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Adventures in Faith February 2025

Welcome to Adventures in Faith, where everyone in the Diocese of Edinburgh can explore, learn and grow in fullness of life.


Finding Adventures in Faith Online

Homepage - Outlines what Adventures in Faith is, with links to other landing pages.

Newsletter - Links to all previous newsletters and to sign-up for emails.

Calendar - Events happening across the Diocese, in congregations and partner organisations.

Courses - A list of courses and events happening all over the UK.

Awareness - Awareness days that link in with our faith and Marks of Mission.


Diocesan Lent Course Now Available!

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A reminder that the 2025 Diocesan Lent Course is now available on our website. Christ has no body now but yours echoes the prayer of St Teresa of Avila, and invites reflection on the central Christian theme of the Church as the Body of Christ. 

Download the course now from our website.

Other ideas for Lenten devotionals

We hope you have the chance to join with a Lent Group using the above resource. However, if you wish to try something else as well, there are so many options out there. We have collated a number of books that are New for Lent 2025 in a document available via our website. There are also various offerings from the Diocese and beyond, some of which are shown below, whilst others are listed on our Events Calendar.

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The latest in the series of online short courses provided by the Scottish Episcopal Institute will be led by the Rev Liz Crumlish, Priest-in-Charge at St Oswald’s, Maybole and IME 2 Officer and Associate Tutor at the Institute. It is made up of six roughly 25-minute video’s with questions for reflection or discussion.
     The course will consider how different times demand a different kinds of leadership, involving imagination and creativity – gifts and qualities exhibited by numerous women in scripture. It reflects on the experiences of various women including Miriam, Deborah, Esther, Ruth, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany and the woman at the well, and finds inspiration and guidance for today in their practices of accompaniment, accountability, spirituality, communal discernment, provision and creativity. 

     The course can be joined via these links from 7pm each Monday in Lent:

Bishop's Lent Appeal

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The Bishop's Lent Appeal for 2025 is in support of Abraham's Children in Crisis. This small charity works with children and young people under 21 who face particular hardship and are in critical need. Their focus is on health, education, and welfare, with the determining factor being need rather than background or faith of the child. 

▶ Learn more about this charity via their website.

Donate to the Lent Appeal here.

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Upcoming Events

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Professor Hannah Holtschneider (Professor of Contemporary Jewish Cultural History) delivers her Inaugural Lecture on 5 March at 5:15pm in the Playfair Library and also livestreamed online.

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Visit Old Saint Paul's for their Radiant Heating Open Church on Friday 21 March. The church will be open from 12noon. Eucharist will be celebrated at 12:20pm (so you can experience the heaters during worship!), and then there will be an open-church demonstration.

Email Jack Niven for more information or to register: [email protected].

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For Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults

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Have You Tried?

In this section, we share a resource that might help you explore, learn, or grow in your faith: it could be a book, a podcast, an email subscription, or something else!   

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The Y'All Bible began life as an online translation that made clear whether the "you" in English-language Bibles is singular or plural. When the word is translated from the plural, it is translated y'all, to make clear that the author is talking to/about a group and not an individual, e.g. "Y'all are the body of Christ" (1 Cor 17:27). You can still access this full translation online and it is now possible to get hard copies too...just in case you ever want to be clear to which "you" the author is speaking!

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😃 We hope you have enjoyed exploring this Adventures in Faith newsletter. 

🔼 Check out the dedicated AiF webpages via the menu options above. 

📧 Please forward this email to congregational friends, who can sign-up using the button below.

👈 Share the QR code via church magazines, noticeboards, pew-sheets, etc.

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Rev Fiona (Fee) Reynolds, Advisor for Christian Life
0131 346 9089, [email protected]

Kristine, Interim Administrative Assistant (M&M)
0131 346 9085, [email protected]

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