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FLH News

July 12, 2024

Calendar At-a-Glance – Save the Dates!

Jul 16 – Trail Familiarization Ride (McGuire's at 6pm weather permitting)

Jul 17 – Hound Walking (TBD)

Jul 20 – Hound Walking (TBD)

Jul 20 – Full Moon Ride (McGuire's)

Jul 23 – Trail Familiarization Ride (McGuire's at 6pm)

Jul 27 – Hound Walking (TBD)

Jul 28 – LFA Annual Meeting (McGuires at 7pm)

Jul 30 – Trail Familiarization Ride (McGuire's at 6pm)

Jul 31 – Hound Walking (TBD)

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Summertime Blues...?

The weather has been alternating between toasty and intolerable. We've been taking advantage of the just toasty days by getting hounds out and continuing trail familiarization rides. We're halfway through summer, so the fam rides are a great way to start legging up your horse while getting to know the country better!

As we get closer to the beginning of autumn hunting, we also need to be spending as much time as possible training and conditioning hounds. The hot weather makes this difficult, but we will continue getting out as much as possible and we can use all the help we can get to accustom the hounds to operating as a pack and help us keep them where they should be! Please note there is not hound walking tomorrow, the 13th, due to the predicted temps.

Staff Familiarization Rides

We will also be arranging some staff familiarization rides. These rides will be focused on not only learning the country better, but also learning where a whip or field master should place themselves in relation to the huntsman and hounds. Any current or prospective staff members are welcome to join. We will go out in a couple groups of no more than three or four to ensure the ride stays "task focused". Schedule will be weather dependent, with the first ride potentially on Saturday, July 27. If you are interested in joining, please contact Teresa via email or at 913.486.4707.

LFA Annual Meeting

Please plan to attend the LFA annual meeting on Sunday, July 28. LFA will be providing pizza and drinks! The LFA board will provide updates on LFA activities and will welcome any questions.

Trail Familiarization Rides

General Information:

  • Tuesday evenings at McGuire’s (251st & Bayle Rd, Easton, KS) starting 4 June & continuing through the start of Autumn Hunting.
  • Gate open @ 5pm; Ride off @ 6pm – please be on time.
  • No cost to current FLH Riding Members; 2nd Hunt/Social Members and Guests are encouraged and welcome – they will pay a one-time $50 fee (cash or check to “LFA”)


  • Riders without a current Hold Harmless (HH) will execute HH prior to mounting.  Adult/Junior versions available at:  https://ftleavenworthhunt.org/resources/; you are encouraged to complete and bring with you!
  • Riders and horses of all disciplines are welcome in serviceable tack and seasonal clothing of your choice. Riders will wear protective headgear (as described in the HH) while mounted, as well as footwear with a heel.  Fly spray for your horse and insect repellent for you are RECOMMENDED!
  • We will ride as a controlled group on a pre-planned route intended to expose riders/mounts with a suitable foundation to the range of conditions present in our primary hunt country.  This is a great way to establish or maintain rider/mount fitness throughout the summer – and for current FLH members who are considering stepping up to Field Master/Secretary or Hunt Staff responsibilities, this is a great way to learn the country.  You should anticipate being out approximately 1.5-2 hours.  We will plan on a mid-point check to water horses, share flasks and allow those who wish, to school on creek crossings (dry bed and deep water).
  • We will “de-brief” with BYO beverages and snacks in the clubhouse afterward!

Looking for Something?

Looking for the season calendar? Don't feel like searching through emails for the latest weekly update? Bookmark the Resources page of the FLH website! With the exception of last-minute schedule changes (which will go through Facebook, email, and GroupMe), the Resources page has the most current FLH documentation.

LAC Information

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A Local Access Credential (LAC) allows civilians to enter Fort Leavenworth without having to stop at the visitor center each time. Members needing to obtain or renew a LAC must complete the Applicant Information and Criminal History sections of the LAC application (click image to download) and submit it to Master Candy Smith. You may also email your info to Candy or provide it over the phone (913-948-0189) and she will complete the form for you. She will then submit it to the FMWR Director, who will sign it and forward it to the Visitor Center (VCC) for processing. Current processing time is 2.5–3 weeks. Renewing LAC holders, please note this is a new form.

For those who need only temporary access to Ft. Leavenworth (for the hunt ball, for example), please register for a one-day pass online.


We use GROUPME Text Alerts for changes and cancellations due to weather or other circumstances. (Alerts for changes or cancellation of an event will continue to be posted on Facebook as well, and you can always call a Master.) To sign up for these text alerts, contact Jim Fain.

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