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Fortnightly Newsletter - 7th June 2023

Volume 7, Issue 10

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

Message From the Principal

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Today Friday July 7th we celebrate the accomplishments of all our students and particularly we celebrate the graduation of 19 of them who complete their intensive language course with us and move to their mainstream destination school.

It is with great pleasure that I submit a copy of my speech read on this special occasion below.  Please note that our next newsletter edition will showcase some of the students’ presentations at the ceremony.

Speech delivered on July 7th 11:30am

Distinguished guests, staff members, parents, and above all, the extraordinary graduating students of Semester 1 2023 it is with immense pride and admiration that I stand before you today to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Graduation began in 13th century Europe when robes were first worn by Oxford and Cambridge graduates because the gatherings took place in very cold (unheated) buildings. The occasion marked formal recognition of mastery of your chosen domain.  The robes for academics helped to separate the students from those who gathered to watch and the hood came about to cover the heads of the clergy who often had shaved heads.  In those days education was often linked to institutions with strong links to the church.  Over the years the robes became standardised to black and each institution had its own variant on design and the hood became diagnostic of the subject domain.  So ,my robe today with its pleats and the exposed arms is a mark of London University and the gold is recognition of a Science Masters from UCL.  One day you will stand maybe in Bonython Hall on North Terrace, just across the road here and you will wear your robe, and hood and receive your certificate.

So,this graduation today at AIS signifies not only a milestone of your academic journey at AIS, marking the beginnings of a new journey in a new school, but also a testament to your unwavering resilience and adaptability.  Resilience is one of the Five AIS pillars making up our holistic model of what it means to be a global citizen. As graduates of an international school, you have embarked on a unique adventure, immersing yourselves in unfamiliar cultures and overcoming the challenges of living and studying in a foreign land. Your ability to embrace diversity, understand different perspectives, and thrive in unfamiliar environments sets you apart and prepares you to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world.

Today, we applaud your incredible achievements and the countless hours of effort, pain, and difficulty you have endured to reach this significant moment. In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, 'Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.' These words encapsulate the spirit of your journey, as you have not only faced challenges but also conquered them with grace and determination. Roosevelt’s words remind us that when things get tough we should rejoice because we are set on a pathway to success.

The experiences you have gained from studying in a foreign country have not only broadened your perspectives but have also fostered a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of our global society. You have formed friendships that transcend borders, learned from cultures that enrich your worldview, and developed the resilience to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. These invaluable lessons will continue to guide you as you step into your new schools.

Gratitude, is another AIS pillar and today, we also express our profound gratitude to your parents, guardians, and families who have supported you from afar, providing love, encouragement, and unwavering belief in your abilities. Their sacrifices and commitment to your education have allowed you to embark on this transformative journey, and they share in the pride and joy of your accomplishments. Please join me in showing our heartfelt appreciation for their enduring support.

I would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to our exceptional staff and the AEG shared services, who have gone above and beyond to provide you with a nurturing environment that fosters growth, understanding, and excellence. Their dedication, passion, and commitment to your education have been instrumental in shaping your progress. Let us take a moment to recognize and applaud their tireless efforts.

Particularly I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Ms Irish Lique who has been teaching our primary years.  Ms Lique leaves us today, having decided to take some time away from teaching to care for her newborn daughter.

Secondly,I would like to particularly acknowledge the hard work of Mrs Huang who has dedicated herself entirely to the organisation of this ceremony and who I know you all have great affection for as a committed and caring teacher and home class mentor.

Students and graduates, I commend the way you have prepared for today and I look forward to seeing your presentations this morning.  I say to you finally that 

you may face new challenges and encounter obstacles along your individual paths, always remember that you possess the skills, knowledge, and determination to overcome them. Be courageous in the face of adversity, for it is through the difficult moments that we grow the most.

In conclusion, I want you to know that the legacy you leave behind in this international community is one of Aspiration, resilience, and inclusion. Carry these values with you as you embark on your new adventures and strive to lead lives of purpose and impact always.

Once again, my congratulations to you all. May your futures’ be filled with endless possibilities.


I. CHEN Ruixuan - Perry (PAC)
2. JIANG Zhuoyuan
3. WANG Jiayue - Dharma (SGC)
4. XIE Niantianyi (SC)


I. CHEN Ruize Xavier (PAC)
2. LIU Chenshuo - Eric (St. Boys)
3. LIU Ran Everleigh (St. Girls)
4. NGUYÊN Phuc Thinh – Tom (BPS)
5. NIU Yidi (UHS)
6. SUN Xuejing - Angela (St. Girls)
7. WANG Xiaoxi - Cici (Loreto)
8. WANG Yiru - Gia (Walford)
9. XU Qien - Eva (Walford)
10.XU Zule - James (PAC)


I. LUONG Thi Huong Lan (OLSH) 

2. TRAN Hoang Mai Huong – Jane (OLSH)
3. WONG Yeung Shan - Yannis (TBSC)
4. XIONG Huimin - Jasmine (CC)
5. HO Diep Han (UHS)

Special Notices

We return to School on Monday July 24th.  Students are expected in by 9:15.

We have over 50 new students joining us so there is a variation to routine for the day as we welcome and induct all our new students.  There will be a mix of orientation and special activities on the day and the early dismissal for Primary students at 2:30 applies, and 2:45 for secondary students.

New students should arrive with their laptop computers and they will be greeted by their home class teachers and members of the SRC.

Visual Displays and our Gallery Walk

I am pleased to announce the establishment of our new ‘Gallery Walk’ on level 4.  The walk allows students, staff and visitors to view a number of interactive display boards.  The boards show illustrated examples of the different levels of English which assists our students in seeing how they can improve their English to achieve the next LEAP level.  Some of the boards are interactive so students can practice their English and problem solve some of the puzzles.  Alternatively, they can read or observe the information to apply when they reach their classes.

Here are some examples from the Gallery Walk.

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An Engineering Problem to Solve by Shaun Oakey

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Naidoc Week by Emma 

(Past AIS and visiting Student)

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Mathematics by Jing Liu

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Investigating Mathematics by Sally Xu

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International Food by Emma and Elizabeth

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The SRC Bulletin by Parsa

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The Super Sentence by Irish Lique

Congratulations to all of our students who have completed their Term 2 2023 studies!

Well done to our English for Academic Purpose and SACE students who have completed their studies this term. The term brought about opportunities, challenges and overall, a cohort of students who progressed their language knowledge, subject content understanding and showed critical thinking skills in English – quite a feat. I am both proud and happy of the opportunities our staff have given the students to develop leadership skills, by talking more with staff, planning the graduation ceremony, work in groups and support each other in learning.

Next term, we welcome 90 students from many countries who aim to progress their learning through primary school, high school and Vocational Education and Training courses. We are excited to welcome them.

Please NOTE the following changes in dismissal times:

Friday 7th July

All students are dismissed from school at: 2.30pm.

Parents of Primary children, please pick up your children from level 4 at this time.

Parents and homestays of secondary school children, please expect the early dismissal time.

Next Term’s Primary School dismissal times are changing:


Monday 2.30pm

Tuesday 2.30pm

Wednesday 4.15pm

Thursday 4.15pm

Friday 4.15pm

Thankyou for a wonderful term’s work. It’s been rewarding to see how much the students have grown.

Ms. Phillips

Director of Teaching and Learning.

Crime Prevention and Safety

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AIS recently had the privilege of hosting a presentation by Ms Bridgette Barendregt, a renowned Crime Prevention Officer from the South Australia Police (SAPOL). The event took place on the 22nd of June, and its focus was to educate our international student community about safeguarding themselves in various scenarios.

With the increasing number of international students at AIS, we consider it crucial to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to stay safe during their time in Australia.

During the session, Ms Barendregt addressed a wide range of topics, including general safety guidelines, protecting personal belongings, staying safe while traveling, and strategies for handling emergency situations. She emphasized the importance of being aware of one's surroundings, trusting instincts, and making informed decisions to reduce vulnerability. Ms Barendregt's extensive experience and practical insights provided valuable guidance on identifying potential risks and taking proactive measures to prevent them.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Ms Barendregt for her invaluable contribution and commitment to the safety of our international student community.

At AIS, we remain committed to organizing more informative sessions and workshops that address the diverse needs of our student body. AIS will continue to collaborate with experts and community organizations to ensure our students have access to relevant resources and knowledge to thrive in their academic and personal journeys.

Sally Xu

The Adelaide International School 5 Pillars Infographic

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    The School places great emphasis on virtue ethics, this originates from classical Greece and the work of Plato and Aristotle. The idea is that through good habituation and virtue practice, young people can make wise decisions and wise choices, choices that benefit the self but importantly choices that help others. With practice an individual always makes the best choice for any given situation. Since being a global citizen lies at the heart of what we do at AIS, we want all of our students to master the five virtues (or inner strengths) of integrity, gratitude, aspiration, resilience and inclusion.

    The AIS infographic

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      The AIS infographic shows the five pillars (core virtues) in blue. These are the inner strengths that AIS nurtures in every student. Good virtue knowledge and good virtue practice equips our students with the ability to project the external skills of forming positive relationships, making ethical decisions and developing a learning culture. In this way each AIS student can flourish, and they have become the best version of themselves. They are true global citizens and fully embrace what that means.

      I would like to thank our staff for working on these infographics and also to our Student Representative Council who also provided feedback and comment.


      Best wishes


      List of our Staff




      Oakey, Shaun


      [email protected]

      Phillips, Zara

      Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator

      [email protected]

      Rosie, Broderick

      AISA Business Development Manager

      [email protected]

      Huang, Maliza

      EAP&EPET Teacher

      [email protected]

      Liu, Jing

      EAP&SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Nayagam, Sarah

      EAP Middle Years Teacher

      [email protected]

      Xu, Sally

      SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Lique, Irish

      Primary Teacher

      [email protected]

      Chan, Tom

      ICT Support (Intern)

      [email protected]

      Gao, Grace

      Education Support officer

      [email protected]

      Huang, Chris

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Karem, Sam

      ICT Developer & Analyst

      [email protected]

      Rhothjirathanin, Grin

      Digital Marketing & Communication

      [email protected]

      Sha, Lola

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Shao, Kitty

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily;
      first-aid officer;

      [email protected]

      Du, Meijia

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily

      [email protected]

      So, Catherine

      Student Support Officer-Level 5
      – admissions

      [email protected]

      Sun, Leo

      IT and Facility Manager-Level 5

      [email protected]

      Zhang, Jessica

      Student Recruitment Manager

      [email protected]

      Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact Shaun Oakey on [email protected] if you need our support.


      Yours sincerely

      Shaun Oakey, Principal AIS

      Adelaide International School
      Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
      Adelaide, South Australia, 5000


      Mail: P.O. Box 3332
      Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
      Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
      Email: [email protected]


      Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
      CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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