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Collect & Win - Bonus Challenges!

Our newest update has been added to the site, do bonus earning challenges and collect PFT (Pirate Funding Tokens) to win over 300,000 bonus Gold Coins in our Pirate Collectible Race!

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Here are some of the features in the update:

1. More bonus challenges means more earning for you! We have doubled the amount of challenges on the site.

2. Each earning challenge allows you to collect at least one PFT, these can be collected for Gold Coin prizes! The grand prize awarded to the first to collect all 125 PFTs is 200,000 Gold Coins! Smaller prizes are awarded to the first to collect each level. 

3. Each PFT that you collect will count towards Bonus Naval Power in our Crypto Pirates passive earning game! These quickly will help separate the true Crypto Pirates from the landlubbers. 

The collectible race has just begun! The sooner you start collecting the better. Collect all 125 PFTs by January 1 to win guaranteed Gold Coin Prizes! Round 2 of the game begins January 1! Happy collecting. 

Checkout the Update Here!

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