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Don’t Miss Out on the Free Online Class of “Continuous Learning with Bioguard”

Bioguard is glad to invite you to the “Continuous Learning with Bioguard” on February 23rd hosted by Dr. Yung-Tsun Lo, DVM, Ph.D. and a veterinary expert at Bioguard Corporation.

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In this lecture, you will learn all about cause, symptoms, treatment and most of all diagnosis of parvovirus in dogs and cats. Early detection and prompt treatment are critical on the approach in dealing with parvovirus infection. So we welcome you to join and participate in this wonderful free class.

Register For the Free Class

Date: Feb 23rd, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (GMT+7)

Presenters: Dr. Yung-Tsun Lo

Cost: FREE

Bioguard is looking forward to seeing you at this event. Happy Learning!

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Canine Parvovirus

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Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious viral disease of dogs that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in puppies. The disease most often strikes in pups between six and 20 weeks old, but older animals are sometimes also affected.

The Bioguard CPV Ag Test is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay, developed by Bioguard Corporation for enabling the simplicity of rapidly testing or detecting the canine parvovirus Ag in the feces of infected dogs.

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AVMA Is Urged To Address Veterinarian Shortage

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The profession is in dire need of more practitioners, a group letter states

Twenty-four industry leaders have called on the American Veterinary Medical Association to support an increase in veterinary college class sizes and back other initiatives to alleviate that they called an “acute and growing” workforce crisis.

In a letter sent to the AVMA board of directors, the group members volunteered their services “in support of training additional future veterinarians.”

In response, AVMA President Jose Arce, DVM, and CEO Janet Donlin, DVM, said they appreciated “the thoughtful perspectives [of] our veterinary colleagues about working together to resolve our profession’s workforce challenges.”

“The ongoing COVID pandemic has presented historic challenges to society and to our profession,” Drs. Arce and Donlin said.

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Annual Testing of Heartworm Infection is Important for All Dogs over 7 Months of Age

Heartworm infection in dogs has been diagnosed around the globe. It is caused by a blood-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis. The parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes, which carry the heartworm larvae (called microfilariae) from an infected animal host to a new animal host. The dog is the definitive host and the mosquito is the intermediate host,

Adult heartworms are found in the heart, pulmonary artery, and adjacent large blood vessels of infected dogs. The adult heartworms mate and the females release their offspring, called microfilariae, into the dog’s bloodstream. This disease is a serious and potentially fatal. However, it is a preventable disease with annual screening and preventive medicine. American Heartworm Society recommends annual antigen andmicrofilaria testing for all dogs over 7 months old. Annual testing is an integral part of ensuring that prophylaxis is achieved and maintained.

In addition to single test, Bioguard also offers heartworm antigen test in three products of 4-in-1 rapid test to meet the need of veterinarians at different regions. These three 4-in-1 rapid tests have been validated extensively for detection of antibodies to Leishmania infantum, Babesia gibosoni, Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, A. platys, Ehrlichia canis, and antigen of Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm). The specific diseases detected by Bioguard’s three different 4 in 1 kits are listed in the table below.

Canine vector-borne diseases detected by Bioguard’s VLabs 4LX, 4BX, 4X, and Others

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To know more about Bioguard products, please click here

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About Bioguard Corporation

The Bioguard is a company focusing on animal

disease diagnostic services and products.
Our animal health diagnostic center is

the first and only ISO/ IEC 17025 accredited animal disease testing laboratory

in Taiwan and China.

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