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Fortnightly Newsletter - 28th July 2023

Volume 7, Issue 11

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

Message From the Principal

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A Fresh Start for over Forty New AIS Students…

What a wonderful start to Term 3 on Monday where we saw over forty new AIS students arrive on campus to begin their studies.  While much of the day was spent filling in forms and getting laptops configured, we did manage to get outside and show the students around parts of Adelaide including a visit to Rundle Mall, North Terrace and our returning students were able to see the laboratories where our practical Science sessions will run. 


It was also an honour for us to welcome our first study tour group in 2023 from Zhangjiagang Language School in China.  We were able to give them a quick presentation about Adelaide and South Australia as a means of introduction to their busy schedule.  Our two schools have a rich history of co-operation and as always it is wonderful to accommodate students from their school here in Adelaide and we look forward very much to receiving the other study groups who arrive over the coming weeks.   

A note about homestay…

Many of our students both new and returning spend a significant amount of time in Australia with their homestay hosts. Our students have very positive relationships with their hosts, with families often taking our students out and showing them Adelaide and South Australia. However, it is not unusual for there to be a period of adjustment as students get used to new routines, different food and some new house rules.

We do expect that AIS students, (at all times) act with kindness and respect and show gratitude towards their hosts. If there are difficulties at home please speak to your home class teacher who will arrange for you to get some assistance with your problem.

All students are expected to maintain an excellent attendance record. Students should be in school each day ready for class at 9:15am. On the rare occurrence of sickness, students should inform their homestay host who will call your absence in to the school reception in the morning. Either the homestay host or the parent must inform the school of absences.

Feeling homesick is also quite a normal factor, particularly early on as you make new adjustments. It can also occur after a trip home in the holidays because everyone misses their family and friends and the familiar comforts of home. If you are feeling homesick, please talk to our staff or fellow students about it, we are friendly, open community and it is easier to share the burdens of getting to grips with being somewhere new.

Useful Information About Adelaide

As a Geographer, I am really interested to tell you about the beautiful city of Adelaide (Latitude: -34.9285° S, Longitude: 138.6007° E), the vibrant and multicultural city that will be your home during your academic journey in Australia! As you embark on this exciting chapter of your life, we want to help you make the most of your time in our beautiful city. Here are some useful things about Adelaide, along with some basic climatic statistics, to help you settle in and make unforgettable memories. 


1. A Welcoming City: Adelaide is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. With a diverse community of locals and international students, you'll find it easy to make new friends and feel right at home. Don't hesitate to engage with people, join clubs, and attend social events to expand your network and enrich your cultural experiences -your homestay hosts will help and so will the school. 

2. World-Class Education: As an international student, you've chosen a city renowned for its exceptional educational institutions. Whether you're pursuing a a future direction in science, arts, engineering, or any other field, Adelaide's universities offer top-notch education, excellent facilities, and expert faculties who will nurture your academic growth. 

3. Affordable Living: Compared to some other major Australian cities, Adelaide offers a more affordable cost of living. From accommodation to food and transportation, you'll find plenty of budget-friendly options that will let you enjoy your time here without breaking the bank. 

China town on Gouger St, The Markets off Grote Street, The Myers Centre Food Hall and David Jones Food Halls all offer affordable places to eat out. 

4. Public Transport: Adelaide boasts a well-connected and reliable public transport system, including trains, trams, and buses. The Metrocard is your key to effortless travel within the city, and many educational institutions offer discounted student passes to make your commute even more affordable. Our reception staff can help you apply for a Metrocard. 

5. Cultural Diversity: Adelaide is a melting pot of cultures, and you'll find a wide array of international cuisines, festivals, and events that celebrate diversity. Embrace the opportunity to try new foods, attend cultural fairs, and learn about different traditions from around the world. Tourist information will give you information about the many festivals going on throughout the year.  There is generally something on in the city most week-ends. 

6. Sport Facilities: For sports enthusiasts, Adelaide offers a range of top-notch facilities. The Adelaide Oval (War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide) is an iconic venue known for hosting cricket matches and Australian Rules Football. If you enjoy swimming, head to the Adelaide Aquatic Centre (Jeffcott Road, North Adelaide) for its Olympic-sized pool and water slides. Additionally, the city has various parks and recreational areas perfect for jogging, cycling, and outdoor workouts.  There is of course the gym on level 7 of our building. 

7. Shopping Delights: When it comes to shopping, Adelaide has something for everyone. Rundle Mall (Rundle Street, Adelaide) is a bustling pedestrian street with a mix of high-end retailers, boutiques, and department stores. For fresh produce, artisanal goods, and multicultural delights, explore the Adelaide Central Market (Gouger Street, Adelaide). If you're looking for trendy fashion and unique finds, head to the boutiques in the vibrant East End precinct. 

8. Beautiful Green Spaces: The city is renowned for its lush parks and gardens, providing the perfect spots to relax, study, or enjoy a leisurely stroll. Make sure to explore the Adelaide Botanic Garden, the serene River Torrens Linear Park, and the picturesque Mount Lofty Botanic Garden for a rejuvenating experience. 

9. Vibrant Arts Scene: Adelaide's arts and entertainment scene is thriving, with numerous theatres, galleries, and live music venues. From the Adelaide Fringe Festival to the Adelaide Festival of Arts, you'll have ample opportunities to immerse yourself in creativity and entertainment. 

10. Beaches and Outdoor Activities: A short distance from the city centre, you'll find stunning sandy beaches along the coastline. Take a break from your studies and enjoy a day at the beach with friends, or explore the nearby hills for hiking and outdoor adventures. 

Climate in Adelaide: Adelaide experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm to hot summers and mild winters. Here are some basic climatic statistics to give you an idea of what to expect: 

Summer (December to February): Average high temperatures range from 26°C to 29°C (78°F to 84°F), with occasional heatwaves reaching above 40°C (104°F). 

Autumn (March to May): Pleasant temperatures, with average highs between 22°C and 25°C (72°F to 77°F) and cooler nights. 

Winter (June to August): Mild and occasionally wet, with average highs around 15°C to 16°C (59°F to 61°F). 

Spring (September to November): Gradually warming up, with average highs between 20°C and 24°C (68°F to 75°F) and blooming gardens and parks. 

Remember to pack accordingly and layer your clothing during the cooler months. Summers can be hot, so stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun while enjoying all the outdoor activities Adelaide has to offer. 

I wish you all the best in your studies and hope you create fond memories that will start to make Adelaide feel like home. 


Shaun Oakey

A big welcome to our new staff at AIS

It is with great pleasure that AIS welcomes Mingxia Wu (Mia) who will be teaching our youngest primary students (Year 1 to 3) this term. Mia has several years of teaching experience in China and has experience in early childhood education in Australia as well as working as a relief teacher in several Adelaide primary schools.

Mr Angus Wheaton also joins our staff as a part time teacher of EAP Science. Angus is an experienced teacher who with many strings to his bow including his soccer coaching, Japanese speaking, teaching of Science and Humanities in a large variety of SA schools. Angus has already assisted us by delivering the EAP English language components of our Japanese Study Tour. We are proud to have him here again to guide our EAP students through their Science courses.

We have other staff joining us later this term and I will announce this in due course.

Shaun Oakey

AIS Graduation Ceremony

Last week's graduation ceremony was an unforgettable event, filled with joy and pride as we gathered to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students. The venue was adorned with vibrant decorations, and the atmosphere was electrifying with the presence of numerous guests, including proud parents and enthusiastic school faculty. Applause and cheers echoed through the hall as each student's name was called, symbolising the end of one journey and the beginning of another. We heartily congratulated all the graduates who will be continuing their academic pursuits in their chosen destination schools, and we have no doubt that they will shine brightly in their future endeavours. The ceremony was a true testament to the dedication and hard work of both the students and their support networks, and it left us inspired and hopeful for the bright futures that lie ahead for these young achievers.

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Feedback from our graduates 

about the EAP For SACE Connect program

Yannis – SACE Connect graduate 

Weeks of EAP studied: 30 weeks 

Destination school: Thebarton Senior College – NAP  

In English 1, I did a film study.I have watched the Karate Kid, learned how to deal with bullying and talk about making choices. While somebody is bullying me, I can know what I can speak and tell them not to do it. In English 2, I learned about AI (Acritical Intelligence) and learned how to do a mini TED-Talk. My most memorable experience was the role play activities because I like to act a lot. After studying in AIS, I have gained a lot of my confidence in the English. I also start to talk in English with my classmates. It is useful in my future in Australia.   

Lan – SACE Connect graduate 

Weeks of EAP studied: 21 weeks 

Destination school: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart – Year 10  

The most useful thing that I have learned while studying EAP to make myself confident in English was the teacher's ability to communicate very well. They support each student in the classroom. Furthermore, most of teachers will improve student’s abilities. This is a reason that I like about AIS. Improving my abilities will make it easier for me to communicate with people, because in the past I was quite shy at this. Overall, the most memorable experience was going from E to C grade. In my opinion, I am very grateful to have received the enthusiastic help of the teacher and the feedback to improve. 

Jasmine – SACE Connect graduate 

Weeks of EAP studied: 30 weeks 

Destination school: Concordia College – Year 10  

I am very happy to be able to study at AIS for 30 weeks. I have learned a lot about presentation skills in English 1 and English 2. I have grown in confidence in English during these 30 weeks of study. I think mastering these skills will allow me to improve my communication skills in my future studies and work. This is because good communication skills are the key to communicating with others, demonstrating expertise and leading a team in school and work. 

But no one can succeed at once. For me the most memorable experience at AIS was when I gave my first presentation. Because I had never done it before in China and I didn't know how to present my ideas to an audience, I didn't score high on my SAT1. After the SAT1, Miss Huang came to me and described in detail what I should do in the future. So, in the following term, my presentation was much better. 

Overall, I am very grateful to AIS and Miss Huang for teaching me in English. I would like to say that all good things must come to an end but I hope we have a great future ahead of us. 

The Adelaide International School 5 Pillars Infographic

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    The School places great emphasis on virtue ethics, this originates from classical Greece and the work of Plato and Aristotle. The idea is that through good habituation and virtue practice, young people can make wise decisions and wise choices, choices that benefit the self but importantly choices that help others. With practice an individual always makes the best choice for any given situation. Since being a global citizen lies at the heart of what we do at AIS, we want all of our students to master the five virtues (or inner strengths) of integrity, gratitude, aspiration, resilience and inclusion.

    The AIS infographic

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      The AIS infographic shows the five pillars (core virtues) in blue. These are the inner strengths that AIS nurtures in every student. Good virtue knowledge and good virtue practice equips our students with the ability to project the external skills of forming positive relationships, making ethical decisions and developing a learning culture. In this way each AIS student can flourish, and they have become the best version of themselves. They are true global citizens and fully embrace what that means.

      I would like to thank our staff for working on these infographics and also to our Student Representative Council who also provided feedback and comment.


      Best wishes


      List of our Staff




      Oakey, Shaun


      [email protected]

      Phillips, Zara

      Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator

      [email protected]

      Rosie, Broderick

      AISA Business Development Manager

      [email protected]

      Huang, Maliza

      EAP&EPET Teacher

      [email protected]

      Liu, Jing

      EAP&SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Nayagam, Sarah

      EAP Middle Years Teacher

      [email protected]

      Xu, Sally

      SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Lique, Irish

      Primary Teacher

      [email protected]

      Chan, Tom

      ICT Support (Intern)

      [email protected]

      Gao, Grace

      Education Support officer

      [email protected]

      Huang, Chris

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Karem, Sam

      ICT Developer & Analyst

      [email protected]

      Rhothjirathanin, Grin

      Digital Marketing & Communication

      [email protected]

      Sha, Lola

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Shao, Kitty

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily;
      first-aid officer;

      [email protected]

      Du, Meijia

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily

      [email protected]

      So, Catherine

      Student Support Officer-Level 5
      – admissions

      [email protected]

      Sun, Leo

      IT and Facility Manager-Level 5

      [email protected]

      Zhang, Jessica

      Student Recruitment Manager

      [email protected]

      Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact Shaun Oakey on [email protected] if you need our support.


      Yours sincerely

      Shaun Oakey, Principal AIS

      Adelaide International School
      Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
      Adelaide, South Australia, 5000


      Mail: P.O. Box 3332
      Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
      Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
      Email: [email protected]


      Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
      CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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