Halloween draws ever closer! So, here's a friendly reminder for you to try and make sure that you don't forget to purchase candy for the upcoming occasion. And don't buy that cheap shit (as if any candy is cheap, anymore), either. Richard Lockwood, I'm talking to you, buddy!
Since last issue, I managed to make a mess of things, by deleting some images (quite a few images, actually - SSShhh! Don't tell anybody.) from my Sender account, in a bid to clear up some space, and to make it a tad easier to find some of the images that I reuse the most. Yeah, as it turns out, that was a really bad idea. EEK!
What ended up happening is that some of the old issues of PBM Chaos now look as if chaos, itself, descended upon them, with various images that I included in them now being gone. POOF! Live and learn, I reckon. I don't recall encountering a problem like this, when I used MailChimp to send the PBM mailings with. Go figure!
Come to find out, after making an inquiring after the fact with Sender, that there's apparently no space limits - so, trying to "save space" turns out to have been wholly unnecessary. I just don't know, though. Which doesn't fix anything, of course, but by this point, it's all water under the bridge.
If your name is Dan Warncke, take note that Comcast apparently mistakenly thought that an e-mail that I sent to you about one of our games was spam, and now I don't know if my e-mail to you will keep on finding its way into your in-box. Then again, you may not end up receiving this e-mail, but we live in an imperfect world, I'm afraid.
I have begun pondering more what works and what doesn't, what's problematic and what's not, that sort of thing. Are these PBM Chaos mailings too big, too long, too anything? Did I just hear somebody's thought bubble out there just say "too boring?" Was that you, Weatherhead?
Maybe I'm just always looking for a better way to do things, a better way to get the word out about PBM, a better way to get more people interested in this favorite hobby of mine. Certainly, I could change over to just sending out really short e-mails. I could significantly reduce my use of image ads to promote PBM games, and just include perhaps a couple of image ads in each issue of PBM Chaos. You all should really write in and tell me what you think, tell me what you want, tell me what you like or dislike, tell me what you prefer or don't prefer. Otherwise, I tend to make such decisions alone, by myself, and at late hours of the night - many times past the witching hour, itself!
Or perhaps I am simply trying to cram too much stuff into each issue of PBM Chaos. Granted, I previously published the original Suspense & Decision magazine, and then a good while after that, I published PBM Unearthed. For the most part, I can't really tell much difference in publishing a PBM magazine, a PBM newsletter, or PBM mailings. It's all basically the same stuff, and awareness of all three was/is primarily accomplished via communications by e-mail. What to do, what to do, what to do?
And on top of the "normal" PBM stuff, adding PBMville: Wild West Shootout into the mix just makes issues of PBM Chaos all that much longer. Some of this stuff needs to either be consolidated, I think, or perhaps offloaded into separate mailings. If PBM is dead, then why do these PBM mailings continue to suffer from the Blob effect? And if you don't know what The Blob is, then you really ought to look up that old science fiction/horror flick from the year 1958. Hey, it stars Steve McQueen!
There's some new image ads in this issue. Several of them, in fact. I'm not the best at this sort of thing, but personally speaking, I think that PBM gaming is worthy of and deserving of not having to continuously run the same imagery before the interested gaming public non-stop for countless years on end. So, my aim is to try and inject some fresh visual energy into PBM gaming as a whole. Whether I'm succeeding or not, I leave that to each of you to decide for yourself.
I didn't include an image ad for that favorite PBM game of mine, Hyborian War, in this issue. Thus, why I am including this little text link for it, in the middle of this spiel.
And on that note, I am gonna go ahead and prepare this issue of PBM Chaos for publishing. I'm also gonna go ahead and make the command decision to shift the PBMville turn results into a separate mailing. For those playing in that game, be sure to enjoy the additional suspense and anticipation that this will bring to you, because you all thought that it was going to be included with this issue of PBM Chaos. And it will - only not in the way that you might have been expecting.
Whether I keep things this way or not, we'll all just have to wait and see, myself included. Until next time, happy reading, happy gaming, and happy PBMing!