| A Message from the Chief of the Chaplain Corps Chaplain (Colonel) Linda Pugsley |
As Chaplains and CDIs, we are tasked with helping our members with their spiritual needs and faith traditions. In addition to that, we offer comfort and emotional care, conflict management and so much more. But it doesn’t end there! We also need to be excellent leaders...lead by example. Some qualities of a good leader are:
Diligence • Integrity above all • Trustworthy messenger • Awarding people for integrity • Being a good listener • Able to discern • Listens to both sides of the story. • Doesn’t play favorites • Stands up under adversity • Stands up under praise • Doing your duty and doing it well • Always striving for excellence • Be in initiator, don’t wait for someone else to develop something • Knowing and following the regulations and governing directives Check your habits, your character, and make sure your reputation is stellar. Chaplains and CDIs,you should be progressing in your Specialty Tracks, in your Education and Training Levels. If at a squadron, you should be at every meeting (as is possible), not just the Character Development class. You are their Chaplain/CDI. You should be covering the Encampments, the Cadet Activities, the SAREX’s etc. at least one of those each year.
And yes, I know how hard it is. As your Chief of Chaplains, my schedule is grueling, and still, by the grace and strength of God, I am able to cover my squadron, the encampment, other activities, and teach at NESA. I’m not bragging on me I’m bragging on God. He will help all of us to cover the areas to which He has called us. It is hard, costs us time and money, time away from family and all else that is precious. But that great God invented great leadership skills. Tap in on it. And in that way, all of the above leadership qualities, and more, will shine through you.
YOU CAN DO THIS. God bless you all. Chaplain (Col.) Linda J. Pugsley Chief of Chaplains |
Sign Up for Regional Chaplain Corps Colleges |
The Chaplain Corps Activity Reporting System (CAPCCARS) is being reinstated |
Regulation CAPR 80-1 is in the process of being updated to reinstate The Chaplain Corps Activity Reporting System (CAPCCARS). In the meantime the Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Col.) Pugsley asks that you begin using the system again as it is now available in the Chaplain menu within eServices under Menu -> Chaplain - Chaplain Corps Reports.
The process of entering information is being streamlined. You only need to enter the activities you do as a Chaplain or CDI. Examples include: teaching a Character Development lesson, serving at an activity, attending a conference or meeting, or participating in a training as a Chaplain or CDI.
Keep in mind, it is important that you log your activities as this provides the information the Chaplain Corps needs for our reports at the Wing, Region and National levels. If you have the ability to go back to the beginning of 2024 and log your entries, please do so. Otherwise, begin entering information today. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected] |
Mission Chaplains and Chaplain Support Specialist Opportunities |
The Virtual Incident Command Post is a vital command function of Civil Air Patrol which meets each night at 2200 Eastern Time Zone. The Chaplain Corps is invited to open each meeting with prayer. This is an opportunity to provide a ministry of presence to our national Incident Command staff.
Chaplains, mission rated or not and CDIs who are CSSCS- rated are invited to participate. You can contact Chaplain Mikitta for more information. |
Chaplain Corps - 1,100 Strong and Looking for More |
The Chaplain Corps was recently featured in CAP News. Here is an excerpt:
After years as a registered nurse, including two tours as a combat nurse in Vietnam, Chaplain (Col.) Linda Pugsley turned from healing broken bodies to ministering to shattered souls. Pugsley, whose three-year tenure as Civil Air Patrol chief of chaplains ends in August, is looking for qualified men and women to step into the breach to meet the spiritual needs of CAP adult members, cadets, and those CAP serves. Right now CAP has about 400 chaplains and some 700 chaplain assistants, she said. Pugsley and a recruiting team are working to bolster the all-volunteer ranks. “We don’t have enough, but the chaplain assistants can teach the character development,” she said. “We have them go through courses and train them on teaching the character development lessons we give every month.” |
Find the information you need on the Chaplain Corps Website |
Chaplain Corps Education and Training Opportunities |
Chaplain Corps members attending a Regional Staff College (Picture of 2019 NCR CCRSC) |
The Transmitter Is Digital and Monthly |
Official Newsletter of the Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corps, The Transmitter is digital and monthly now.
Like other Civil Air Patrol e-newsletters we need your stories, articles and pictures. Examples of information that would be good to distribute would be photo's and articles from a CCRSC, an Encampment, NESA, or any of the many other activities we as Chaplains and Character Development Instructors participate in. |
The Transmitter is published monthly by the Civil Air Patrol Chaplain Corps Please send inquires to [email protected] May 2024 |
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