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Dear friends and partners,

"Behold!, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19

in 2019 I saw a vision from the Lord showing revival fires springing up across the North of England that spread across the UK and into the rest of the World, I truly believe we are in a time of stirring, wells being unblocked Living water flowing, a new day a new time Sound the Alarm!


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... Mission24 School of Mission and Ministry!!!


These are such exciting times as the School of Ministry grows...and comes to the NORTH!!!

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone wanting to learn more how to share their faith, to receive training, encouragement, and opportunities to join mission teams in the UK and abroad.

The teaching days are once a month. In the Manchester location this will be on a Saturday, starting on 14 Sept through to July 2025. The cost is £1200. Jonathon Conrathe will be teaching as well as other Mission24 Evangelists and I will be alongside Jonathon, heading up this location.

For those that know me personally, this is the 'internship' that I completed 6 years ago and was an investment into the kingdom that totally changed my life.

It will be based at one of the Ivy Cottage church locations as we work alongside Pastor Anthony Delaney.

If anyone is interested then please get in touch for more info or a chat etc at https://mission24.co.uk/traini..or email myself at [email protected]

There is an informal interview and your pastor will be asked for a reference. The interview dates are starting to be collated so if this is something you feel the Lord is prompting you to join, I encourage you to do it! 




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I am really looking forward to working with Newbold Church again. As part of their outreach we are holding 2 Evangelism Training sessions on Friday evening and Saturday morning and then an Outreach in the afternoon and a Gospel Evening on the Saturday.

All welcome to join us for the training and outreach if you are local. Please get in touch for more details.


ROME - May

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I have literally just got back from a great mission in Rome as part of a M24 team.

We encountered opposition from the start with luggage getting misplaced and then the crusade ground that had been book having rubble dumped all over it.

However, Praise God, He is faithful and through many prayers the rubble was moved and the outreached went ahead………………………………………………..

Whilst out on ministering on the streets I saw a girl called Sofia who had injured herself and walked with a stick! I asked to pray for her and proclaims Jesus is the healer! She received prayer and was aghast as the pain and discomfort had gone, as were her friends who witnessed what has happened. After then sharing the Gospel she responded to Jesus as did her friends,

Glory to Jesus


It was so good to be invited by Champness Hall Church to come and hold a Revival Meeting with Revivalist Diego. We believe it is time for the church to hear the alarm sounding and Pastor Prem just allowed us to run with what God had out in our hearts and we just had a beautiful time seeking and encountering God’s Presence. We knew the enemy hates it when the church moves in this direction and all 3 of us were laid low with illness beforehand, myself not able to get out of bed until 3 hours before the start of the meeting. But Praise God, He has the victory for these meetings then ran for an extra 3 nights with people coming from local churches to encounter God.


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It was a great to be invited down in Swansea to teach at the Wales Mission24 School of Mission and Ministry. Loved preaching on Faith for Miracles followed by a powerful time of impartation. These students are on fire for Jesus.

Whilst in Wales we cannot miss an opportunity to visit our great friends Pastors Wade and Claire McClennan at Hope Church, Cardiff. Great morning of preaching about seeking God’s Glory followed by an alter call for who are hungry for the Presence of God!!

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DERBY – April

A wonderful time in Derby to be ministering alongside Lloyd from Mission 24 Next Gen. We were invited by New Life Church, Derby to speak at their Youth Event, to train and encourage the next generation.

Across the day we saw salvations, baptisms in the Holy Spirit and these young people going out and starting to pray for the sick and seeing healings!!!

What a blessing to be a part of sowing into the new generation of believers.

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In March we were off down to Leicester with some of the guys that attend our Go Impact Mentoring Group for Mission24 Conference. These are always great times of encouragement from great speakers, including Jonathan Oleyede and Anthony Delaney, spurring us on with how God is sweeping across the churches in this country!!!

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At Go and Tell we are privileged to welcome our newest Trustee David Clark on to our Board of Trustees. We have known Dave for many years and love his faith and passion for Jesus and we look forward to having him walk alongside us


06 June: Go Impact Evangelists Group Meeting

14-16 June: Newbold Evangelism Outreach Weekend

10 July: M24 Spain Mission

20 July: New Life Church, Milnrow Fun Day in the Park

21 July: Preaching at home church, New Life, Milnrow

22 July: Speaking at Bridges Outreach to the Homeless

Praise God for:

For our New Trustee coming on board

For upholding us and the victory when the enemy presses in

Please Pray for:

Manchester School of Mission and Ministry

Newbold Evangelism Weekend

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss/book us for Missions/Outreaches, Evangelism Training, Preaching and Workshops.

Thank you for all your support in upholding us with your prayer and giving, we are deeply grateful.

Many blessings

Wayne and Lucy Hudson

If you would like to donate towards the work of Go and Tell, the details are below:

CAF Bank

Go and Tell Ministries



Or donate via PayPal at paypal.me/goandtelluk

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Go and Tell Ministries is a registered charity in England and Wales: 1188075

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