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In the PressKasukuwere Joins Presidential RaceZEC, media commission set up committee to monitor election coverage.

Anger Grows Over Patriotic Bill

The controversial Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill, also known as the Patriotc bill which makes it a criminal offense to meet with foreign officials suspected of discussing sanctions, has raised concerns over its constitutionality.

The National Prosecuting Authority would have the power to initiate proceedings against those undermining the country or providing  information to foreign governments. Legislators and legal experts have criticised the Bill, with some urging a challenge in the Constitutional Court.

Source: Newsday

Kasukuwere Joins Presidential Race

Saviour Kasukuwere, a former Zanu PF political commissar and Cabinet minister who is currently in self-imposed exile in South Africa, has announced his candidacy for the upcoming presidential race in Zimbabwe's harmonised elections on August 23.

Many observers believe that Kasukuwere's candidacy could divide and weaken President Mnangagwa's Zanu PF party. However, Zanu PF information director Tafadzwa Mugwadi has dismissed Kasukuwere's candidacy, stating that the ruling party is focused on winning the election for development and that President Mnangagwa is an indomitable presidential candidate.

“Zanu PF does not lose sleep over nothing. There is no Zimbabwean constituency across the Limpopo to the extent that you are aware" said Mugwadi

Source: Newsday 

Zanu-PF Grooming the Young in Leadership Positions

ZANU PF said it has the plan to ensure the party's continuity by including young and new members in the party structures as older members pass on the baton. Mike Bimha, the party's national political commissar, announced this at a press conference in Gweru after President Mnangagwa opened a five-day orientation and induction workshop for Zanu PF aspiring candidates.

Cde Bimha highlighted that the party has accepted new members and also retained cadres as it embraces everyone for the sole purpose of consolidating its power for the socio-economic development of the country.

“While we encourage others to join us, they will join us on our terms, and we are clear as to where we want to go. But more important is the fact that we have opened up as a party to say, look, anyone who is interested can join us as a candidate, we said, please come and join,” he said.

Source: Herald

2023 elections deeply rooted in liberation struggle president

HARMONISED elections that will be held on August 23 are a product of the liberation struggle that secured the country’s independence from British colonial rule and are an important part of consolidating the nation’s sovereignty, President Mnangagwa has said.

The President said this in his weekly column published in the Sunday Mail, adding that the country has religiously held elections when they are due and called on Zimbabweans to maintain that proud record.

President Mnangagwa last week gazetted August 23 as the day the country will go to the polls and also set out timelines for various electoral processes.

He added that anything that prevents people from enjoying their right to vote would be a negation of the core political goal of the liberation struggle to guarantee the right to one person, one vote.

The President said at an appropriate time, Government will invite international observers to the elections, which will be run transparently in terms of the country’s laws, and in fulfilment of guidelines set out by SADC.

Source: Herald 

ZEC, media commission set up committee to monitor election coverage

A committee has been established by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to monitor media organizations during the upcoming general elections in August. The aim is to ensure that the media provides citizens with accurate and impartial information to help them make informed decisions. 

The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) chairman, Professor Ruby Magosvongwe, announced that the committee will be chaired by ZEC and will include ZMC and the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ). The ZMC will also provide training for 1,000 journalists to promote peace and conflict-sensitive journalism, and will work to enhance the security of journalists during the elections. 

The ZMC emphasized the importance of professional conduct and urged media players to avoid poor journalism, hate speech, fake news, misinformation, and disinformation.

Source: Kukurigo

CCC Big Wings fall in Bulawayo
Several members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leadership who were hoping to run for the party in the upcoming August 23 elections were disqualified during the verification process that took place in Bulawayo from Friday to Saturday. Reports indicate that many current councilors and some lawmakers were removed as the opposition party attempted to eliminate any potential undercover agents within its ranks.

CCC deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba, confirmed that several party heavyweights had fallen by the wayside.
“I have just received a report from our security department that some of my good friends have been vetted out because you know this struggle has taken too long, so we are dealing with sell-outs and nincompoops in our midst,” he said.

Source: Newsday 


📷 WLSA Zimbabwe

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WLSA conducts action research in the seven countries of Southern Africa namely Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. The essence of action research is that we inform, advise and take action during the research.  In essence, we educate women about their legal rights, providing legal advice, questioning and challenging the law.

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