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- August 2023

News for Action  
A monthly newsletter to spread the seeds and connect the dots. 

Caring for the carers and supporting the supporters: adverse childhood and adulthood experiences and trauma tend to affect those who engage with the direct pain of others. To avoid over-exertion and exhaustion, it is vital to establish healthy boundaries that can sustain relationships, and prevent re-traumatisation and damage to the persons involved as much as possible.

A trauma-informed organisation is therefore to be recognised as much by the care it shows to its members as by the care it gives to its acknowledged beneficiaries. So the question for us all this month is how we propose to test that quality of care in our relationships and organisations. What are the signs that are important? And how can that quality be maintained and improved?

Our upcoming webinar on working with refugees will also cover these points - Info and registrations below!

Members taking action

We are making plans for a major London ACEs conference in 2024! Look out for updates as the event progresses, and notices of our upcoming webinars.

We continue welcoming new members to our Network. If you would like to help plan the conference or be an active part of our ACE-aware work, do get in touch.

Fresh opportunities to work with us are always available, especially in fundraising and media. You can also play an active role in helping compile this newsletter. 

Check our website for opportunities and reach out if you have a little time and a big passion to make London an ACE-aware metropolis.

Thanks to those of you who sent items for publication! 

Suggestions and comments about the contents of this newsletter are really valuable. 

Why not drop us a line via [email protected]?

Time for News for Action!

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Join our Network!

The London ACEs Hub is a beacon of mutual learning and sharing, bringing together professionals from multiple fields, survivors of ACEs and trauma, and community advocates. Get inspired and add your voice - Join in!


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London ACEs Hub: Upcoming Webinar

We are thrilled to start a new series of LAH webinars with a topic that is highly relevant to ACE prevention and resilience building!

This webinar will be an opportunity to reflect upon and learn from lessons working with refugees, also known as displaced people. Speakers will explore the value of recognising and embracing our identities as a central aspect of being ACE-aware and trauma-informed in our relationships and work.

Location: Online

Date: 21 September 2023 

Cost: Free

Beyond the Hub 

Research suggests that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect student learning and behaviour in the classroom. Children with three or more ACEs are five times more likely to have attendance issues, six times more likely to have behaviour problems, and three times more likely to experience academic failure. Join California Surgeon General Diana Ramos, and a panel of experts to learn more about opportunities and challenges for trauma-informed care in educational and care settings.

Location: Online

Date: 7 September 2023

Cost: Free

This course promoted by the University of Suffolk is appropriate for anyone and is of particular relevance for those individuals who are either existing managers /leaders or who are seeking to become future managers/leaders.

Location: Online

Date: 12 and 13 September 2023

Cost: £125

An opportunity to learn more about the course Trauma-informed care: from theory to practice, promoted by the Tavistock and Portman Clinic, to help potential participants decide if it is for them.

Location: Online 

Date: 14 September or 22 September 2023

Cost: Free

A day full of insights to challenge and go beyond the culture of psychiatric diagnosis with many contributors, including Gabor Maté & Johann Hari in an exclusive conversation with Jo Watson.

Location: Online

Date: 22 September 2023

Cost: Donation/£5-£70

An event organised by Connections for Mental Wellness offering an overview of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), including what it is, its impact, and how it’s addressed.

Location: Online

Date: 20 September 2023

Cost: Free

The Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) in collaboration with Child & Family Training presents a series of four online sessions on Trauma informed practice in safeguarding – The provision of effective toxic stress and trauma informed responses and support for children and young people affected by abuse and neglect.’

Location: Online

Date: 31 October and 7, 14, & 21 November 2023

Cost: £0 to £40


A podcast with Penelope, Rob and Abimbola promoted by Transform Justice, exploring institutional racism in the criminal justice system and what steps must be taken for the judiciary to become anti-racist.


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A briefing produced by Sudden aiming to spread awareness and understanding of the risks posed to support workers by vicarious trauma, and related conditions, based on a webinar presented by Dr. Keren Cohen. To view the webinar recording click here.

Action & Tools
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Infographic highlighted by Vineeth Sekharan, Homeless Hub, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, York University, demonstrating the correlation of ACEs and adult homelessness. Data reported in the study comes from a report published out of the University of Pennsylvania that looked at factors associated with adult homelessness. 

Racial Justice
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The gendered experiences of Black, minoritised and migrant women in contact with the criminal justice system supported by Hibiscus Initiatives. June 2023

Lived Experience

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A blog by Tony, a member of the National Expert Citizens Group, Revolving Doors, 21 July 2023.

News & Initiatives
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UN torture expert has called on the UK Government to begin an urgent review of sentences imposed on prisoners held indefinitely under the widely discredited Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) system. 30 August 2023

This important move followed proactive advocacy by family campaigners with evidence from Roger Grimshaw, Research Director at the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies. Learn more here

An increase in younger people claiming disability benefits is being driven by a "staggering" rise in mental health issues, a think tank says. By Becky Morton, BBC, 23 August 2023.

Sian Hewitt highlights the benefits of being the greenest in the UK. Evening Standard, 27 July 2023.

Articles & Books
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A new paper by Dr. Stephen Porges, based on his article in the peer-reviewed journal Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 

offering a fresh look at the main principles of Polyvagal Theory, and a response to commonly misunderstood tenets of the theory. August 2023

An article by Katherine R. K. Saunders and colleagues, BMC Psychiatry, 7 August 2023.

An article by Tamika CB Zapolski and colleagues, Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol., July 2023.

A systematic review and meta-analysis by Natasha Judd and colleagues, Journal of Public Health, 30 May 2023.

An article by Colleen E. Bennett and Cindy W. Christian, AMA Journal of Ethics, February 2023.

A book by Roy J. Eidelson, McGill-Queen’s University Press, September 2023. Doing Harm pries opens the black box on a critical chapter in the recent history of psychology: the field’s enmeshment in the so-called war on terror and the ensuing reckoning over do-no-harm ethics during times of threat.

A Dot of Inspiration

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"You can go to your psychologist and yak about what has happened to you. But the core issue is not what happened to you but the fact that your body got stuck in heart-break and gut wrench. So somehow you need to be helped to learn to re-own your body."

~ Bessell van der Kolk, on the benefits of yoga

Have some news to share?
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Disclaimer: News for Action is a collection of initiatives and information shared by members and collaborators of the London ACEs Hub (LAH).

The LAH is an independent and non-partisan network and the opinions here presented might not represent the LAH. All items included in this newsletter aim to promote constructive discussion as well as personal and collective development.

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Photos by Roy James Shakespeare

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