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May 31, 2022

Vol. 6, Issue 5

Conclave 2022


Conclave is going to be an unforgettable weekend of fun and fellowship that you will not want to miss. From fun activities, unique museum exhibits, interesting training sessions, and exciting theme shows, there is something for everyone.

Visit the conclave event website at conclave.sectiong16.org for all the information on this year's conclave.

Vice Chief Vibes


As summer quickly approaches, I hope everyone is doing well. School is almost over, and we are about to jump into another exciting summer season – whether you’re working, staffing at a summer camp, or just relaxing, stay healthy (drink water!!!), be safe, but most importantly have fun!!! Speaking of fun, did you sign up to go to NOAC? Reach out to your lodge officers if you’re interested in going to NOAC.

Special Guest Coming to Conclave

One of the great things about conclave is meeting new Arrowmen. Conclave brings together hundreds of Arrowmen from across our section together in one place, but it also brings in Arrowmen from outside the section as well.

We are excited to announce that a national officer of the Order of the Arrow will be joining us at conclave this year!

Click below to find out more. 

History of Powerland Heritage Park

This year’s conclave will be held at a very unique facility – Powerland Heritage Park. Why Powerland? Well besides it being a prime location right off of Interstate 5, the property hosts a collection of museums showcasing the rich history and evolution of power equipment.

Powerland Heritage Park, formerly known as Antique Powerland, is a 62-acre park located in Brooks, Oregon, just north of the Salem-Keizer area. The property was originally acquired to accommodate the large public crowds that attended “threshing bees” on farms throughout the northern Willamette Valley.

Keep reading to learn more about this year's amazing conclave location!

Be Prepared for Summer Camp

— by Benjamin Flores and Magnolia Schnobrich

The summer camp season is only months away and you don’t want to miss it! Spend some time in the great outdoors with your friends. Enjoy all that the great outdoors has to offer! Make sure to check in with your unit about attending camp this summer.

Already signed up for camp, that’s great! Here are some tips to make your experience the best it can be.

Join the Communications Team

— by Jack Lewy

We are looking for people to join the Section Comms Team! Anyone is welcome to join, you can have a ton of experience with anything from website development to photo editing and a whole lot more. But you could have absolutely no experience as well. I started out on the Comms Team last year with barely any experience in anything the team was looking for. I was slowly taught how to make the graphics for social media and now I am able to do it well. Again, you don’t need any experience and all you need is a readiness to learn! We are different from other Scouting committees as well. We only have one meeting a month and you can volunteer to help with as many of the projects we are working on for the month as you have time for. We would love to welcome anybody who is interested in our team!

Comms Team members will receive a special patch after at least 3 months of active service to the section. 

We are looking for Arrowmen to fill several positions, both year-round and onsite at this year's conclave. 

Interested in social media, photography, videography, graphic design, copywriting, website development, or other forms of communications technology and marketing? Join the Comms Team today! 

Contact us at [email protected]

Tsisqan Update

— by Jackson McCullough

Tsisqan Lodge is popping off this year with exciting events, preparing for inductions, and sending the largest contingent in our lodge’s history to NOAC. After our recent Service Weekend event at Camp Baker in April, we have inducted nine new Brotherhood members and completed over 700 hours of service so far this year.

Wauna La-Mon'tay Update

— by Mason Lewallen

Hello Section G16,

I am super happy to report that Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge has been having an excellent year so far! At our spring Rendezvous in March, we elected two interim lodge officers: Cole Thomas – Membership Vice Chief and Truman Grace – Communications Vice Chief. In attendance at the event was Gateway Region Chief Dirk Smelser. Overall, the event was a blast and I cannot wait for fall Rendezvous.

Conclave Trainers Needed

Calling all Trainers!

The conclave training committee is looking for trainers for this year's conclave training program. Have an interesting skill of knowledge in relevant or fun topic? Consider sharing that with the participants of conclave. 

Sign up to be a trainer today!

Volunteer for Conclave Activities

The 2022 Section G16 Conclave activities committee needs your help!

They are planning some of the best games and activities ever seen at conclave or a Scout event. They are in need of volunteers to supply equipment and help run them on Saturday of conclave. If you have helped in the past or are interested in helping with this year’s conclave, either by providing activities or running them, please fill out the conclave activities volunteer form. Adult volunteers are preferred so that our youth Arrowmen have more time to enjoy the fun activities.


Conclave Service Corps Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers to serve on the conclave Service Corps! 

Service Corps is a group of volunteer Arrowmen organized the host lodge to provide general service to conclave. Typical tasks include parking, trash, stocking and cleaning bathrooms, and more. 

Service Corps team members are only asked to serve a couple of hours during the weekend, leaving plenty of time to still enjoy all that conclave has to offer. 

Interested in volunteering? Contact [email protected]

Conclave Auction Donations

Conclave may only be $50 but did you know that it actually costs much more than that per person to put on our amazing conclave program?

This is made possible by both thrifty spending and the success of our annual conclave auction. The silent and live auctions at conclave raise money to cover our section's general operating expenses for the year. Those are non-conclave-specific expenses that the section incurs each year including support for our section officers and section communications infrastructure. The auctions also help offset some of the cost of putting on a great conclave experience so that you don't have to pay as much to experience all that conclave has to offer.

However, the success of the auction depends largely on our donors. We are in need of donations for this year's auction. Donations of Scouting memorabilia, new or used (in good shape of course) camping gear, and fun and unique items are all welcome.

Donors who donate at least $25 (youth) or $50 (adult) in items will receive a special auction donor conclave patch.

Have something you'd like to donate? Contact the auction committee at [email protected].

Thank you for your support of the section!
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Subscribe to the Section G16 YouTube channel for more exclusive content and future live streams!

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Do you follow us on Instagram?

We will be doing a special giveaway only for our followers when we hit 500 followers on Instagram.

Make sure to follow us @sectiong16 to get in on the giveaway and to receive special content from the section only found on Instagram!


2525 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Eugene, OR 97401

[email protected]

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© 2022 Section G16, Order of the Arrow

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