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Fortnightly Newsletter - 23rd June 2023

Volume 7, Issue 9

Dear parents, students, friends of Adelaide International School

Message From the Principal

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Dear Students, Parents, and Staff, 

A few weeks ago, I reported that our staff were working on the further defining of the School’s values. Particularly, we were designing an infographic to encapsulate our thinking and our educational philosophy. I am pleased to report that we have developed two infographics which I would like to share with you today.

The Adelaide International School 5 Pillars Infographic

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    The School places great emphasis on virtue ethics, this originates from classical Greece and the work of Plato and Aristotle. The idea is that through good habituation and virtue practice, young people can make wise decisions and wise choices, choices that benefit the self but importantly choices that help others. With practice an individual always makes the best choice for any given situation. Since being a global citizen lies at the heart of what we do at AIS, we want all of our students to master the five virtues (or inner strengths) of integrity, gratitude, aspiration, resilience and inclusion.

    The AIS infographic

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      The AIS infographic shows the five pillars (core virtues) in blue. These are the inner strengths that AIS nurtures in every student. Good virtue knowledge and good virtue practice equips our students with the ability to project the external skills of forming positive relationships, making ethical decisions and developing a learning culture. In this way each AIS student can flourish, and they have become the best version of themselves. They are true global citizens and fully embrace what that means.

      I would like to thank our staff for working on these infographics and also to our Student Representative Council who also provided feedback and comment.


      Best wishes


      Studying Measurement and Space

      This term in EAP Maths classes, students engaged in studying Measurement and Space. Students learnt the concepts of Perimeter, Area, Surface Area, Volume, Capacity and Mass. Students developed skills of solving problems involving spatial questions. Students explored ways of drawing a 3D object on a 2D paper including using oblique and isometric projection method. Here are some snapshots of students’ work.
      Jing Liu

      Giving a presentation

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      Oblique and isometric projection

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      Problem solving

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      English 2 SACE Connect & Headstart SACE

      In English 2, students analysed persuasive texts. Students learned about different techniques to persuade the audience including the use of style of language, body language and visual aids.

      The following are extracts from different students:


      LIU, Aisen

      This is a report that answering the topic question how do speakers persuade their audience? First, speech is very important because if someone have some idea and he want to many other people know. He needs to speak. He need speech to tell people what he wants and what he does not want. Here are two speeches. One is the Greta Thunberg’s How dare you and the other one is Autumn Peltier’s Water speech. The purpose of Greta Thunberg’s How dare you is Greta want not only leaders but also everyone to focus on the air pollution problem. The purpose of Autumn Peltier’s Water speech is Autumn want to ask someone for help the kids who is Dehydrated Aboriginal children in Ontario, Canada because they don’t have enough water to drink and wash. They both spoke at the United Nations.

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      Autumn Peltier

      TRAN, Jane

      Besides style of language, body language was also used in their speeches. Primarily, Greta used hand movements, eye contact and facial expressions. Facial expressions are what the audience can see clearly in her speech. The purpose of facial expressions is to express feeling of speaker and engage the audiences in their message. At the beginning, Greta expressed her anger to the world’s leaders by her eyes and her eyebrows. It’s because the actions of the world leaders are unacceptable. The audiences can see that she was sad and angry. Also, she wants everyone to know that people should help solve the problem and not wait for the world leaders. Secondarily, Autumn used posture and body positioning in her speech. The purpose of this body language is to show the confidence of the speaker, using voice to convey the purpose to the audience. While watching Autumn’s speech, we can see she had a good posture. She stands tall, with shoulders back, eye contact can be used sometimes. The audiences can see her confidence when she talked about water’s problem and the importance of water. Therefore, it shows Autumn cares about her place as well as the Earth.

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      Greta Thunberg

      ZAFRA, Sean

      Use of Visual aids
      Apart from their style of language and use of body language, Greta and Autumn should incorporate visual aids into their speeches. For example, Greta can include images of environmental devastation or the effects of climate change, while Autumn may display pictures depicting the conditions in Indigenous communities without clean drinking water to provide evidence of the issues they address. Additionally, Greta could use a prop symbolizing the earth's protection, and Autumn might display a container of dirty water to further emphasize the urgency of her issue. These techniques deepen the audience's understanding and awareness of the issues at hand.

      Kind Regards,

      Miss Maliza Huang – EAP & SACE Teacher

      Fundraising Donuts – Vili’s Fundraiser for NAIDOC Week

      During National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week, Vili’s Family Bakery will be producing
      Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Flag Donuts for $2.50 each with 50c of each sale going directly to the Tjindu Foundation.


      In 2022 they were able to donate $30,000 thanks to everyone who purchased a donut!

      If you would like to order a Torres Strait Islander and/or an Aboriginal Flag Donut, bring cash and order through your Well-being teacher during Well-being lesson from today by Tuesday June 27 - Week 9.

      You can order as many as you want for your homestay family, your family and your friends.

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      Australian Art Museum Visit

      On the 2nd of June the Middle Years and SACE Connect students went on an Excursion to the Australian Art Museum. This trip allowed students to surround themselves with relics and artifacts of the Aboriginal art forms that have been procured and presented elaborately. Students had an opportunity to go through a set of worksheets provided by the museum to help them understand better, the features of Aboriginal Art. The highlight had to be the special speaker Don Christerpherson from the Northern Territory who presented am extensive collection of art from the indigenous people of Australia and their depiction of the first settlers which were captivating. All in all, the students and staff came away with a greater appreciation of Aboriginial art and a sense of respect amidst diversity. To know their journey and how to be a part of it is a question we can all ask ourselves.

      Kind Regards,

      Ms. Sarah Nayagam,

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      Between 1890 and 1904, people living on Mount MacDonald in Australia used to make spears and other tools within the tribe. They would hunt with their own spears, which varied from tribe to tribe. We learned that they made spears or toys for the children to play with in the camp. When their religious beliefs were different, so were the designs on the spears.
      Yuqi Liu (Yuki) Year 8 and Jiabao Xie (Allen) Year 7

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      Phuc Thinh Nguyen (Tom)- Year 8

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      Yiru Wang (Gia)- Year 9

      Teaching and Learning


      Welcome to Weeks 8 and 9

      Over the past 2 weeks our students have been completing a variety of summative assessment items. The assessment of the learning has informed us about the level to which language has progressed and how well students know their subject content, concepts and can engage critically. The SACE Year 11 cohort has completed their examinations and the English for Academic Purpose course students, their writing samples.


      English for Academic Purpose Graduation Ceremony

      Many EAP students are moving to their mainstream schools beginning in Term 3. Please join us online or on site if you can for the EAP Graduation Ceremony on Friday 7 July at 11.15am and afterwards for a shared lunch.

      LAST DAY OF TERM DISMISSAL TIME – 2pm 7 July 2023

      On Friday the 7th of July all students will be dismissed early from school - 2pm. Primary Students will need to be collected by 2pm.


      Transition to mainstream schools for students in the English for Academic Purpose Courses

      Some EAP students are not progressing to their mainstream schools yet. Others are moving earlier than expected. Please understand that language and learning does not always occur in ways or at rates that are linear or expected. We move students to mainstream schools in consultation with the schools and in line with their requirements. We recommend students to leave the intensive English environment when we are confident they can pass the year level they are entering. Please feel welcome to discuss your child’s transition with us if you have any concerns.


      Formal Academic Reports

      Please expect to see your child’s formal term 2 academic report by Thursday of week 10 or 6 July. You are welcome to speak to us at any time about progress and achievement.

      Please note the following about South Australian reporting:

      • Year 12 – Term 2 reports are progress reports only. At this time of year, the 12’s have usually completed over half of the course work in each subject. Final results are communicated in December by the SACE Board. The grades range from A+ to E-.
      • Year 11 – Term 2 reports are the End-of-Semester reports. The final grades for each subject are reported and resulted in schools online at the SACE Board. The grades range from A to E.
      • English for Academic Purpose reports are for 10 weeks of learning – this is known as one reporting period for both academic and visa purposes. The grades in SACE Connect and Headstart SACE are A to E.
      • All students will receive their Language and Literacy Level in this report.


      All students have access to Writer’s Toolbox. Please encourage students to engage in their learning journey in this program. It is demonstrated that this tool does improve writing.

      I hope to see you at the EAP graduation.

      Kind regards,


      Ms. Zara Phillips

      (Director of Teaching and Learning)

      List of our Staff




      Oakey, Shaun


      [email protected]

      Phillips, Zara

      Director of T&L & SACE Coordinator

      [email protected]

      Rosie, Broderick

      AISA Business Development Manager

      [email protected]

      Huang, Maliza

      EAP&EPET Teacher

      [email protected]

      Liu, Jing

      EAP&SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Nayagam, Sarah

      EAP Middle Years Teacher

      [email protected]

      Xu, Sally

      SACE Teacher

      [email protected]

      Lique, Irish

      Primary Teacher

      [email protected]

      Chan, Tom

      ICT Support (Intern)

      [email protected]

      Gao, Grace

      Education Support officer

      [email protected]

      Huang, Chris

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Karem, Sam

      ICT Developer & Analyst

      [email protected]

      Rhothjirathanin, Grin

      Digital Marketing & Communication

      [email protected]

      Sha, Lola

      ICT Support

      [email protected]

      Shao, Kitty

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily;
      first-aid officer;

      [email protected]

      Du, Meijia

      Student Support Officer-Level 4 –
      reception; absentees daily

      [email protected]

      So, Catherine

      Student Support Officer-Level 5
      – admissions

      [email protected]

      Sun, Leo

      IT and Facility Manager-Level 5

      [email protected]

      Zhang, Jessica

      Student Recruitment Manager

      [email protected]

      Have the best weekend. Do reach out and contact Shaun Oakey on [email protected] if you need our support.


      Yours sincerely

      Shaun Oakey, Principal AIS


      Adelaide International School
      Level 4, 127 Rundle Mall
      Adelaide, South Australia, 5000


      Mail: P.O. Box 3332
      Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
      Phone: +61 8 8123 1786
      Email: [email protected]


      Visit us on the web at www.ais.edu.au
      CRICOS Provider Number: 03133G | School Number: 398

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