Conclave may only be $50 but did you know that it actually costs much more than that per person to put on our amazing conclave program?
This is made possible by both thrifty spending and the success of our annual conclave auction. The silent and live auctions at conclave raise money to cover our section's general operating expenses for the year. Those are non-conclave-specific expenses that the section incurs each year including support for our section officers and section communications infrastructure. The auctions also help offset some of the cost of putting on a great conclave experience so that you don't have to pay as much to experience all that conclave has to offer.
However, the success of the auction depends largely on our donors. We are in need of donations for this year's auction. Donations of Scouting memorabilia, new or used (in good shape of course) camping gear, and fun and unique items are all welcome.
Donors who donate at least $25 (youth) or $50 (adult) in items will receive a special auction donor conclave patch.
Have something you'd like to donate? Contact the auction committee at
[email protected].
Thank you for your support of the section!