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Newsletter #4 – 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Top News

Congress Website

Know all about the 43rd Annual Meeting of SPOT at https://congresso.spot.pt/en

We will be posting new information about the Congress, every week, on the Congress website, so that you can keep up-to-date with all the information regarding the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, which, this year, will have 4 days, and will take place from Wednesday, November 6th through Saturday, November 9th, at the Algarve Congress Center, Portugal.


Round Table on Innovation and Financing

We live in an era of great technological development. Innovation happens daily and is unavoidable.

But is all innovation good? Did it come to stay? Does it all add value? And will it all last ?

How to distinguish what will be temporary and what will remain?

How to choose which horse to bet on ? What should be financed ?

These are the topics which will be debated and for which we are inviting a panel of distinguished personalities with experience and published papers on these topics.

This round table will take place on Thursday, November 7th.

Main Congress Round Table – Large Private Hospitals: The Supermarkets of Health?

The Main Round Table of the Congress will focus on this topic, which is so on the agenda, of the current discussion, when we talk about the health players in Portugal.

Large private hospitals have proliferated, throughout the country. Will it be a trend to maintain? What are the advantages? And the disadvantages? What is the role of proximity clinics? Will there be new challenges on the horizon regarding these new large hospitals? And new opportunities?

We hope to have the speakers we invited, share some light and perspective regarding this very important topic.

This round table will take place on Thursday, November 7th.

Round Table – Quo Vadis Portuguese Public Health Service

This year, we will hold again, the session under the name Quo Vadis Portuguese Public Health Service (PPHS), to talk about the recent challenges and issues facing the PPHS.

The PPHS has been degrading, and change is urgent. Are any renovations underway? What are the big challenges? Is the new public hospital model (ULS) the solution for everyone? Or just for some? Which ones? What health do we want for the Portuguese in 2030?

The personalities we have invited to be the debaters of this very important topic, will held reply to these queries.

This round table will take place on Thursday, November 7th.

Congress Main Theme - Health Insurance Sustainability: The challenge of the rising costs!

Healthcare costs have been increasing a lot. The increase in expenditure must be accommodated by income from insurance premiums or subsystem contributions. These have also been increasing.

How much can we pay? How to support expenses at international levels, with nationally based salaries? How to avoid unaffordable premiums? And the consequent reduction in policy holders? What are the consequences for private providers and the Portuguese Public Health Service? How to guarantee the sustainability of this system?

These are the topics to be discussed at this round table.

This round table will be held on Friday, November 8th.

Round Table - Organizational models and system sustainability

How to guarantee the sustainability of a system in constant loss? With what models? With a renovation? With a fresh start? What is the role of the new public hospitals model of governance (ULS)? What about the PPP’s (Public-Private Partnerships)? Are CRI’s (Integrated Responsibility Centers) ? Are there other models? What health do we want, or can we have for the Portuguese?

We hope to reply to these pertinent issues in this round table, and count on several representatives of the different players to provide such possible solutions for the sustainability of the Portuguese Health system.

This round table will take place on Friday, November 8th.

Round Table – The role of the Social Sector in the Health System

The Portuguese Public Health Service (PPHS), the Social and the Private Sectors ! Completely separate or integrated, in its operation?

Synergies in managing Portuguese citizens’ health or every man / woman for himself/herself?

What are the specificities of the Social Sector? What is its contribution to the health of the Portuguese? Better integration, better care? What is the vision? Which way?

The panel of experts of this round table aims to share light on these important questions and issues.

This round table will take place on Friday, November 8th.

Congress Registration

You can register for the 43rdAnnual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at:


International participants, have thepossibility of choosing online participation, should they not be able to cometo Portugal. We count on your participation!

Follow our social media and our website!

Copyright © This information is intended for members of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

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