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Summer Solstice Newsletter

       Happy Solstice to you all! We hope that you are feeling nourished and connected with your deepest Self. We have been hard at work, within and without, and send you infinite blessings as you journey through your life path. We are releasing new offerings, ways to connect with us, and another opportunity to support New Earth Ascending's mission with our Summer Solstice Fundraiser. Check out our new courses and new offerings below.

As many of you know, the vision of NEA, as the collective dream of many of you, is to establish sustainable and healing communities and bring forward the New Earth paradigm into our daily existence. 

     During this Spring we have learned greatly from the sovereignty movement about all the ways to protect the freedom and the rights of our members. We have learned more about PMAs (Private Membership Associations) and how to use the religious freedom rights and separations that the USA, and other countries, are permitting under the law. We are excited to share more information soon. We are currently setting up the foundations for communities and schools that would not be controlled by the inhumane mandates of the state or the country and would be safe zones for many to thrive in.

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Summer Fundraiser - Because it takes a village to build a village 🤝
Check out the perks and special offers. Each quarter we invite our allies, friends, and loved ones to make tax-deductible contributions to our non-profit faith-based organization. The donations help us in many ways so that we can focus on creating all the projects we are envisioning to support personal and planetary ascension. To learn more and support our initiatives, follow this link: https://donorbox.org/summer-fu...

Six New Courses On Source⦿Energy! 🤯 
We are launching 6 new courses to support your awakening process including:

- Embodied Light Reiki 1 (6 hours)

- Embodied Light Reiki 2 (5 hours)

- The Superconscious Meditation course(5 hours)

- The Pranayama Breathwork course(3 hours)

- Lightbody Activation Course: Chakras & Beyond (5 hours)

- The Illumination Course (11+ hours)

These courses have a wealth of information, guidance, and practices to assist your awakening and ascension processes. Be sure to also check out the Quantum Launchpad course and the Illuminated Quantum Healing Online Practitioners Training. These courses are all hosted on our private social media network Source⦿Energy. Join today for free or for a small monthly donation.

    New Courses Here

    Coming Up! - IQH Semi Live Practitioner Training

    Each season we offer a Semi Live IQH practitioner training. Students study the pre-recorded material and meetup with Michael and Ron three times for live training. Acceptance into IQH, whether doing a Semi-Live or studying on your own, is by application only. To learn more about IQH Semi-Live or to apply to be a practitioner visit here: Apply Here

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    Sadhanas: New Moon and Full Moon Meditation Meetings 🧘

    Each New Moon and Full Moon Michael and Ron go live on Youtube and Facebook to share updates regarding ascension and the ministry of New Earth Ascending. This is followed by guided spiritual practices and meditation. The dates are listed in our events sections of Source⦿Energy and Facebook. If you are using Source⦿Energy, there is an option to automatically add these meetings to your personal calendar for reminders. 

    The upcoming meetings are:

    Tuesday, June 28th @ 8PM EST

    Wednesday, July 13th @ 2 PM
    Thursday, July 28th @ 1 PM

    Thursday, August 11th @ 8 pm
    Friday, August 26th @ 8 PM

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