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A free online class brought to you by Bioguard

Learn about feline infectious peritonitis and how to diagnose and manage it in this informative webinar. Get insights into the symptoms, treatment options, and prevention strategies to keep your feline companion healthy.

Access to the on-demand recording is FREE
Obtain a CERTIFICATE of attendance



Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal illness caused by feline coronavirus infection. Unfortunately, once a cat displays clinical symptoms, the disease progresses rapidly and almost always results in death. Diagnosing FIP is quite challenging and usually requires a combination of signalment, clinical signs, and diagnostic aids to obtain a diagnosis. This webinar aims to provide essential information on how to identify FIP in cats and introduce the latest progress in antiviral treatment studies.


Dr. Lo obtained his D.V.M. degree from National Chiayi University and his Ph.D. from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University. He has expertise in virology, clinical microbiology, and immunology. Previously, he worked as the Director of the Reference Lab at Bioguard Corporation. Currently, he works as a Technical Support Manager at Bioguard Corporation.

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Nov 29

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8 PM – 9 PM


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Certificate of Attendance

eCertificate will be issued to the registered attendants joining the webinar for at least 50 minutes.

How to Join: Three Options:

Option 1: Watch via ZOOM

You can join us live directly via Zoom by simply registering. Please note that we will send you the link that is unique to you and should not be shared with anyone.

Option 2: Watch on our FACEBOOK Page

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Option 3: Watch at your LEISURE

Registering to attend this webinar will also gain you access to the on-demand recording, which will be available 24 hours later.


We look forward to seeing you at this event.

Happy Learning!

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Salmonellosis is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella enterica that is common in warm-blooded vertebrates.

Reptiles and many other animals can carry the bacteria without exhibiting any signs of illness. In birds, salmonellosis is most commonly seen in wild songbirds during the winter months, when the bacteria is spread through the sharing of bird feeders.

in birds include ruffled feathers, diarrhea, lethargy, plaques in the mouth and crop, and general signs of illness. In severe cases, bird feeder-associated outbreaks can cause high mortality rates across large geographic areas.

The bacteria is intermittently shed in the feces of infected animals, and the TRANSMISSION of infection is fecal-oral, although infection through the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eye has also been reported. People and domestic animals can become infected through contact with infected songbirds, which can shed salmonella intermittently into the environment.

of salmonellosis depends on clinical signs and isolation of the bacteria from feces, blood, or tissues of affected animals.

Early TREATMENT is crucial for septicemic salmonellosis; however, there is controversy over the use of drugs for intestinal salmonella, as oral administration of antimicrobials may alter the protective natural gut flora. During outbreaks, removing bird feeders and seed waste can help reduce songbird transmission. Common sense hygiene practices, like handwashing and avoiding eating, drinking, or personal care while handling animals or contaminated equipment, can protect humans from infection.

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About Bioguard Corporation

The Bioguard is a company focusing on animal disease diagnostic services and products.
Our animal health diagnostic center is the first and only ISO/ IEC 17025 accredited animal disease testing laboratory in Taiwan and China.

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