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Newsletter #3– 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Top News

Congress Website

Know all about the 43rd Annual Meeting of SPOT at https://congresso.spot.pt/en

We will be posting new information about the Congress, every week, on the Congress website, so that you can keep up-to-date with all the information regarding the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, which, this year, will have 4 days, and will take place from Wednesday, November 6ththrough Saturday, November 9th, at the Algarve Congress Center, Portugal.


2nd Announcement

The Second Announcement will be released shortly. Please stay tuned and check the Congress Website.

EHS Round Table

In this edition of our Annual Meeting, we will have a round table, organized by Dr. Pedro Dantas, national representative of EHS – European Hip Society, with the support and scientific patronage of EHS. We will soon have more information about this table.

SOFCOT Round Table

We will have a table organized by SOFCOT – Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique organized by Prof. Patrice Mertl, Vice-President of SOFCOT and Director of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of the CHU Amiens-Picardie, France, on “Revision of PTJ due to instability” with the presence of the following French colleagues: R. Remy, G. Pasquier, M. Bonnin and A. de Ladoucette.

This table will take place on the 1st day of the Congress – Wednesday, November 6th, in the afternoon. Don’t miss it!

Multidisciplinary Round Tables

We are organizing the following round tables, which will be multidisciplinary, with current topics, which we all want to see debated, and for which we count on your participation and contribution:
• Large private hospitals: Health superrmarkets?
• Quo Vadis Portuguese National Health Service?
• Sustainability of health insurance systems: The challenge of the rising costs!
• Organizational models and Portuguese health system sustainability
• The role of the Social Sector in Portuguese Health

Abstract Submission Status

The abstract submission for the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ends on May 15th.

Abstracts should be submitted at:


The abstracts review process, will begin on May 20th, and by July 15th we will inform the authors about the acceptance status.

Congress Registration

You can register for the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at:


International participants, have the possibility of choosing online participation, should they not be able to come to Portugal. We count on your participation! 

Follow our social media and our website!

Copyright © This information is intended for members of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

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