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MANIFEST Artistic Journey:  

first stop -  Budapest/Zsennye 🇭🇺

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Exploring the Past, Creating for the Future: the first part of the MANIFEST Artistic Residency is about to start. 

From June 4 to 13, our 22 talented artists representing the 12 selected projects will embark on a journey of artistic discovery, reimagining the history of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people from a fresh perspective to create thought-provoking art that challenges our collective memory. 

➡️ Stay tuned on MANIFEST social media to get the glimpses of this process, see artists insights and see the art projects being born. 


MANIFEST Artists in residency: their artworks, influences and influences


What role does art play in the way we as a society think about our common history? Can artists change that? How do we even approach such complex matters as the transatlantic trade of enslaved people? We asked our artists in residency a bunch of  questions about themselves and their mission - and received lots of inspiration and excitement to see their work in action. 

Today, we would like to share it with you - check MANIFEST Instagram page to meet them and follow us on this journey of creation! 

Meet the Artists in residency

New articles of the MANIFEST Resource Centre are out

MANIFEST invites you to have a look at the new materials added to our Resource Centre about the transatlantic trade of enslaved people.

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Small shells, often called bujis or bouges in French archives (a deformation of the original Portuguese) and “whitish milk in colour [and] the size of an olive” (Prévost, 1748), were imported from the Maldives to the Gulf of Guinea via Europe within the framework of the transatlantic trade of enslaved African peoples. They were adopted as a form of currency as each one was identical in size and rot-proof. Therefore, it was possible to accumulate and transport them. Moreover, their rarity in West Africa made them precious objects.

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The Westindische Compagnie (WIC) held the monopoly on trade and warfare in the Atlantic region between 1624 and 1674 and again between 1674 and 1738, while subsisting as a legal entity until 1791. Its main activity became the trade of enslaved people as the company accounted for a quarter of the total Dutch slave trade.

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It was not until the end of the 18th century that the first abolitionist societies were established in Europe, whose members, intellectuals of the Enlightenment or evangelical Christians, aimed at putting an end to the slave trade. They sought to change the law, by organizing petition campaigns. In a second phase, new abolitionist societies, in the years 1820-1830, tackled the problem of slavery. Their members were shocked by the daily violence suffered by men, women and children on the cotton plantations.

MANIFEST found new friends! 

We are pleased to announce that Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’Esclavage and Euradio have joined the Friends of MANIFEST network! 🎉

La Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’Esclavage, founded in 2019, is a French institution whose vocation is to support projects relating to history and research on the trade of enslaved people, slavery and its abolition, education, remembrance and its transmission, the fight against racism and intercultural dialogue. As the successor to the National Committee for the Memory and History of Slavery, it provides permanent support to the ACTe Memorial in Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe).

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Euradio is an independent radio station founded in Nantes in 2007 to bring Europe closer to its citizens, based on what brings them together: their daily lives, in the heart of our cities and regions, their concerns - be they ecological, social or political - and their passion for curious, independent music.

Friends of MANIFEST is a selected group of organisations and institutions sharing our mission and values. The Consortium has envisaged the creation this network with the intention to better structure our interaction with those who can and are willing to provide an effective contribution in any way, adding to the project’s processes and facilitating its largest dissemination and the greater impact for the potential artists and audiences.

Interested in joining the network and collaborating with us? Don’t hesitate to contact out team at [email protected]

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