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The latest news & updates from Revill's Boxing Gym

June 2023

In this issue








We are very privileged to have our gym located at The Depot. Lately, there have been a few complaints concerning speed in the carpark and the condition of the facilities.

Car speed in depot carpark

There has been a noticed increase of cars travelling too fast in the Depot carpark, this has been raised by other users of the depot. When entering the carpark please reduce your speed to 5kph. There are parents picking up and dropping off children from life kids as well as other users of the depot. The risk of injury or an accident increases with the darker hours and the increased volume of people using the carpark. The depot committee asks that the speed is reduced and that all users be mindful when entering or leaving the carpark, remember there are kids about!

Respect the gym and facilities

The depot facilities are for all to use, but there have been repeated cases of the toilet areas (male & female) being left in a mess, paper towels left on the floor, water splashed or spilled on the floor and leaving a mess in the toilets. If you are a parent with young children at the gym, children are required to be supervised when using the toilets by their parents.

This also applies to the gym. Children that aren't training must be supervised and not left alone or to run around the gym while members are training. 

Some members are leaving wet shirts on the ground, wraps, water bottles left laying about, skipping ropes and gloves not put away. The coaches are not here to clean up after you. so if you don't want your gear thrown away or to carry out burpees (minimum of 50) make sure you clean up after yourself and treat our gym and The Depot with respect.


Due to the large number of trainers, we may have to start to prioritize competing and paying memberships. Please make sure your membership fees are up to date so you don't miss out on training!


Membership fees and Sign in

We are seeing good numbers signing up and registering on our site, if you need to do so make sure that you get registered using our website. You have been introduced to signing in, please continue to do so, this is to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep members safe, all details for registering, paying fees are on our website: www.revills.co.nz

Gym Shop

The gym shop is up and running, the aim is to make it easy for you to get the correct gear you need for the session; gloves, wraps, boots, headgear and body protectors are available for ordering through our website and orders go directly through NZ Boxer for purchase and delivery. We also have supporters' merch available like the latest Wendell Stanley t's

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Oceania Champs

Back in March & April there was plenty going on with the NZ youth development team. Revills assistant coach Jono was selected as part of a coaching team and Ian Tauaika was selected as the 75kg youth boxer. Ian has been busy this year with 3 wins in high-quality bouts all against current NZ champions. 

In late April Ian was selected as part of a strong NZ boxing team to compete in Samoa at the junior and Youth Oceania Champs. This was a three day tournament including countries Australia, Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti and Fiji. 

Ian had 2 bouts, drawing the very tall Tahitian in the semi-final. Ian targeted the body early in the rounds to put 2x eight counts on his opponent and finally stopped him in the 3rd. No rest for Ian fighting the next day against the Samona champ in a hard final in which Ian outboxed his opponent to get the gold. 

NZ finished on top of the medal table with 13 golds, 10Silvers and 1x Bronze. This a fantastic achievement and proof that the development camps are working well.

Boxers in Action

There has been plenty of action so far this year with a total of 12 bouts with 10 wins and 2 learnings. Wendell having 3 bouts this year with his last one being an international in Tahiti. This was a special event hosted by the promoter in memory of his son who passed away in an accident. Wendell was part of a team from Art of Boxing who headed over to compete and got eh W by way of points after a strong and dominant performance.

One of our young juniors was back in action as well at the ABA and was in a very hard bout against a strong opponent, although he didn't get the win this time, Ridhwan is improving each and every time and is one to watch.

The comeback we were all waiting for happened in early May with Kheva returning to the ring after a break and boxing at a new weight of 67kg. This was a great bout and a back-and-forth affair with Kheva landing heavy body shots to get the W on points in what many said was the fight of the night.

As mentioned, Ian has been busy with a total of 5 bouts so far this year and 5 wins. This takes Ian to 21 wins in a row a current gym record. 

Josh Ealam has also returned to the ring in another tough match, which ended up being a close contest, Josh also shows big improvement and will be back in action in June at the Auckland Champs.

There are 8 boxers from Revills fighting this Saturday at the ABA for the Auckland Champs, come along and support them!

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New Boxers Coming Through

There have been quite a few new boxers joining the team. It's always exciting seeing young talent coming through and taking the step to compete in the ring. 

The new boxers coming through and will be stepping through the ropes in the coming months shows the hard work that they and the coaches are putting in. 

Remember coaches always look for the next Revills boxer, the one who is 1st in and last out, the one who listens, follows instructions, does the hard work, and shows respect. If you are keen to join the next batch of champions speak to one of the coaches, show you are committed and together we can reach the big goal of your first bout. 

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Thanks to our Sponsors

Without sponsors it would be hard to keep the gym running. If you can jump onto their Google pages and leave them a 5-star review!

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