and online, promoted by Free Courses in England.

Articles & Books
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‘….where there has been childhood trauma the impact of validation from a powerful adult can be revolutionary.’ By Dr Jonathon Tomlinson, A Better NHS - Exploring the relationships between doctors and patients and health policy, 21 February 2023

By Dr Jonathon Tomlinson, Centre for Health and the Public Interest,

26 April 2023

By Charlie Fletcher, PACES Connection, 17 May 2023.

By Craig McEwen, PACES Connection, 15 May 2023.

A Mixed Methods Systematic Review of Organisational Change Interventions. By Natalia Lewis and colleagues, Health and Social Care in the Community, 11 May 2023.

By Ane Eguren and colleagues, Child Abuse & Neglect, May 2023.

A scoping review of the literature. By Vasiliki Tzouvara and colleagues, Child Abuse & Neglect, May 2023.

How a supportive environment was created in the city of Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom. By Leah Salm and colleagues, Food Security, 

19 April 2023.

In her new book, Trebbe Johnson offers 34 practices to respond to grief and anxiety via fierce consciousness. January 2023

By Michelle A. McManus and Emma Ball, Journal of CSWB, 

December 2020 

A Dot of Inspiration

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"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.
What we choose to emphasise in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.
And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvellous victory."

~ Howard Zinn

Have some news to share?
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Disclaimer: News for Action is a collection of initiatives and information shared by members and collaborators of the London ACEs Hub (LAH).

The LAH is an independent and non-partisan network and the opinions here presented might not represent the LAH. All items included in this newsletter aim to promote constructive discussion as well as personal and collective development.

You can also find us on YouTube

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Photos by Roy James Shakespeare

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