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To include an article, email [email protected] who administers it on behalf of the community.

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An update from Thame Wombles

Thame Wombles as a group stands at 850 members but recently it has only been possible to estimate around 15 to 20 members are litter picking regularly. When organised events are arranged a limited number of volunteers come forward. In fact, most large activities are now delivered in partnership with local business, most recently with Kubota. Yet, despite this, the majority of our town remains very clean in comparison to other areas – so clearly people are continuing to litter pick in their own time which is great news for Thame.

As a result, the Wombles have made a decision to change the way in which their activity is delivered going forward. At the start of 2025 they mapped out Thame into zones which could be cleared and monitored on a regular basis. They are asking any residents who want to go out litter picking on their own to let them know which streets they have picked, or to choose a specific zone and take ownership of making sure it stays tidy. This will allow them to focus any organised litter picking activities in the areas that have not already been tackled.

In order to facilitate this, they are talking to 21stCentury Thame about setting up a page on their website that will allow information about the Zones to be shared, as well as allowing residents to register where they have been litter picking.

In taking this approach, the group feel that their profile on Facebook Social media is sufficient to promote their work, so they have decided to stop taking sponsorship and will be closing down their bank account. Their website will also close on April 12th.

Thame Womble volunteers will continue to support group activities that are arranged with best practice, guidance on where to pick, and through connecting the activities to existing SODC provision, which enables anybody to organise, obtain equipment and bags, and to arrange for collection by South and Vale Waste and Recycling after the event. At the moment they are starting to liaise with ASM to arrange a business litter picking event to coincide with The Great British Spring Clean on March 21st.

Watch this space for more updates.

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    Thame Church Eco Action Group - an update

    Thame Church has an Eco Action Group whose role is to champion Creation Care in the Anglican Churches in Thame and Towersey. St Catherine’s Towersey won the Eco Church Bronze Award in 2022 and St Mary’s Thame in 2024.


    The award requires us to manage our buildings and land to minimise adverse environmental impacts and promote healthy relationships with nature. Recently we have installed a number of habitat friendly features within the Church yard. 


    We are also thinking about a reflective area in a section of the churchyard where the water table is too high to allow for burials. This would be an attractive space for the community to enjoy the peace of the churchyard and to celebrate nature. The wild flowers and features in that area would be designed to benefit wildlife.


    We are quite restricted in what we can do to our Grade I listed church building, but we have had an Energy & Net Zero Carbon Audit and know that we will need to make a substantial investment to replace our ageing gas boilers with a heat pump system in the next few years.


    We would like to invite everyone in the community, regular church-goer or not, to hear David Blackmore speak about Eco Action on 23rd March. David is a freelance film editor, but also secretary for Climate Action Wendover, a founder member of Bucks Community Energy, and a lay minister at St Mary’s Church in Wendover. As well as celebrating achievements so far, he will cover further changes which we can make to help the environment through lifestyle changes.


    Do come and join us at St. Mary’s Thame on Sunday 23rd March, at 9:00 for a traditional style service or 11:00 for an informal family service and hear David speak.


    For further information, questions or comments please get in touch with Andy Clark by email [email protected]

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      Happy Heat Pump

      Meet Bean Beanland, star of Evan Davis's Happy Heat Pump Podcast. Ask Bean anything you want to know about heat pumps - and what you want him to tell the Government about home heating!


      It's on Wednesday 5th March, from 6.30-9.30pm, at the One Climate Centre OX39 4BW. Please bring some veggie or vegan food or drink to share if you can (but come anyway if you can’t).


      RSVP by WhatsApp 07590-261065 with your name, the number of seats you would like, and how you heard about this event.


      Parking is available - but do car-share if you can.


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        Upper School Eco Club

        On the 29th January, Upper School Eco Club held a Cake Sale and raised a grand total of £166.52. There were two categories: Vegan and Non-vegan and there was a winner of each category crowned by the senior students of LWS.

        The profits of the sale will go to the WWF to adopt an animal. A very popular event that raised a good bit of cash (and at only 50p-£1 for a wodge of cake / flapjack / brownie!).

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        Chinnor Climate Café is a welcoming space for people in the community to join the conversation about climate change, nature and the environment.

        Join us in the conservatory at

        Chinnor Village Centre, High Street,

        Chinnor, OX39 4DH

        10.30 – 11.30 every second Thursday of the month

        All warmly welcomed.

        For more information, please contact Maureen: 07528 030 151

        via email: [email protected]



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        Green Crendon Clothes Swap Event

         Come along, get involved, update your wardrobe sustainably!

        Saturday March 15th 2-4pm at LCBC Hall

        This is a clothes swap for adults.

        We will have rails and tables of clothes to select from and yummy Tea & Cake available to purchase for cash donations!

        Clothes need to be dropped off to Tracy @ Bucksum or at the @Renewed Eco Shop in the Square in Long Crendon in advance of the event.

        Worminghall residents contact Kate for Worminghall drop off on 07887558386.

        To take part you need to donate up to a max of 5 good items, we recommend that you choose your 5 best options. You will receive tokens for your items which you can then ‘spend’ at the event. So if you donate 5 items, you can take home 5 items

        There will be no clothes to purchase.

        Clothes left over will be donated to charity or kept for other clothes swap events.


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        Hedgerow Talk

        Taking place on Tuesday the 18thof March from 7-8:30pm at Long Crendon Library

        Come along & hear from:

        • Wild Oxfordshire all about hedgerows & hedgerow management
        • Local farmers talking about what they’re doing with their hedges

        Free entry but donations to Wild Oxfordshire gratefully accepted. The library will also be selling refreshments for cash donations.


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        Zero-Carbon Haddenham Project Contractor

        We’re Hiring!

        We are in the midst of a climate and nature emergency - but we can all make a positive contribution to change this. Zero-Carbon Haddenham is a group of ordinary people, living ordinary lives, who are committed to creating an extraordinary community that is both resilient to the impacts of climate change and can take action to help Haddenham become net zero by 2030. We do this by planning and promoting initiatives to help our community become more sustainable and environmentally aware.


        We are now seeking a passionate individual to support our organisation and deliver services that drive forward existing and new projects. We are looking for:

        • An organised and positive self-starter
        • A good communicator
        • Someone who shares our vision and values for people and the environment
        • Someone proficient in Microsoft word, excel; Google docs, sheets
        • Local knowledge would be an advantage but is not essential

        Job Role:                      ZeroCH Project Support (This is a self-employed contract.)

        Hours:                               8 hours per week spread across the week by agreement.

        • The role will extend for 26 weeks from the date of first contracting.
        • Payment:£20 per hour
        • If you want to make a positive difference in Haddenham, and care about the environment, then we want to hear from you! To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter (max one page) to [email protected] by Sunday 21 March.  Interviews will be held in person, or online by zoom if preferable on 28 March. For more information, visit: zeroch.org - Zero Carbon Haddenham – towards a carbon-neutral village

        We value diversity and are strongly committed to providing equal opportunities for all people associated with Zero Carbon Haddenham.   

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        Thame to Haddenham Greenway Receives Funding to Progress

        On Tuesday 11 February, the budget for the next stage of the Thame to Haddenham Greenway was approved as part of the Oxfordshire County Council budget, marking a significant step forward for this vital infrastructure project. The allocated funding will allow the project to progress to the next phase of a comprehensive feasibility study.

        This was followed by news on 12th February that the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Buckinghamshire, which will guide future investment in active travel infrastructure across the county, has been adopted by Buckinghamshire Council, along with news that they have been awarded more than £2 million to spend on developing further active travel projects and infrastructure in the county. 

        We hope this news is the beginning of the end of the process to implement a hugely desired and long awaited Thame-Haddenham Greenway.
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        Could you lead 'Singing to the Sources of the Rivers'

        If you have the skills to deliver a group singing event, or know someone who does, then please read this message from Antony Melville.... 


        "I thought I would write to you about Singing to the sources of the rivers. We did this for the first time last year and touched a lot of people’s hearts, so will be singing again on March 23rd at the sources of as many as we can of the Thames and its tributaries upstream from Goring (where it flows through the Chilterns). We have singers ready for Thames Head, for the Evenlode, the Cherwell, the Boundary Brook (in Oxford), the Ock and the Ray (near Swindon), and we would love to find singers for the Thame. I wonder if this might tickle your imagination, or if you could pass me on to someone who might be up for leading the song at the source of the Thame. The plan is to gather on site in time to sing at noon on the 23rd, make offerings to the river and perhaps some sort of ceremonial honouring, and then have a celebratory sandwich (all of which we managed in the rain last year!!).

        I would be happy to come up and talk whoever is up for this through the plan and recce the site to get joining instructions right.' 

        More details here: https://thamesheadwaters.org/singing-to-source/


        Contact [email protected] if you are interested, and she will connect you

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          The People’s Commission on The Water Sector

          Please see this message from The People's Commission on The Water Sector: 

          Dear friends and river campaigners

          The People's Commission has launched and will be taking place in public and we do hope you and your members can join us at one or more of the sessions.

          You can find out all the dates and book in on our website.

          If you have evidence you would like to provide please do let us know.

          We have had a chance to look at the government's commission, and the public as key funders, owners, stakeholders are not central to the review, and so far the commission looks like tinkering with the current model rather than taking a more innovative approach to a sustainable future for our rivers, lakes and seas.

          We will be in the guardian today, setting out how we are filling the gaps in the government's commission, but more importantly we start with what and who matters, the environment and the public.

          We hope you can help

          Becky, Ewan, Frances, Kate

          The People's Commission Contact

          Contact email: [email protected]

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            Respond to consultation for DEFRA's vision for land use

            Our land is our greatest natural asset - the source of food, the bedrock of nature, the support system of the environment on which we all rely. It is the place we live, work and rest. The people who work on and look after the land, and make decisions about how land should be used, have been pivotal in this country’s history and are central to its future. Because these decisions are not marginal, the use of our land underpins everything in our economy and our society.


            The Government is consulting on DEFRAs vision for land use in England and how to deliver it. Read more here Land Use Consultation.pdf

            and have your say at https://consult.defra.gov.uk/l...

              Get involved in green action in your community

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              Did you know Thame has a Green Living Plan - a 10 year plan for a greener, cleaner Thame. The plan includes over 190 actions that we want to take by 2030 to help achieve this. 

              You find out more about these actions and see what has already been completed, what is in motion and what still needs to take place at the Thame Green Living Website - https://thamegreenliving.org.u...

              There is so much to achieve so get in contact through the website to play a part. 

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              Google Calendar for local sustainable events

              21st Century Thame have set up a google calendar that is up to date with any environmental / sustainable events - https://21stcenturythame.co.uk/21st-century-thame-environmental-calendar-of-events/

              - let them know if we’re missing any - and click on the ‘add’ cross at the bottom of the calendar to subscribe to the calendar so that the events appear on your personal device.

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              Add your Green Group to the Mycelium Map!

              The Mycelium Map is a digital ecosystem for eco-groups to showcase their work and events. It’s open to everyone in and around the Chilterns working on climate and nature sustainability.


              You can read about the map here: https://hedgerleywood.org/mymap/

              Or check it out at: https://mymap.eco


              Email [email protected] for information and the link you need to put your group on the Map.

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              If you would like to unsubscribe, please click here.