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Saint Joseph Church

June 4th eBulletin

Visit our Website

Saturday, June 3rd

9:00am - Daily Mass in the Church

4:30pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the people

Sunday, June 4th

9:00am - in the church and online

for the souls of Alvaro & Maria Jeronimo

10:30am Rosary in the church

11:00am - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Paul Ahlonsou & all the souls in purgatory

7:00pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the special intentions of Mike & Melissa Holy

Celebrate Sunday with your children

Monday, June 5th to Friday, June 9th

Our priests are away on retreat. Weekday Masses will not be celebrated at

St. Joseph Church. Daily Mass is available at St.Therese Parish in Courtice

See the schedule

Apologies for Mass intentions scheduled for this week,

please contact the parish office by email to reschedule your Mass. 

Email: Parish Office

Saturday, June 10th

9:00am - Daily Mass in the Church

for the soul of Roy Sheppard

4:30pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the deceased members of the knights of Columbus

Sunday, June 11th

9:00am - in the church and online

for the souls of Alvaro & Maria Jeronimo

10:30am Rosary in the church

11:00am - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the soul of Paul Ahlonsou & all the souls in purgatory

7:00pm - Sunday Mass in the church and online

for the special intentions of Mike & Melissa Holy

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Please keep in your thoughts and prayers...

Those who have died, especially...
June Luna, Pat Prout and Peter Helm

and those who are sick and those who love and minister to them especially...

Agnes Young, Andrea Chinappan, Annie Maas, Francesco Petronio Jr.,
Jason Lanteigne, Jennifer Claus, Kelly and Ryan Smegielski,
Lynn Van Acker, Lynn Wainman, Marie-Thérèse Nicolas,
Mary Ellen Blackmore, Mary Hofbauer, Michael Feeley,
Pauline Schumacher, Peter Loughlin, Sam Cadamuro,
Stu Downs and Vaughan Tuck

Jesus, Our Lord, we ask you to have mercy on all who are sick.

Give them your strength and love and help them carry this cross with faith.

May their sufferings be one with yours, overcome the power of evil and lead others to our Father in Heaven. 

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer, for you are Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Request prayers
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You're Invited!

Parish Art Show

Come out and show your support to Benny's Art Students

Sunday June 4th

after the 9:00am and the 11:00am Mass

Art will be available for purchase

Part-Time Job Opening: Lay Pastoral Assistant

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To build up our capacity to serve, St. Joseph Church in Bowmanville, Ontario is looking to hire a part-time Lay Pastoral Assistant to enrich our welcome, care for volunteers and guide communication efforts.

The ideal candidate will be expected to:

  • work with the various groups and ministries that serve in our church community,
  • creatively add to the various ways we strive to welcome newcomers,
  • develop and implement strategies that encourage service,
  • build up a culture that appreciates and honours generosity,
  • use various methods, print and electronic, to communicate the mission of the parish,
  • be present at parish events,
  • accept other duties as assigned.

The ideal candidate should be:

  • able to use different electronic and print communication tools, including social media,
  • able to work independently and as part of a team,
  • creative in communicating the mission of our parish,
  • able to help others discover and live out a desire to serve,
  • familiar with the Catholic Faith,
  • able to lead endeavours that welcome and appreciate those who serve here and those new to our church community.

Candidates should send a resume to Fr. Craig Cruikshank at [email protected] by June 16th, 2023. Those selected for an interview will be contacted.

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Each year the Knights of Columbus give thousands of dollars away to different charities and special needs.Much of what is given comes from ongoing bottle collection program that everyone is welcome to participate in.


Employment opportunity with the PVNCCDSB

Chaplaincy Team Lead

at Holy Trinity Secondary School, Courtice

See details
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Diocesan Pastoral Plan: A Message from our Bishop

After a lenthy period of prayer, discussion and reflection, our bishop is ready to release a Pastoral Plan for the parishes of our Diocese. This plan will help guide the direction of St. Jospeh Church over the next few years.

"I am pleased that on this feast of Pentecost 2023, we are inaugurating our Diocesan Pastoral Plan which charts a course for our activity and ministry in the next five years. Titled “Transforming our Lives; Building our Church,” it is the fruit of prayerful discussion and discernment over the past two years, in parish, regional and diocesan meetings. In our listening to the Holy Spirit through those discussions with each other, we have identified six pastoral goals and specific strategies to help achieve them at the diocesan and parish levels."

                         - Bishop Miehm

Please Support our 

Bulletin Advertisers

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Parish Office Hours:

Tuesday 1:00-7:00pm & Thursday 8:30am-2:30pm

Contact: 905-623-3233 or [email protected]

See more ways to support our parish at give.stjoeschurch.ca!

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