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Victoria Cruises brings you the worlds`s first affortable residental ship.

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Welcome to the Victoria Cruises online journal. For your convenience, we will be notify you byemail as new journal entries are posted. We hope you enjoy the journey.

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Following the end of the COVID epidemic, the global economy is facing a severe labour shortage. The shipping industry is also feeling the effects. Many cruise companies are constantly looking for workers. Victoria Cruises also has its own recruitment agency, but we are in the fortunate position of being able to offer our colleagues a long-term contract to ensure a steady and skilled workforce. We have been able to conclude an agreement with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and they can provide us with qualified seafarers for the coming years. There is a high level of maritime training in Nigeria, everyone speaks English so there are certainly no communication problems. There is also a perceived shortage of maritime officers in the industry. In Victoria Cruises, the seagoing officers are mainly from Europe (Greece, Italy, Germany, Norway) In Europe, there is a high level of seagoing officer training and fortunately the age of the training ships is generally young, so the future seagoing officers will be exposed to the latest technologies and will be able to use them on modern cruise ships.

Our company is committed to introducing the latest technologies. Our primary goal is to reduce fuel consumption and thus minimise environmental pollution. We are currently conducting trials on nuclear propulsion for passenger ships. We think this is a very good plan, because such a ship can run for 50 years on a single tank of fuel, and the environmental impact is 0%.

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Of course, the use of nuclear energy also requires the right people. In Hungary, the maritime school will start training marine nuclear energy engineers from 2023, and this training will train engineers for commercial shipping, who will be in charge of the ships of the future. This is a great potential, and we are confident that in 10 years' time commercial shipping will also move in this direction and nuclear energy will not only be used in military shipping.

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Our clothing catalogue price list is ready. We provide all our passengers with two T-shirts, a jacket, a hat and a backpack for FREE. Additional products can be purchased on board or ordered by email at discounted prices.

Check out our catalogue.

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Catalogue price list

Our new flipbook brochure is ready. To protect our environment, you can only view it online. We are also contributing to a more sustainable world by reducing paper use.

Flipbook brochure
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Best Regards,
Victoria Cruises Line

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The Residential Ship


Victoria Cruises Line Ltd.
Efesou 9, Paralimni, 5280, Cyprus

Phone & Whatsapp: +357 97 675 719
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