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Water Charity End of Year Matching Campaign

Once again, we are proud to say that one of our awesome, diehard donors has stepped up and offered to match any donations we receive during this End of Year "giving season." 💙 This means you can double your impact and help even MORE people. Water Charity is already an order of magnitude more efficient and effective than other water "awareness raising" organizations, with their incessant self-promotion, tactless celebrity photo ops, and bloated admin etc. Support our sustainable, local economy boosting projects and programs at this critical End of the Year push for nonprofits.  

With the matching funds, you will be able to make a profound difference in the lives of the poorest people for UNDER $1 a person. You can search the website (over 5k pages) and find current projects to sponsor... or adopt older ones that weren't fully funded. With 86 countries to choose from, and a wide range of development work, disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and direct interventions, there is surely something you can support. Of course, you can also just donate and let us allocate the funds where they can best be used. ALL donations are fully tax deductible in the US, so better to do real good in the world.. than let politicians spend your money on pork.

As you know, we don't reach out often. You don't get your inbox blasted with requests, "engagement" or expensive PR. We don't do that, and we don't like getting that kind of hard-sell from others. If you would like to hear from us more often or are genuinely interested in the current events and successful interventions we have going, please feel free to reach out to us. We are more than happy to engage with you directly. See if other charities will make that kind of time for you, or personally connect you to updates and field reports on the work you care about. For our larger donors, we are even able to design programs and campaigns specifically tailored to your interests and focus... so long as it meets our core criteria and stringent corporate ideals.

We are very happy to have you on our team. We don't take you for granted. Mní Wičhóni! (Sioux for: Water Is Life!) 💧

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1 (929) 27 WATER
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