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At left, dark orange cornucopia with red maple leaf logo. FallCon in wide red letters at top right. Newsletter in teal letters underneath

January 2025

Hello {$firstname},

It's a New Year filled with New Events and announcements.  FallCon 38 is coming fast and there is so much to plan and do.  In this newsletter you'll find:

  • Save the Dates for our AGM and FalCon 38!
  • The official call for Membership to the FallCon Gaming Society
  • A request for volunteers with some key positions highlighted for consideration
  • A growing list of upcoming events that you might be interested in

It's a lot of announcement like stuff, but it's all part of keeping FallCon fun.


Shawn K (he/him)

Save The Date - FallCon 38 - August 22-24, 2025

FallCon's coming, mark the date,

For gaming fun, it's hard to wait!

Thirty-eight years of board game glee,

A con for gamers, like you and me!

When:  August 22 - 24, 2025

Where: Telus Convention Centre

Watch for early bird badges to go on sale in spring.

Save The Date - FallCon AGM - March 19, 2025

Join us for a recap of 2024 including an update on our financial state, our prospective budget, the election of the Board, and our plans for 2025.  All members of the society can vote on motions and will receive official notification, directions on RSVPing, minutes from last year, and the agenda for this year in the coming weeks.  

If you want to become a member, keep reading!

When:  March 19, 2025, 7pm 

Where: Online Zoom Call

Official Call For Membership

What does being a member mean?

Members are individuals who wish to have voting privileges on motions put forward during the Annual General Meeting. Members over the age of 18 are able to be nominated for and, if elected, become a Director of the Society.

As an official public Society within Alberta, we must maintain an up to date Register of MembersThe Register is a membership list which must include full contact information. including a physical mailing address. The Register must be provided to the Provincial Government if requested, however we only use it to make formal announcements - such as announcing the AGM - or to communicate important information regarding Society business.

Who can be a member?

You can!  Anyone can become a member of the FallCon Gaming Society, including those under the age of 18.  

I want to help make FallCon amazing.  What do I do to become a member?
New members are accepted through a motion during the current year's General Meeting. They are then able to vote on subsequent motions for the duration of the AGM. To add your name to the list to be voted in as a member please fill out the form using the button below.

Note: If you are already a member, you will receive an email in a couple of weeks confirming your information and with a direct invitation. Keep an eye on those junk folders, just in case. 

If you have any questions, please email the Secretary at [email protected]

Become A Member
Volunteer Opportunities Banner

Join the FallCon Volunteer Team

FallCon is a 100% volunteer run organization.  If you've been thinking about how you might be able to help more, reach out to [email protected].  There are lots of ways that you can contribute, or you may have a few ideas of your own.

Organizing Team

Want to get the inside track on making the FallCon convention happen? The Organizing Team is the core group of people who make the magic happen. These fine people meet monthly to plan the details of the convention and year-round activities. Whether you just want to learn the ropes or have skills in planning and organization, we are always looking for new people to bring their talents and experience to the team!

Board of Directors

The larger vision and governance of FallCon is handled by our volunteer Board of Directors.  These directors are elected at our AGM held in March.  If you are interested in collaboration, providing vision, and helping organizers succeed then this may be a perfect role for you.  In particular, we are looking for a new Secretary to join the team.  If communication and organization is your thing then we need you!


A special thanks to Keith Rudolph, who has been keeping our website up to date for quite some time.  Alas, he is moving on and so if you have a special love of creating web spaces that people want to visit time and again, let us know.

Get Involved
Red with hex and meeple background. Upcoming events in white outlined letters in centre saying Upcoming Events

In addition to our regular meetups, we'd like to highlight upcominggaming events happening in your areas - specifically, conventions in Western Canada and gaming events in the Calgary area. Let us know if you think there is a worthy event we could showcase in the coming months.

FallCon Meetups

Our Meetup Hosts and partnerships mean that gaming is happening throughout the year.  Both physical locations and online gatherings are scheduled on a regular basis.  Click the Join This Group button when browsing the events to get notified directly.

FallCon Gaming EventsFallCon Discord Server
Nerd-Vania Logo

Nerdvania 2025

Who: Youth, Grades 9 - 12

When: February 8, 2025 - 12pm - 9pm

Where: BGCA Youth Centre - 200 East Lake Crescent NE, Airdrie

Join Airdrie Public Library and BGC Airdrie Club for a full day of all things nerdy – video game demonstrations, board gaming, and keynote speakers from industry professionals! Plus, meet Star Wars characters courtesy of the 501st Legion.  Meet fellow pop culture fans at the Nerdvania cosplay contest and dance party!

Nerdvania Info

Play With Your Food

When: March 22 - 23, 2025

Where: Riddell Centre, University of Regina Campus

Why play with your food when you can play games to fight food insecurity instead?

PwYF, in partnership with Carmichael Outreach, is changing the face of homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity in Regina by GAMEing for change!

PwYF Info

Terminal City Tabletop Convention

When: March 14 - 16, 2025

Where: Vancouver Convention Centre East, Vancouver, BC

With scheduled games, drop-in games, a massive borrowing library of over 600 board games, TCTC is full of gaming goodness including an RPG room and Proto-Alley

Terminal City Info
GOBfest 2025 Logo

GOBfest 2025

When: March 28 - 30, 2025

Where: Alberta Ave Community Centre - 9210 118 Ave NW, Edmonton

Early Bird sales for GOBfest are in progress and end February 28.  If you are in the Edmonton area or you are willing to travel there, then this family friendly weekend of gaming is a not to be missed event.  

GOBfest WebsiteGOBfest Registration
ToonCon Logo

When: April 25 - 27, 2025

Where: Ramada Saskatoon

Saskatoon's Premiere Tabletop Game Convention.  They also organize gaming events throughout the year.

Watch for Registration to open in February!

ToonCon Info
Otafest 2025 Logo

When: May 16 - 18, 2025

Where: Telus Convention Centre, Calgary

Otafest is Calgary’s volunteer-run, non-profit, all-ages Japanese anime and pop culture festival featuring anime screenings, an exhibitor hall, community panels, cosplay contests, voice actors, concerts, and so much more!  Early bird badges are available now.

Otafest Info

Game Con Canada

When: June 13 - 15, 2025

Where: Edmonton EXPO Centre

Game Con Canada is a three-day gaming expo where attendees will have access to play hundreds of games from video game studios and board game developers from around the world. Join us for a weekend full of gaming, entertainment, making new friends and discovering new experiences.

Game Con Canada Info

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