Fortunately, there are some best practices that parents can use to approach the subject of drugs. Consider the following do’s and don’ts to help you talk with your children about drugs.
1. Don’t Wait
Very young children can be influenced to eat healthy foods with a conversation around ‘you are what you eat’. This is a good intro into taking care of your body. Sadly, research shows that some children can start using drugs early (at 12 or 13). Some kids start to use drugs as early as nine—i.e. raiding the family medicine cabinet.
2. Do Prepare for the Conversation
Many reputable organizations provide online information about kids and drugs that can help guide a positive and productive discussion. Your child may ask if you have ever used drugs. If you did not, explain why you made that decision. If you used drugs, explain why you stopped and what you learned from your experience. It is unnecessary to share every detail of your drug use, but most importantly, your child needs to know that it was a dangerous mistake they don’t need to make.
3. Do Plan the Conversation
When speaking with adolescents and teens about drugs, give them a heads-up regarding when you want to talk with them. For example, you can say, “Let’s chat about drugs after dinner tomorrow.” Assure your child that they are not in trouble. Explain that it’s important to have the discussion and that you look forward to sharing and learning.
4. Don’t Be Surprised by What You May Hear
Don’t be surprised if your child knows peers who use drugs. If your child shares this information, listen and ask questions to help you determine what they think about their peers’ drug use.
5. Do Use an Age-Appropriate Approach
Young children may not understand complex information about drugs.. Many medications are colourful and look like jellybeans, gummies, and other lollies. Help children understand that medicines the doctor gives us help us feel better when we are sick, and they should not take those medications for any other reason. Teaching kids about drugs should also include the advice never to take pills or medicine belonging to other people.
6. Don’t Lecture
Talk to your child and not at them. Encourage them to share their thoughts. Begin with open-ended questions, such as “What have you heard about marijuana?” or “How do you feel about kids who use drugs?” Listen carefully to statements that can provide cues that your child needs accurate information to help them not use drugs.
7. Do Take Advantage of Teachable Moments
The teachable moment can be powerful and may be an excellent time to discuss drugs with young kids. If you and your child observe individuals smoking or vaping, explain the dangers of that behaviour. Children need to understand that smoking or vaping may appear cool but can lead to serious health problems and may be deadly.
Teachable moments also work with older children. Media reports of vehicle accidents or violence resulting from teen drug use serve as springboards for discussing how alcohol and drug use can ruin lives. Explain how television and songs often glamorize alcohol and drug use but they never show the destruction drugs cause.
8. Don’t Assume Your Child Won’t Try Drugs
Talking with your child is necessary to warn them about the dangers of drug use. Children often listen to what their friends say. A friend who uses drugs may convince your child that drugs are not that bad, so it is vital to set clear expectations and rules. Your child must understand that you will not tolerate drug use. They also need to know what the consequences will be should they decide to use drugs. Taking away driving privileges, grounding, and early curfews are examples of logical consequences when a child uses drugs. Consequences remind children of the seriousness of risky behaviour like drug use, so be consistent and enforce them.
9. Do Prepare Your Child to Handle Peer Pressure
You can help your child learn to say no when peers encourage them to try drugs. Brainstorm ways to say no and try role-playing those situations with your child to help them respond to peers who pressure them to use drugs.