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Burning News

Amber Burn 2024

Revealing the theme ARTINUS

Once the sun goes down and the fire starts to ignite the skylines, you can almost feel that the time has come for us to be again in the city where boundaries blur between reality and imagination. Every second is an opportunity to witness and be part of something truly extraordinary.

We can also read it as “artinasi”, a Lithuanian word with the meaning of getting closer. As the time gets closer to releasing our inner artists to create something magical, we will experience our own city again!

The temporary city is called Amber Burn, where the air crackles with anticipation, signaling that it's time to embrace the magic of the moment. It is the unseen canvas where dreams are painted, melodies are composed, and stories are woven. Awaken our inner artists, let’s create a unique masterpiece where everyone is involved, welcomed, and loved.

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Amber Burn 2024, visuals by graphics team

The theme of this year could be read as “art in us” - an inner artist that exists within every human in the intricate dance of thoughts, emotions, and creativity. The flow of art through each of us or even remembering our younger selves that always wished to experiment with our unique ways of being.

Let go of fear and judgment, and allow the creative energy to flow within us. Embrace the joy of experimentation, the thrill of exploration, and the satisfaction of bringing something uniquely ours into existence. Releasing our inner artists is not just about creating art; it's about reconnecting with the essence of who we are.

Do you feel that the time is coming for Ǟʀȶɨռʊֆ? 79 days left until Ǟʍɮɛʀ ɮʊʀռ will open the gates.

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Amber Burn 2023, photo by EyePass R.Ratkevičius

Amber Burn meeting is Tuesday, April 16, 7 PM at Medijų Dirbtuvės, in the basement of M. Mažvydo Library, and online.

Link to meet onlineAB24 meet

Theme Camps in Amber Burn

You might camp however you like at Amber Burn: be a free camper with your own hammock, tent, or camper, or join a Theme Camp- whatever works for you, as long as you can maintain your survival on the site. There are many benefits to coming together with a Theme Camp.

Amber Burn, a gathering celebrating self-expression and community, invites participants to group and come together as Theme Camps. It not only facilitates resource sharing and organizing and makes the building of shared spaces easier, but also brings people together with a sense of shared purpose. It is a lot of fun to create something out of nothing and live it together as a team.

Each Theme Camp is unique in its offerings and interactivity with the Amber Burn community. It could be a small and cozy place or ambitiously big, encouraging interactions all day and/or night. 

Community interactivity varies from all kinds of entertainment, music, food, drinks, meditation discussions, installations, games, magic tricks, workshops, chill spaces, performances, lessons, presentations, etc. It can be anything the wild imagination creates and the spirit feels the burning desire to share with the world.

Theme camps ignite the celebration of creativity and self-expression and foster unique experiences and connections for all participants. Check out the link below to learn more about Theme Camps (video in Lithuanian).

Learn about Theme Camps
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Amber Burn 2024, visuals by graphics team

Theme Camp registration for Amber Burn 2024 Ǟʀȶɨռʊֆ is open. Gather your tribe, fill out the form below, and you will be contacted by the Theme Camp coordination lead. Let's meet in Amber Burn this summer!

Register Your Theme Camp

Personal income tax 1.2 %

Dedicate it to Lithuania Burners Community

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A message for all the Lithuanians: consider choosing the Lithuania Burners community as the destination of 1.2% of your income taxes that you can designate to any nonprofit until May 1.

The community is responsible for a number of art projects, social activities, and events that all spread the culture of Burning Man in Lithuania. Your contribution will help many colorful initiatives brighten our future together.

Beneficiary data:

Name: Lithuania Burners Bendruomenė.

Code: 305570612.

You can find instructions on how to easily do it in the video below in the link.

Lithuania Burners community appreciates.

How to? 1.2% tutorial

Burning Man

Main Ticket Sale

Ticket sale will start April 17, 2024 12 PM (noon) PST. Those who have registered for the main sale will get an email to the link to purchase ticket to Burning Man, do not miss it and good luck.

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Main Ticket Sale, Burning Man 2024

Regionals in Europe

Considering traveling, co-creating, and exploring regional events in Europe in 2024? Then read on; in this edition, we will share a few more of the soon-to-happen regionals across Europe.



Nowhere is a creative and safe space where people from all over the world can come together to build communities, learn, grow, and play while having fun and creating something unique. An official regional Burning Man event that follows the 10 principles. Unfortunately, it is happening at the same time as Amber Burn, but for the whole week, starting July 2 and ending July 7, in a desert in Northern Spain. The application process for build or strike is still open, and the ticket sale closes on May 1.

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Nowhere, 2024




Burning since 2019, Romania invites individuals to self-express and establish connections in their official Burning Man regional event, Mythical Creatures, taking place from July 22 to July 29. Applications to join the production team and/or bring the art installations are still open.

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Roburn, 2024


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