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Every year at conclave, the youth of our section gather and elect the officers to lead them for the next year. Meet the Arrowmen elected to serve Section G11 for 2023-2024.

Meet the Officers
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Hear from Section Chief Gavin Nathe about his exciting new plans for Section G11 to Seek New Heights in the 2023-2024 term!

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As of October 1st, 2023, Crazy Horse Lodge will no longer be a part of Section G11. Crazy Horse will surely be missed, we thank you for you brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service to the Section. 

Hear from Crazy Horse Lodge Chief Grace Belcher on her experience as a leader in Section G11!

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The Council of Chiefs has decided, in response to the loss of Crazy Horse Section Conclave 2024 will be hosted by Pa-Hin Lodge at Camp Wilderness from September 6th-8th!

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Order of the Arrow High Adventure (OAHA)  the OA's premier way to attend a High Adventure base. From working on trail one week, to creating your own Philmont trek on the second, OAHA is a lifechanging experience we want you to have!

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The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is an experience like no other in the Order of the Arrow. From specialized trainings, to large scale activities, and professionally produced evening shows, you will always have something fun to do.

This NOAC we look to Seek New Heights at the University of Colorado Boulder from July 29th - August 3rd. We hope to see YOU at NOAC this summer!

Remember to sign up quickly as spots are going by fast. With over half the spots already taken, we want to see you there. Make the commitment and Seek New Heights at NOAC 2024.

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