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Webinar: Canine Vector Borne Diseases- Diagnosis in the Companion Animal Practice

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted by Joel P. Tolentino, DVM, DPCPP. Dr Tolentino is a practicing veterinarian in Tolentino’s Animal Clinic and Grooming Center and Twin J Grooming Center and Pet Supplies in Manila. He graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Dela Salle-Araneta University. Currently, Dr Tolentino is also working as an independent veterinary consultant.

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In this lecture, you will learn all about cause, symptoms, treatment and most of all diagnosis of anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and heartworms in dogs. Early detection and minimizing of differential diagnosis are critical on the approach in handling single or multi-factorial disease sources of the clients. Still the recovery of the pet animals are a critical success point in the companion animal practice.

Register For the Free Class

Date: Jan 25th, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (GMT+8) 

Presenters: Dr. Joel P. Tolentino

Cost: FREE

Bioguard is looking forward to seeing you at this event. Happy Learning!

Feline Panleukopenia

Feline panleukopenia, also commonly referred to as feline distemper, is a highly contagious disease caused by feline parvovirus (FPV). FPV attacks the intestinal epithelium, lymphatic tissues and bone marrow, causing enteritis and panleukopenia.

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The Bioguard VETlabs FPV Ag Test is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay, developed by Bioguard Corporation for enabling the simplicity of rapidly testing or detecting the feline parvovirus Ag in the feces of infected cats.

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Vets Remove Massive Malignant Mass

Vets have saved the life of a Dalmatian by removing a 5kg mass from its abdomen that was displacing its kidney.

Four-year-old Penny was rushed into Paragon Veterinary Referrals in Wakefield after a scan revealed the size of the malignant tumour that had been growing in her abdomen.

Soft tissue surgeon at the Linnaeus-owned practice David Barker was joined by fellow surgeons Dan Kenny and Kat Grzywa, who were needed to help remove the heavy mass.

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Suspected ascites

Dr Barker said: “Penny presented with suspected ascites, given a large volume of peritoneal effusion. Her abdomen was very swollen and taut.

“We performed a contrast-enhanced CT scan with an iodine-based contrast to help highlight the areas of the body we needed to examine and the results were startling. The mass was enormous. It almost completely filled the abdomen.”

Scans showed the mass had originated in the right kidney, which had been displaced into the left side of the abdomen, and also compressed the rest of Penny’s internal organs. There was also no evidence of metastatic disease

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More Options for Canine Babesia gibsoni Ab Test- Single and 4 in 1 Combo Tests

Babesia gibsoni is a tickborne protozoal blood parasite that causes hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, lethargy, and splenomegaly in dogs. Transmission of B. gibsoni is primarily occurring from infected ticks during feeding though transplacental transmission or blood exchange when dogs fight or transfusion also cause the infection. The disease is more severe in young dogs, immunosuppressed dogs, heavily parasitized dogs, and when there is exposure to a virulent strain or concurrent infection.

Infection of B. gibsoni has been reported from Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas for years. Clinical signs present are ambiguous, which includes depression, lethargy, fever, weakness, vomiting, pale gums and anorexia. Severe cases may lead to organ failure and death. However, chronic stages often make the dog a carrier of the organism and becomes asymptomatic. The asymptomatic infected animals facilitate the transmission of parasites to tick vectors.

Prompt diagnosis of dogs infected with B. gibsoni plays an important role in treatment and prevention of the disease. Bioguard Canine Babesia gibsoni Ab Test is designed to detect anti-B. gibsoni antibodies with high sensitivity (96.29%) and specificity (91.66%). In the idea of providing more flexibility in screening the disease to all veterinarians, Bioguard provides rapid tests in detecting B. gibsoniAb with formats of single rapid test and VLabs 4BX (heartworm Ag/ B. gibsoni Ab/E.canis Ab/ Anaplasma Ab).

Sensitivity and specificity of Bioguard Canine Babesia gibsoni Ab Test (using PCR testing as the reference method)

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Sensitivity: 96.29%

Specificity: 91.66%

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The Bioguard is a company focusing on animal

disease diagnostic services and products.
Our animal health diagnostic center is

the first and only ISO/ IEC 17025 accredited animal disease testing laboratory

in Taiwan and China.

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