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FLH News

December 31, 2024

Calendar At-a-Glance – Save the Dates!

Jan 1 – Hair of the Hound Hunt (1pm)

Jan 4 – Formal Hunt (11am)

Jan 8 – Informal Hunt (3pm)

Jan 11 – Formal Hunt (11am)

Jan 15 – Informal Hunt (3pm)

Jan 18 – Formal Hunt (11am)

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Galloping Into the New Year!

Happy New Year's Eve! Cut loose and party like it's almost 2025 tonight, but be sure you're fit to ride by 13:00 tomorrow! We'll be treated to a special stirrup cup, a warm-beverage whoopie wagon thanks to the Hensleighs, and breakfast supported by Anne DeguchiSusie Bross JasterBreanna Brunner, MFH Candy Smith, and Leah McKune!

The weather will be colder than what we've enjoyed over the last week, so feel free to dress for warmth.

Take It Slow!

PLEASE remember to watch your speed on 251st Street. Our landowners graciously allow us to swarm the area twice a week—please be courteous and keep your speed to no more than 30mph to avoid excessive dust or surprise encounters with vehicles trying to pull out of driveways. 

Hound Drivers—HELP NEEDED!!!

A reminder that we are ALL volunteers here! Our few staff members already give extra time before and after hunts. Driving hounds in addition to those "duties" makes for a very long day. They need some backup! Driving hounds entails getting to the kennels early enough to give hounds yard time and load them (with assistance from someone who knows the hounds) and then using the designated hound truck and trailer to get them to the fixture and back to the kennels. Kennel staff is present after hunts to assist with unloading. Please contact Teresa if you are able to help.

If you are unable to drive hounds but would like to pitch in, helping staff by taking horses to trailers so they can focus on getting hounds in, untacking horses, or just checking in with staff behind the kennels to offer a hand with random tasks like uncollaring is always appreciated!

Hunt Breakfasts

Don't forget to sign up to host a breakfast! For each Saturday hunt, we need two to three members/families to team up and provide food for approximately 30-40 people on a rotating basis. As the cook(s), you get to decide what is for breakfast—even if it's actually lunch or dinner food. 😊 The breakfast volunteers are responsible for set-up and clean up on their day. (Feel free to pull your vehicle/rig near the clubhouse before and after the hunt to unload or load items, but please do not park in the staff parking spots.) Paper goods (plates, utensils, napkins) are supplied by LFA. To sign up, please contact Angela Fain (913-775-1240).

Save the Date—Hunt Ball on February 22!

This year's theme is "Hunting Across America," with each table featuring a U.S. hunt. More details soon!

Receive Recognition for FLH Volunteerism

As FLH is part of the Fort Leavenworth Family, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (FMWR) program, members of the Fort Leavenworth Hunt can record and receive recognition from Fort Leavenworth for volunteer hours spent supporting the hunt. Recording volunteer hours is an individual choice and not a requirement, but is strongly supported by the FLH Masters. Recording hours both allows for individual recognition by Fort Leavenworth FMWR and for Fort Leavenworth leadership to understand the significant time contributed by our members to make FLH successful as an organization. The guide to the right will take you through the process of registering, applying for positions, and recording your hours. Please contact FLH Master Candy Smith with any questions.

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Kennel Needs

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The kennel wishlist has been updated!

As the hunting season approaches, let's make sure our kennel staff have everything they need to keep the hounds healthy and happy! View the Amazon Wish List here

Looking for Something?

Looking for the season calendar? Don't feel like searching through emails for the latest weekly update? Bookmark the Resources page of the FLH website! With the exception of last-minute schedule changes (which will go through Facebook, email, and GroupMe), the Resources page has the most current FLH documentation.

LAC Information

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A Local Access Credential (LAC) allows civilians to enter Fort Leavenworth without having to stop at the visitor center each time. Members needing to obtain or renew a LAC must complete the Applicant Information and Criminal History sections of the LAC application (click image to download) and submit it to Master Candy Smith. You may also email your info to Candy or provide it over the phone (913-948-0189) and she will complete the form for you. She will then submit it to the FMWR Director, who will sign it and forward it to the Visitor Center (VCC) for processing. Current processing time is 2.5–3 weeks. Renewing LAC holders, please note this is a new form.

For those who need only temporary access to Ft. Leavenworth (for the hunt ball, for example), please register for a one-day pass online.


We use GROUPME Text Alerts for changes and cancellations due to weather or other circumstances. (Alerts for changes or cancellation of an event will continue to be posted on Facebook as well, and you can always call a Master.) To sign up for these text alerts, contact Jim Fain.

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