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Fortnightly Newsletter - 25th August 2023

Volume 7, Issue 13

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

Message From the Principal

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As we enter week 5 and the half way point of Term 3 we welcome seven students from Bosa, Indonesia. The study tour group are here to explore AIS, Adelaide and a little corner of South Australia. Today our Headstart SACE class accompany them into the hills where we shall visit the German town of Hahndorf, visit Cleland National Wildlife Park to see Kangaroos, Emus, Koalas and maybe some of the dangerous snakes which are thankfully in captivity!

AIS enjoys a special relationship with Bosa school where students in the past, present and future complete online courses in Year 11 and then complete Year 12 here with us at AIS. Indeed, there are several alumni at present completing university courses throughout Australia. This year two students coming out with us today, Jonathan and Damar are doing online courses in Year 11 as the first stage of this pathway. We are so excited to see them in person and it is very special for Yosep in Year 12 to see friends from his own school in Indonesia as he completes the Year 12 stage with us.

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We are very fortunate to be expanding our student numbers rapidly and we feel deeply privileged to be entrusted to care for your son or daughter and to take charge of their educational journeys here in Australia. Your sons and daughters enrich our school, enrich Adelaide and we look forward to their successes in the future.

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Finally, I do draw your attention to our new leave form. Many students are keen to explore Australia (via interstate and intrastate trips) during the holidays. These trips should be planned well in advance for as Principal I need to approve them. The leave form must be completed as part of this process and is available at reception for students to collect and also available online. Travelling students must have permission from parents, their homestay hosts and the school and the dates, times, travel arrangements and addresses of where students are staying are to be detailed. The same applies for students returning to their home countries or going overseas during holidays or in some cases during term time if this is pre-approved. I do thank you for your co-operation and I wish you all a happy week.

Shaun Oakey,
Principal AIS

Student Leave Application Links:

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Student Representative Council Election

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I am delighted to announce that over the past two weeks, the student body has elected new SRC representatives for all home classes. I proudly present the elected SRC representatives for Semester 2: 

Year 12: Yosep Nababan 

Year 11: Tessa Ngoc Huyen Tram Tran 

Headstart Senior: Parsa Salari 

Headstart: Sarah Thi Lam My Tran 

SACE Connect 1: Vanni Thi Kieu Van Nguyen 

SACE Connect 2: TianKai Chai 

Middle Year: Yuki Ling, Luke Tiying Lin 

Primary: Chuck Lin Yi Zhao 

Congratulations to each of you for being selected as SRC representatives this semester. It is an honour and privilege to serve both fellow students and the school community. I encourage you to wear your SRC badges with pride each morning and make significant contributions to the betterment of our school. 

To facilitate effective communication, SRC meetings will take place every Friday during lunchtime. Miss Xu will lead these meetings, providing a platform for discussing school matters and the valuable feedback gathered from your classmates. Your dedication and involvement are instrumental in shaping a positive and engaging school environment. Best of luck in your roles, and may this semester be one of meaningful accomplishments and growth. 

Sally Xu,
Student Well-being Coordinator.

From the Director of Teaching and Learning

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Welcome to mid-term. So far, this term has been busy with new students arriving, the progression of student learning and a range of experiential learning activities. We have welcomed new staff and developed plans for 2024.

We are asking the parent and homestay community to meet with us for the parent teacher meetings. Please watch your emails so you can click the link and book a time. These meetings are valuable for making connections, staying up-to-date with student progress, and most importantly, understanding how to best support your child learning here in Adelaide.

We had a successful primary parent teacher meeting evening earlier this week and we say a special thank you to the translators who helped us to connect with you. Our hope is that as a result of the meetings, you understand how your child’s education is progressing, and what else could be done to support teaching and learning.   

In week 7, the students in all English for Academic Purposes classes will sit a writing diagnostic task. Our specialist staff will level the work so we can determine the students’ English writing proficiency. This data is just one indicator we use to recommend progression into mainstream classes. We are happy to talk with you about your child’s progress with English during the parent teacher interviews.

In week 7, our senior students will participate in subject selection. Please think about what you need to study, what you like to study and what subjects you are strong at. Please also check the SATAC resources for university courses prerequisite subjects and ATARs. More information will be coming about this important decision-making time shortly. 

    Zara Phillips,
    Director of Teaching & Learning.

    We welcome our new staffs

    Joel Ruffino

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    Greetings, I'm Joel Ruffino, thrilled to join the Adelaide International School community. Having just completed my Master of Education at the University of South Australia and holding a Bachelor's in Nutrition, I'm dedicated to the art of teaching, and health. With a passion for innovative education, I'm eager to introduce fresh ideas to the classroom, encouraging an environment where students can truly thrive and grow. 


    Joel Ruffino,
    SACE Teacher.

    Natalie Milne

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    Hello, I’m Natalie Milne, and I’ve recently joined Adelaide International School, having moved from Scotland. I’m extremely passionate about teaching; a career that I absolutely adore! I’m excited about my new role at Adelaide International School, having previously worked in Scotland as an English as an Additional Language Teacher across the 3-18 years age range. I’m looking forward to the wonderful experiences ahead in a vibrant and wonderful school community.

    Natalie Milne,

    Diagnostics & Primary Teacher.

    Angus Wheaton

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    Hi, I’m Angus Wheaton, and I have been working with Adelaide International School since the start of the year helping with study tours and some classroom teaching. I am currently teaching Biology. I love working with international students and taught in Japan and Hong Kong before returning to my hometown Adelaide raise my son and daughter. I enjoy teaching English for Academic Purposes, Australian Studies and Physical Education. I am looking forward to seeing you all in class and hope you have a long and happy stay in Adelaide.

    Angus Wheaton,
    English Teacher.

    The Adelaide International School 5 Pillars Infographic

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      The School places great emphasis on virtue ethics, this originates from classical Greece and the work of Plato and Aristotle. The idea is that through good habituation and virtue practice, young people can make wise decisions and wise choices, choices that benefit the self but importantly choices that help others. With practice an individual always makes the best choice for any given situation. Since being a global citizen lies at the heart of what we do at AIS, we want all of our students to master the five virtues (or inner strengths) of integrity, gratitude, aspiration, resilience and inclusion.

      The AIS infographic

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        The AIS infographic shows the five pillars (core virtues) in blue. These are the inner strengths that AIS nurtures in every student. Good virtue knowledge and good virtue practice equips our students with the ability to project the external skills of forming positive relationships, making ethical decisions and developing a learning culture. In this way each AIS student can flourish, and they have become the best version of themselves. They are true global citizens and fully embrace what that means.

        I would like to thank our staff for working on these infographics and also to our Student Representative Council who also provided feedback and comment.


        Best wishes


        List of our Staff




        Oakey, Shaun


        [email protected]

        Phillips, Zara

        Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator

        [email protected]

        Rosie, Broderick

        AISA Business Development Manager

        [email protected]

        Huang, Maliza

        EAP&EPET Teacher

        [email protected]

        Liu, Jing

        EAP&SACE Teacher

        [email protected]

        Nayagam, Sarah

        EAP Middle Years Teacher

        [email protected]

        Xu, Sally

        SACE Teacher

        [email protected]

        Yeates, Clare

        Primary Teacher

        [email protected]

        Wu, Mia

        Primary Teacher

        [email protected]

        Chan, Tom

        ICT Support (Intern)

        [email protected]

        Gao, Grace

        Education Support officer

        [email protected]

        Huang, Chris

        ICT Support

        [email protected]

        Karem, Sam

        ICT Developer & Analyst

        [email protected]

        Rhothjirathanin, Grin

        Digital Marketing & Communication

        [email protected]

        Sha, Lola

        ICT Support

        [email protected]

        Shao, Kitty

        Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
        reception; absentees daily;
        first-aid officer;

        [email protected]

        Du, Meijia

        Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
        reception; absentees daily

        [email protected]

        So, Catherine

        Student Support Officer-Level 5
        – admissions

        [email protected]

        Sun, Leo

        IT and Facility Manager-Level 5

        [email protected]

        Zhang, Jessica

        Student Recruitment Manager

        [email protected]

        Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact Shaun Oakey on [email protected] if you need our support.


        Yours sincerely

        Shaun Oakey, Principal AIS

        Adelaide International School
        Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
        Adelaide, South Australia, 5000


        Mail: P.O. Box 3332
        Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
        Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
        Email: [email protected]


        Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
        CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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