As part of our Water Quality Monitoring Network project, River Thame Conservation Trust is hosting a series of workshops for local community members who want to contribute to river conservation in their local area. We will be gathering the trained monitors in the Water Quality Monitoring Network, along with local landowners, environmental group volunteers and other stakeholders in small groups by river subcatchment.
The workshop focusing on the Cuttle Brook and its two tributaries, the Chinnor and Sydenham Brooks, will be held on Wednesday 23rd October at 6:30 pm in the Thame Barns Centre, Church Rd, Thame OX9 3AJ. This area covers Thame, Moreton, Sydenham, Emmington, Oakley, Crowell, Kingston Blount, Aston Rowant and Postcombe.
In this workshops we will...
- Review what water quality data we have access to and have collected ourselves
- Discuss what other data types, information sources, and local knowledge we have collectively
- Explore how we can collectively get more impact out of our data
- Complete a group exercise to develop desired outcomes and actions to achieve our aims
View our citizen science data: River Thame Conservation Trust | FreshWater Watch
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