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Romsey & District Society

Conserving our Heritage

Protecting our Future

Dear {$firstname},

Welcome to the March 2024 RDS Newsletter

Reminder: AGM 2024

Thursday 29th February, 19:00 drinks for 19:30 start

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 29 February 2024 at the Town Hall and everyone is warmly invited to attend.

Illustrated reviews of 2023 will be presented by the Chairman, Viv Messenger and the Treasurer, Joseph Dwyer, as well as the Planning Committee, Natural Environment Committee, Events Committee, Footpaths & Cycleways Committee, Membership Secretary, Public Spaces Committee and the Buildings Preservation Trust.

The election of Officers and Executive Committee members will also be conducted.

We welcome new members - it's a great opportunity to find out about what we are doing and how you might get more involved.

Up to date information and papers here

Walk: Squabb Wood

Thursday Xth March, 10:30

Unfortunately this has been postponed due to waterlogging.  Watch out for a new date later in the year. 

An exciting 2.5 mile walk from the Memorial Park through Squabb Wood, taking in the site of Mrs Biddlecomb's Tea Room and an off path Rhododendron stretch.  Leaders: Keith and Lesley Stone.

Poetry for Pleasure

Friday 8th March, 19:45

Methodist Church Hall (at rear on the right)
All are very welcome.

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Keyhaven Bird Walk

Saturday 2nd March, 10:30

An exploration of the birds at Keyhaven with David Thelwell.

This is now fully booked.

Details HERE

Fishlake Meadows Bird Walk

Saturday 4th May, 08:00

David Thelwell will point out and identify the birds as we amble through the reserve.

This is a change of date from the one advertised in the Magazine.

Booking details etc HERE
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Test Valley Borough Council have published the latest Borough Local Plan for public consultation. The consultation period started on 6th February for eight weeks until noon on 2nd April 2024. Copies of the document can be viewed online at 

A hard copy is also available in Romsey library for reference only.

View the Local Plan 2040 HERE

What's on in Romsey

Romsey Town Council has a very good summary of what is on in Romsey on their website.  Events this month include the Mayor's Charity Concert, markets and films at the Town Hall.   

Find out more HERE

Litter, Litter Everywhere...?

Many of us have noticed the build up of litter around the town and beyond over the winter.  We may not be able to do much directly to prevent it but we can all come along to Crosfield Hall on Saturday 13th April to make the streets and windblown corners litter free for the start of summer.

There's coffee and chance to chat at the end.

Put the date in your diary NOW!

Details HERE
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If you want to reduce litter in your area on a more regular basis, you might consider becoming one of Test Valley Borough Council's 500 community litter pickers

Details HERE
More Events and News

If you ever miss or lose a monthly Newsletter, you can find present and past copies on our website HERE

To get involved in what we do or if you have ideas for activities you think we should be organising or that you would like to take part in, please contact our secretary using the email address below.  

You are receiving this email because you provided your email address to the Society.

[email protected]

Romsey & District Society 

c/o Bells Solicitors, 5 Market Place, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8FX

Email: [email protected]

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