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Colorful illustration of two people next to the moon, overlaid with the words “Design Changes the Designer," and "Spring 2023."

Dear reader,

One of the truths about our work at Greater Good Studio is that while we seek to make positive change outside ourselves—with our clients, their communities, and the world around us—we are also changed by everything we do.

This truth was very apparent in our recent collaboration with Melanie Goodchild, an Anishinaabe scholar of systems change. We held space with Melanie as she reflected on her own wisdom, offered structures for gathering feedback with elders and peers, and worked alongside Ocean Kiana, a Nishinaabe artist and illustrator, to explore ideas for imagery and visual design. Along the way, we found ourselves with more spaciousness, greater trust in process, and a heightened appreciation for the indigenous teaching of non-interference.

We hope you enjoy learning about niigani miinigowiziiwin ("we give these gifts to the future") as much as we enjoyed working on it. And look for a new section, "Team and Studio Impact," on all our case studies going forward.

Headshot of a smiling woman wearing glasses

Sara Cantor,
Executive Director Greater Good Studio

 © Greater Good Studio 2023. All rights reserved.

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