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Vol 1 Issue 3                                                                                      May  2024

Drop by Drop, Step by Step into Summer

This month I focus on the documentation of processes as a way of increasing efficiency and profitability in your business. Also, I explore the surroundings for some edibles and medicinals growing right close by. Welcome to this edition of 'Reflections' as we transition from spring into summer in the Kootenays.

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Standard Operating Procedures: How they can help you succeed

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are instrumental in enhancing operational efficiency and achieving sustained success. Whether you are a business owner or an employee, the repetition of daily and weekly tasks underscores the importance of documenting these processes. By clearly defining and recording SOPs, organizations enable seamless delegation, ensuring consistent outcomes and efficient turnaround times. SOPs not only streamline workflows and reduce errors but also significantly bolster the prospects of achieving desired outcomes.

In preparing the business strategy for Dragonfly Meadows Virtual Solutions,I am actively engaged in the definition and creation of my own SOPs. This involves identifying and documenting the processes essential for the smooth functioning of my business on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Each process is outlined,detailing specific tasks and procedural steps, one by one. This structured approach will not only facilitate operational continuity but also enables swift task transfer should temporary operational interruptions occur. (ie. think about what happens to your work if you get sick or are unable to function for some period of time).

It is necessary to undertake periodic updates to align with your businessgrowth and evolving needs. Regular quarterly reviews are recommended to reviewyour procedures. For businesses with employees, fostering an environment offeedback ensures continual improvement based on their valuable insights andsuggestions.

While documenting SOPs may initially appear time-consuming, the long-termbenefits far outweigh the initial investment. Engaging a Virtual Assistant canexpedite this process, offering invaluable support in establishing andmaintaining SOPs. Embracing SOPs cultivates organizational resilience andefficiency, paving the way for sustained success in both your business andpersonal endeavours. Ask me. I’m here to help.

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Foraging the Kootenays: Health and Wellness Close to Home

Recently, I brought home a basket full of catnip that I harvested at its peak. We are so fortunate to have a wild space right next to our yard. It was once a mature forest that was harvested (ie. clearcut) several months before we arrived here in Slocan Park. Nature has a way of coming back and it is now filled with lush growth.

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While many of these may seem like ‘weeds’ to folks reading this, there are many beneficial plants nestled amongst them. Last fall I was able to harvest mullein that helped relieve lung congestion during several bouts of winter flu/colds. I’ve also transplanted several small elderberry bushes into my garden and there are many more growing up in the space. Elderberries also are great for relieving cold and flu symptoms.

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Then there is the burdock!! SO MUCH BURDOCK. Did you know that not only is the root edible, but it also provides stronger antioxidant activity than most common fruits and vegetables. It can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Time to get the shovel out…. these suckers are a challenge to dig out. Those are only a few of the ‘treasures’ I have found in my immediate area!

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I stripped the catnip leaves off the stems, placed them on the dehydrator trays and dried for about 24 hours. Now I have a nice jar of catnip leaves that will make a lovely catnip tea to help reduce tummy troubles and to help us get a good night’s sleep. It’s surprising what a good ‘weed’ can do for you if only you take the time to learn and explore. Nature’s pharmacopeia is all around us.

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If you’re looking to boost productivity and focus on what matters most, let’s chat about how I can support you! I offer top-notch administrative services tailored for entrepreneurs and not-for-profits. I have years of experience managing small organizations and can take a wide variety of behind-the-scenes tasks off your plate, so you can focus on the high leverage value-added activities that will take your business to the next level of success.

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